
「account」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(241ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索










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They claim that (1) it is difficult to reduce money supply volume to an appropriate level in a short time span, for international excessive liquidity is at an extremely high level because of easy-money policies which had been maintained for many years (Figure 1.1.15), (2)funds generated by significant current account surpluses in East Asian countries and regions such as China, as well as new oil money created by crude oil prices which have soared and remained at a high level, will flow back into the US further because of the raising of interest rates in the US, and (3) it is difficult for different countries to introduce uniform tight policies because of differences in economic cycles, although for tightening the money market, it is effective for fund suppliers of respective nations to carry out tight policies in harmonization.例文帳に追加

その理由としては、①これまでの長年にわたる金融緩和政策で国際的な過剰流動性が極めて高い水準にあることから短期的には資金供給量が適正水準まで低下することは難しいこと(第1-1-15図)、②中国等の東アジア諸国・地域の大幅な経常収支黒字による資金や、原油価格の高騰・高止まりにより生じた新たなオイルマネーが米国金利引上げにより更に米国へ還流すること、③金融引締めを行うためには世界の資金供給源が協調して金融引締めを行うことが有効だが、景気サイクルの違う各国が協調して均一的な引締めを行うことは難しい、ということが指摘されている。 - 経済産業省

(1) When a Member, etc. (limited to a Member, etc. who is a Clearing Participant in the case of completing settlement by the method set forth in Article 105, item 2 or 3; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) has caused damage to another Member, etc. or a Commodity Clearing Organization as a result of default of liabilities arising from Transactions on a Commodity Market, the damaged Member, etc. or Commodity Clearing Organization shall, with regard to the guarantee funds for the Commodity Market pertaining to said transactions and the clearing margin for said transactions (limited to that for transactions based on the Member, etc.'s own account) of the Member, etc. who has caused the damage, have the right to receive payment in preference over other creditors. 例文帳に追加

1 会員等(第百五条第二号又は第三号に掲げる方法による決済を行う場合にあつては、清算参加者である会員等に限る。以下この条において同じ。)が商品市場における取引に基づく債務の不履行により他の会員等又は商品取引清算機関に損害を与えたときは、その損害を受けた会員等又は商品取引清算機関は、その損害を与えた会員等の当該取引に係る商品市場についての信認金及び当該取引についての取引証拠金(自己の計算による取引についてのものに限る。)について、他の債権者に先立つて弁済を受ける権利を有する。 - 経済産業省

With regard to any property equivalent to the value of any money, Securities or other articles which have been deposited by a customer in association with Transactions on a Commodity Market for securing payment of liabilities arising from a Business of Accepting Consignment of Commodity Transactions and any money, Securities or other articles in a customer's account (excluding those specified by an ordinance of the competent ministry; such money, Securities or other articles shall be referred to as "Customer Assets" in Article 304, Article 306, paragraph 1 and Article 311, paragraph 1) (such property shall be referred to as "Property Subject to Preservation" in Article 269, paragraph 3, item 3 and Article 309), a Futures Commission Merchant shall deposit such property with a Trust Company, etc. or deposit such property with a Consignor Protection Fund (which means a Consignor Protection Fund prescribed in Article 296) separately from the other property of the Futures Commission Merchant or take any other measures specified by an ordinance of the competent ministry, in order to preserve such property. 例文帳に追加

商品取引員は、商品取引受託業務により生じた債務の弁済を確保するため、商品市場における取引につき、委託者から預託を受けた金銭、有価証券その他の物及び委託者の計算に属する金銭、有価証券その他の物(主務省令で定めるものを除く。第三百四条、第三百六条第一項及び第三百十一条第一項において「委託者資産」という。)の価額に相当する財産(第二百六十九条第三項第三号及び第三百九条において「保全対象財産 Property Subject to Preservation」という。)については、その保全のため、商品取引員のその他の財産から分離して信託会社等に信託すること、委託者保護基金(第二百九十六条に規定する委託者保護基金をいう。)に預託することその他の主務省令で定める措置を講じなければならない。 - 経済産業省

Since the "Zero-for-Zero" and "Harmonization" approaches adopted during the Uruguay Round achieved certain good results, these approaches should be promoted as follows during these negotiations. Taking into account the disparity of tariff structures among WTO Members as a result of the UR, sectoral approaches such as "Zero-for-Zero" or "Harmonization" by participation of basically all WTO members should be pursued in the following sectors as separate frameworks from the trade-weighted average target tariff formula as referred to in Point 2. In order to give credit to efforts paid by Members, each Member may choose to include reductions to the levels determined in each "zero-for- Zero" or "Harmonization" for the calculation of its trade-weighted average target tariff rate. 例文帳に追加

ウルグアイラウンドにおけるゼロゼロ/ハーモナイゼーション(以下、ハーモ)は一定の成果を挙げていることから、本ラウンドにおいても、以下を推進することが望ましい。この際、前ラウンドの結果、各国の関税体系が著しく偏っていることを踏まえ、2.目標貿易加重平均関税率に沿った関税の引き下げの交渉とは別のフレームワークとして、以下に掲げる特定の分野について、原則として全加盟国が参加するゼロゼロ/ハーモによる分野別アプローチを推進すべきである。なお、その引き下げ努力を適切に評価する観点から、各国の選択により、ゼロゼロ/ハーモ水準までの引き下げを貿易加重平均関税率の算定にあたって算入することができることとする。 - 経済産業省


(iii) when there has occurred an event that has a significant influence on the status of the property of the Member Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Absorption-Type Merger, such as the disposition of important property and the share of significant liabilities after the last day of the final business year (in the case where the final business year does not exist, the day of the establishment of said Member Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Absorption-Type Merger) at said Member Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Absorption-Type Merger (excluding Member Commodity Exchanges which clear the account pursuant to the provisions of Article 475 (excluding item 1 and item 3) of the Company Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 77, paragraph 1 of the Act)(hereinafter such Member Commodity Exchange shall be referred to as a "Clearing Member Commodity Exchange"), the contents thereof (in the case where a new final business year emerges during the period between 10 days prior to a general meeting of members set forth in Article 144, paragraph 4 of the Act and the day when the Absorption-Type Merger came into effect, limited to the contents of an event which occurred after the last day of said new final business year); 例文帳に追加

三吸収合併消滅会員商品取引所(法第七十七条第一項において準用する会社法第四百 七十五条(第一号及び第三号を除く。)の規定により清算をする会員商品取引所(以 下「清算会員商品取引所」という。)を除く。)において最終事業年度の末日(最終事 業年度がない場合にあっては、吸収合併消滅会員商品取引所の成立の日)後に重要な 財産の処分、重大な債務の負担その他の当該吸収合併消滅会員商品取引所の財産の状 況に重要な影響を与える事象が生じたときは、その内容(法第百四十四条第四項の会 員総会の日の十日前の日後吸収合併の効力が生ずる日までの間に新たな最終事業年度 が存することとなる場合にあっては、当該新たな最終事業年度の末日後に生じた事象 の内容に限る。) - 経済産業省


(a) the amount equivalent to 0.003 percent of the transaction amounts of Transactions prescribed in Article 2, paragraph 8, item 1 of the Act (excluding transactions based on a persons own account) in each business year (in cases where the amount of liability reserve for commodity trading that has already been accrued (in cases when a specific amount of money is used under the provisions of Article 221, paragraph 2 of the Act, the amount after deducting said amount; the same shall apply in the following item) is less than ten million yen, an amount equivalent to 0.003 percent of the amount calculated by dividing the amount deducted from the amount of said liability reserve for commodity trading and the amount set forth in (b), (c), and (d) from ten million yen by 0.006 percent [if said calculated amount exceeds the transaction amount total in said business year, then said transaction amount total in said business year] is added to said equivalent amount); 例文帳に追加

イ各事業年度における法第二条第八項第一号に規定する取引(自己の計算による 取引を除く。)の取引金額の十万分の三に相当する金額(既に積み立てられた商品 取引責任準備金の金額(法第二百二十一条第二項の規定により使用された金額が ある場合には、当該金額を控除した金額。次号において同じ。)が千万円に満たな い場合には、当該相当する金額に、千万円から当該商品取引責任準備金の金額、 ロ、ハ及びニに掲げる金額を控除した金額を十万分の六で除して計算した金額(当 該計算した金額が当該事業年度の取引金額を超える場合には、当該事業年度の当 該取引金額)の十万分の三に相当する金額を加算した金額) - 経済産業省

The Energy Charter Treaty, which is not FTA but an international agreement regulating transfer of energy resources and investment protection, provides that contracting parties shall strive to minimize in an economically efficient manner harmful environmental impacts. By confirming that the contracting parties agree that the polluter should, in principle, bear the cost of pollution, the ECT further provides that: contracting parties shall take into account environmental considerations throughout the formulation and implementation of their energy policies; promote market-oriented price formation and fuller reflection of environmental costs and benefits throughout the Energy Cycle; have particular regard for cooperation in the field of international environmental standards, improving energy efficiency for developing and using renewable energy sources; promote public awareness of the environmental impacts of energy systems; and promote transparent assessment at an early stage (Article 19, Item 1).例文帳に追加

FTA ではないが、エネルギー資源の移動と 投資保護についての国際条約であるエネルギー 憲章条約では、経済効率的な態様で環境への悪 影響を最小限に抑える努力義務を規定するとと もに、汚染者が汚染によるコストを負担すべき との原則を確認したうえで、締約国の義務とし て、エネルギー政策全般を通して環境に配慮す ること、市場経済に根付いた価格形成と環境へ の便益負担の十分な反映を促進すること、国際 環境基準の分野における協力、エネルギー効率 の改善や再生可能エネルギー資源等に特に留意 すること、環境意識の啓発、早期段階での透明 な環境アセスの促進等を詳細に列記している (第19条第1項)。 - 経済産業省

The estimation for income surplus was made according to the following conditions: (i) net external assets increased by the accumulation of current account surplus (profit and loss due to foreign exchange and depletion of fixed assets are eliminated); (ii) as a result of the “dual-track” income balance structure, both external assets and external debts increased in scale without changing the ratio of assets and debts; (iii) as a result of the improved portfolio by asset type, the share of direct investments with relatively high rates of return expanded to the current UK level; and (iv) as a result of the improved portfolio by region, the share of securities investments in Asia expanded to the current UK level.例文帳に追加

具体的には、我が国が2030年に、①対外純資産は経常収支黒字幅の累積によって増加(為替等による損益や固定資産減耗は捨象)し、②所得収支構造の「複線的」構造の実現の結果として、対外資産、対外負債は、資産と負債の比率を維持したまま双方ともに規模を拡大し、③資産種別ポートフォリオの改善の結果、相対的に収益率の高い直接投資の比率が現在の英国並の水準まで拡大し、④地域別ポートフォリオの改善の結果、証券投資のアジア向け投資比率が現在の英国並の水準まで拡大、した場合の所得収支を試算した。 - 経済産業省

Comprehensive import ban under Article 8 or Article 17 of the Act As for imported foods produced in a specific country or area, or by a specific business entity, if the violation rate stands above approximately 5% of the overall number of those inspected and if it is highly likely that the importation of violating foods will continue, due to the state of food-sanitation control in the exporting country, the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare shall ban the importation of such foods after consulting the Pharmaceutical Affairs and Food Sanitation Council, as long as such a ban is considered to be specifically necessary to prevent food-sanitation problems, taking into account the extent to which such foods may harm human health.例文帳に追加

法第8条又は法第 17 条の規定に基づく包括的輸入禁止措置。特定の国若しくは地域又は特定の者により製造等がなされた輸入食品等について、当該輸入食品等の検査件数全体に対する違反率が概ね5%以上であること、生産地における食品衛生上の管理の状況等からみて引き続き法に違反する食品等が輸入されるおそれがある場合において、人の健康を損なうおそれの程度等を勘案して、当該輸入食品等に起因する食品衛生上の危害の発生を防止するために特に必要があると認めるときは、厚生労働大臣は、薬事・食品衛生審議会の意見を聴き、輸入禁止措置を講ずる。 - 厚生労働省


As for imported foods produced in a specific country or area, or by a specific business entity, if the number of imported foods violating the Act stands above approximately 5% of the overall number of those inspected, and if it is highly likely that the importation of violating foods will continue, due to the state of food-sanitation control in the exporting country, the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare shall ban the importation of such foods after consulting the Pharmaceutical Affairs and Food Sanitation Council, as long as such a ban is considered to be specifically necessary to prevent food-sanitation problems, taking into account the extent to which such foods may harm human health.例文帳に追加

特定の国若しくは地域又は特定の者により製造等がなされた輸入食品等について、当該輸入食品等の検査件数全体に対する法違反の件数の割合が概ね5%以上であること、生産地における食品衛生上の管理の状況等からみて引き続き法に違反する食品等が輸入されるおそれがある場合において、人の健康を損なうおそれの程度等を勘案して、当該輸入食品等に起因する食品衛生上の危害の発生を防止するために特に必要があると認めるときは、厚生労働大臣は、薬事・食品衛生審議会の意見を聴き、輸入禁止措置を講ずる。 - 厚生労働省


As for imported foods produced in a specific country or area, or by a specific business entity, if the violation rate stands above approximately 5% of the overall number of those inspected and if it is highly likely that the importation of violating foods will continue, due to the state of food-sanitation control in the exporting country, the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare shall ban the importation of such foods after consulting the Pharmaceutical Affairs and Food Sanitation Council, as long as such a ban is considered to be specifically necessary to prevent food-sanitation problems, taking into account the extent to which such foods may harm human health.例文帳に追加

特定の国若しくは地域又は特定の者により製造等がなされた輸入食品等について、当該輸入食品等の検査件数全体に対する違反率が概ね5%以上であること、生産地における食品衛生上の管理の状況等からみて引き続き法に違反する食品等が輸入されるおそれがある場合において、人の健康を損なうおそれの程度等を勘案して、当該輸入食品等に起因する食品衛生上の危害の発生を防止するために特に必要があると認めるときは、厚生労働大臣は、薬事・食品衛生審議会の意見を聴き、輸入禁止措置を講ずる - 厚生労働省

(a) the amount obtained by multiplying the transaction amounts of the transactions prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (8), item (i) of the Act (excluding transactions based on a person's own account and the transactions set forth in (e)) in each business year by the Problematic Conduct Rate -- which means the proportion of the total sum of the payments made as a result of any Problematic Conduct [which means the Problematic Conduct prescribed in Article 112] in each business year starting within three years prior to the commencement of the relevant business year [excluding payments pertaining to transactions in cases where a Futures Commission Merchant receives a consignment of transactions, etc. on the Commodity Market (excluding Commodity Clearing Transactions; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) from a Person With Specialized Knowledge and Experience (which means a person specified in Article 107; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) or receives a consignment of transactions, etc. on the Commodity Market by using an Electronic Data Processing System (which means an Electronic Data Processing System connecting a computer used by the Futures Commodity Merchant and a computer [including the input/output devices] used by the customer through a telecommunications line; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) without carrying out solicitation]; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) to the total sum of the transaction amounts of the transactions prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (8), items (i) to (iii) of the Act and the amount of the consideration for the transactions prescribed in item (iv) of the same paragraph (excluding the transaction amounts and the amount of the consideration for transactions in cases of transactions based on a person's own account and in cases where a Futures Commission Merchant receives a consignment of transactions, etc. on the Commodity Market from a Person With Specialized Knowledge and Experience or receives a consignment of transactions, etc. on the Commodity Market by using an Electronic Data Processing System without carrying out solicitation -- or the amount equivalent to 0.0001 percent of the transaction amounts, whichever amount is greater (in cases where the amount of liability reserve for commodity trading that has already been accrued [in cases where a specific amount of money is used under the provisions of Article 221, paragraph (2) of the Act, the amount after deducting said amount; the same shall apply in the following item] is less than ten million yen, the amount obtained by adding, to such larger amount, an amount obtained by multiplying -- an amount calculated by dividing the amount that has been obtained by deducting the amount of liability reserve for commodity trading and the amounts listed in (b) to (h) from ten million yen by double the Problematic Conduct Rate, or by 0.0002 percent, whichever rate is higher (or, if said calculated amount exceeds the transaction amount in the relevant business year, such amount shall be the transaction amount in the relevant business year; hereinafter the same shall apply in this item) -- by the Problematic Conduct Rate or an amount equivalent to 0.0001 percent of said calculated amount, whichever amount is greater); 例文帳に追加

イ 各事業年度における法第二条第八項第一号に規定する取引(自己の計算による取引及びホに掲げる取引を除く。)の取引金額に事故率(当該事業年度開始日前三年以内に開始した各事業年度における事故(第百十二条に規定する事故をいう。)による支払額(商品取引員が、専門知識及び経験を有する者(第百七条で定める者をいう。以下この条において同じ。)から商品市場における取引等(商品清算取引を除く。以下この条において同じ。)の委託を受ける場合並びに電子情報処理組織(商品取引員の使用に係る電子計算機と、顧客の使用に係る電子計算機(入出力装置を含む。)とを電気通信回線で接続した電子情報処理組織をいう。以下この条において同じ。)を使用して勧誘を伴わずに商品市場における取引等の委託を受ける場合の取引に係る支払額を除く。)の合計額の、法第二条第八項第一号から第三号に規定する取引の取引金額と同項第四号に規定する取引の対価の額の合計額(自己の計算による取引並びに商品取引員が、専門知識及び経験を有する者から商品市場における取引等の委託を受ける場合並びに電子情報処理組織を使用して勧誘を伴わずに商品市場における取引等の委託を受ける場合の取引金額及び取引の対価の額を除く。)に占める割合をいう。以下この条において同じ。)を乗じた金額と取引金額の百万分の一に相当する金額とのいずれか大きい金額(既に積み立てられた商品取引責任準備金の金額(法第二百二十一条第二項の規定により使用された金額がある場合には、当該金額を控除した金額。次号において同じ。)が千万円に満たない場合には、当該いずれか大きい金額に、千万円から当該商品取引責任準備金の金額、及びロからチまでに掲げる金額を控除した金額を事故率に二を乗じて得た率と百万分の二とのいずれか大きい率で除して計算した金額(当該計算した金額が当該事業年度の取引金額を超える場合には、当該事業年度の当該取引金額。以下この号において同じ。)に事故率を乗じた金額と当該除して計算した金額の百万分の一に相当する金額とのいずれか大きい金額を加算した金額) - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(21) Where a person listed in each of the following items pays, in Japan on or after April 1, 1999, a consideration for the transfer of specified book-entry transfer national government bonds, etc. to an individual or a corporation (excluding the corporations listed in Appended Table 1 of the Corporation Tax Act, specified book-entry transfer institution, etc., foreign intermediary, and any other person specified by a Cabinet Order; the same shall apply in the next paragraph) (such person hereinafter referred to in this paragraph as the "payer"; in the case where the person listed in each of the said items is a foreign intermediary, the payer shall be the specified book-entry transfer institution, etc. through which the said foreign intermediary (in the case where the said foreign intermediary is a foreign further indirect account management institution: the foreign indirect account management institution pertaining to the entries or records under the book-entry transfer system regarding the said specified book-entry transfer national government bonds, etc.) makes entries or records under the book-entry transfer system regarding the said specified book-entry transfer national government bonds, etc.), the payer shall, for each person who receives payment of a consideration, submit a report stating the name and address of the person who receives the payment, the paid amount of the consideration of the transfer of the specified book-entry transfer national government bonds, etc., and any other matters specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance (referred to in paragraph (23) to paragraph (25) as a "report of payment of a consideration for the transfer of specified book-entry transfer national government bonds, etc."), to the competent district director having jurisdiction over the location of the payer's business office, etc. where the affairs for payment of a consideration are handled; hereinafter referred to in this paragraph as the "competent district director"), no later than January 31 of the year following the year that includes the day on which payment has been determined (in the case where the payer is the said specified book-entry transfer institution, etc. that is related to the foreign intermediary with regard to the said specified book-entry transfer national government bonds, etc.: the day on which the said specified book-entry transfer institution, etc. has received a notice pursuant to the provision of paragraph (16) from the said foreign intermediary; hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph) (in the case where approval has been obtained from the competent district director pursuant to the provision of a Cabinet Order, submission shall be made no later than the last day of the month following the month that includes the day on which payment has been determined): 例文帳に追加

21 平成十一年四月一日以後に個人又は法人(法人税法別表第一に掲げる法人、特定振替機関等、外国仲介業者その他の政令で定めるものを除く。次項において同じ。)に対し国内において特定振替国債等の譲渡の対価の支払をする次の各号に掲げる者(当該各号に掲げる者が外国仲介業者である場合には、当該外国仲介業者(当該外国仲介業者が外国再間接口座管理機関である場合には、当該特定振替国債等の振替記載等に係る外国間接口座管理機関)が当該特定振替国債等の振替記載等を受ける特定振替機関等とする。以下この項において「支払者」という。)は、その対価の支払を受ける者の各人別に、その支払を受ける者の氏名又は名称及び住所、その支払をした特定振替国債等の譲渡の対価の額その他の財務省令で定める事項を記載した調書(第二十三項から第二十五項までにおいて「特定振替国債等の譲渡対価の支払調書」という。)を、その支払の確定した日(その支払者が当該特定振替国債等に係る当該外国仲介業者の当該特定振替機関等である場合には、当該特定振替機関等が当該外国仲介業者から第十六項の規定による通知を受けた日。以下この項において同じ。)の属する年の翌年一月三十一日までに(政令で定めるところによりその支払者の営業所等でその対価の支払事務を取り扱うものの所在地の所轄税務署長(以下この項において「所轄税務署長」という。)の承認を受けた場合には、その支払の確定した日の属する月の翌月末日までに)、当該所轄税務署長に提出しなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(22) Where a nonresident or foreign corporation makes, for the first time, entries or records under the book-entry transfer system regarding interest-bearing book-entry transfer national government bonds in the account pertaining to the entries or records under the book-entry transfer system covered by a confirmation concerning book-entry transfer local government bonds or the account pertaining to the entries or records under the book-entry transfer system covered by a confirmation concerning short-term national government bonds, etc., or submits a written application prescribed in Article 5-2(10) of the Act pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (10) of the said Article with regard to interest-bearing book-entry transfer national government bonds (hereinafter referred to as a "written application for a change of book-entry transfer national government bonds" in this paragraph, paragraph (24) and paragraph (25)), in terms of the said entries and records under the book-entry transfer system or submission, the fact that the identification documents set forth Article 5-2(9) of the Act (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (12) of the said Article; hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph) have been presented pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (9) of the said Article with regard to a confirmation concerning book-entry local government bonds or that the identification documents set forth in Article 41-12(12) of the Act have been presented pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (12) of the said Article with regard to a confirmation concerning short-term national government bonds, etc. (including the cases where the identification documents set forth in Article 26-18(5) have been presented pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (5) of the said Article) shall be deemed to mean that the document specified by a Cabinet Order set forth in Article 5-2(9) of the Act has been presented pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (9) of the said Article, and the fact that a confirmation concerning the said book-entry transfer local government bonds or a confirmation concerning the said short-term national government bonds, etc. has been provided shall be deemed to mean that a confirmation has been provided pursuant to the provisions of the said paragraph, respectively; provided, however, that this shall not apply where the name and address entered in a written application for tax exemption of book-entry transfer national government bonds or a written application for a change of book-entry transfer national government bonds to be submitted by the said nonresident or foreign corporation are inconsistent with the name and address of the said nonresident or foreign corporation for which a confirmation concerning the said book-entry transfer local government bonds or a confirmation concerning the said short-term national government bonds, etc. has been provided. 例文帳に追加

22 非居住者又は外国法人が、振替地方債に係る確認に係る振替記載等に係る口座若しくは短期国債等に係る確認に係る振替記載等に係る口座において最初に利付振替国債の振替記載等を受ける場合又は利付振替国債に係る法第五条の二第十項の規定による同項に規定する申告書(以下この項、第二十四項及び第二十五項において「振替国債異動申告書」という。)の提出をする場合には、当該振替記載等又は提出については、振替地方債に係る確認に係る同条第九項(同条第十二項において準用する場合を含む。以下この項において同じ。)の規定による同条第九項の確認書類の提示又は短期国債等に係る確認に係る法第四十一条の十二第十二項の規定による同項の確認書類の提示(第二十六条の十八第五項の規定による同項の確認書類の提示を含む。)をもつて法第五条の二第九項の規定による同項の政令で定める書類の提示があつたものと、当該振替地方債に係る確認又は当該短期国債等に係る確認をもつて同項の規定による確認があつたものと、それぞれみなす。ただし、当該非居住者又は外国法人が提出をする振替国債非課税適用申告書又は振替国債異動申告書に記載された氏名又は名称及び住所が当該振替地方債に係る確認又は当該短期国債等に係る確認がされた当該非居住者又は外国法人の氏名又は名称及び住所と異なるときは、この限りでない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

3. We reaffirm our commitment to coordinated policy action by all G20 members to achieve strong, sustainable and balanced growth. Our main priority actions include implementing medium term fiscal consolidation plans differentiated according to national circumstances in line with our Toronto commitment, pursuing appropriate monetary policy, enhancing exchange rate flexibility to better reflect underlying economic fundamentals and structural reforms, to sustain global demand, increase potential growth, foster job creation and contribute to global rebalancing. We discussed progress made since the Seoul Summit and stressed the need to reduce excessive imbalances and maintain current account imbalances at sustainable levels by strengthening multilateral cooperation. We agreed on a set of indicators that will allow us to focus, through an integrated two-step process, on those persistently large imbalances which require policy actions. To complete the work required for the first step, our aim is to agree, by our next meeting in April, on indicative guidelines against which each of these indicators will be assessed, recognizing the need to take into account national or regional circumstances, including large commodity producers. While not targets, these indicative guidelines will be used to assess the following indicators: (i) public debt and fiscal deficits; and private savings rate and private debt (ii) and the external imbalance composed of the trade balance and net investment income flows and transfers, taking due consideration of exchange rate, fiscal, monetary and other policies. We also adopted a timetable for developing the 2011 action plan that will implement our Framework for Strong, Sustainable and Balanced Growth and monitor the commitments already made. As agreed in Seoul, we call on the IMF to provide an assessment as part of the Mutual Assessment Process on progress towards external sustainability and consistency of policies at our October meeting. At that time, we will also review a report on the MAP including an action plan informed by the analysis on the root causes of persistently large imbalances based on the agreed guidelines. We will also review an assessment of progress made in meeting commitments made in Seoul. 例文帳に追加

3. 我々は、強固で持続可能かつ均衡ある成長を達成するための全ての G20 メンバーによる協調した政策措置へのコミットメントを再確認する。我々の主要な優先的政策措置は、トロントでのコミットメントに沿った、各国の状況によって差別化された中期財健全化計画の実施、適切な金融政策の実現、根底にある経済のファンダメンタルズをよりよく反映した、為替レートの柔軟性の向上及び世界需要を維持し、潜在成長を増大させ、雇用創出を助け、世界的なリバランスに貢献する構造改革を含む。我々は、ソウル・サミット以降の進捗を議論し、多角的協調を強化することにより、過度の不均衡を縮小し経常収支を持続可能な水準で維持することの必要性を強調した。我々は、統合された 2 段階のプロセスを通じて、政策措置を必要とするような継続した大規模な不均衡に焦点を当てることを可能にする一連の項目に合意した。第 1段階に必要な作業を完了するため、我々の目標は、大規模な一次産品生産者を含む、国及び地域の状況を考慮する必要性を認識しつつ、4 月の次回会合までに、これらの項目それぞれを評価する参考となるガイドラインに合意することである。これらの参考となるガイドラインは、目標となるものではないが、以下の項目を評価するのに使用される: (i)公的債務と財政赤字、民間貯蓄率と民間債務、(ii)為替・財政・金融・その他の政策を十分に考慮しつつ、貿易収支、投資所得及び対外移転のネットフローから構成される対外バランス。我々はまた、強固で持続可能かつ均衡ある成長のための枠組みを実施し、既に行ったコミットメントをモニターする 2011 年版の行動計画の策定へ向けた予定表を採択した。ソウルで合意したように、我々は、IMF に対し、相互評価プロセスの一部として、対外的な持続可能性と政策の一貫性確保に向けた進捗についての評価を 10 月の会合において提供することを求める。その際、我々はまた、合意されたガイドラインに基づく継続した大規模な不均衡の原因に関する分析によって情報を得て、行動計画を含む MAP に関する報告のレビューを行う。我々はまた、ソウルでのコミットメントを達成するためになされた進捗の評価をレビューする。 - 財務省

(3) When a Commodity Exchange manages Securities, etc. for allocation (which means Securities and warehouse receipts allocated for clearing margins pursuant to the provisions of Article 103, paragraph 5 of the Act [hereinafter referred to as "Securities, etc."]; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) based on the provisions of paragraph 4 of the same Article, it shall manage said Securities, etc. for allocation by the methods listed as follows, according to the classification of the Securities, etc. listed in the following items: (i) Securities, etc. for retention under the management of a Commodity Exchange (excluding Securities, etc. which are retained and commingled; the same shall apply in the following item): a management method by which the Commodity Exchange controls the location for the retention of Securities, etc. for allocation that is clearly separate from that for the Securities, etc. of the Commodity Exchange's own property and other Securities, etc. than that for the Securities, etc. for allocation (hereinafter referred to as the "Private Securities, etc." in this Article), and that said Securities, etc. for allocation are retained in an available condition that is immediately distinguishable as to which Member, etc. deposited such property or for which Member, etc. such property was deposited; (ii) Securities, etc. for retention under the management of a Commodity Exchange using a third party: a management method by which the Commodity Exchange uses a third party to control the location for the retention of Securities, etc. for allocation clearly separating them from the Securities, etc. of the Private Securities, etc., and to retain said Securities, etc. for allocation in an available - 64 - condition that is immediately distinguishable as to which Member, etc. deposited such property or for which Member, etc. such property was deposited; (iii) Securities, etc. for retention under the management of a Commodity Exchange (limited to the Securities, etc. which are retained and commingled; the same shall apply in the following item): a management method by which the location for the retention of Securities, etc. for allocation is clearly separate from that for the Private Securities, etc., and that the shares pertaining to Securities, etc. for allocation deposited by or through each Member, etc. are retained in an available condition which is easily distinguishable in their own books and records; (iv) Securities, etc. for retention under the management of a Commodity Exchange using a third party: a management method by which the Commodity Exchange uses a third party to retain [the][an] account for a person who deposited Securities, etc. for allocation in a condition whereby the shares pertaining to Securities, etc. for allocation will be immediately distinguishable[] by a method such as separating them from the Commodity Exchange's own account, and whereby the shares pertaining to Securities, etc. for allocation deposited by or through each Member, etc. will be immediately distinguishable in their own books and records. 例文帳に追加

3 商品取引所は、法第百三条第四項の規定に基づき充用有価証券等(同条第五項の規定 により取引証拠金に充てられる有価証券及び倉荷証券(以下この条において「有価証券 等」という。)をいう。以下この条において同じ。)を管理するときは、次の各号に掲げ る有価証券等の区分に応じ、当該各号に定める方法により当該充用有価証券等を管理し なければならない。 一商品取引所が保管することにより管理する有価証券等(混蔵して保管される有価証 券等を除く。次号において同じ。) 充用有価証券等の保管場所については自己の固 有財産である有価証券等その他の充用有価証券等以外の有価証券等(以下この条にお いて「固有有価証券等」という。)の保管場所と明確に区分し、かつ、当該充用有価 証券等についてどの会員等から又はどの会員等を通じ預託を受けた有価証券等である かが直ちに判別できる状態で保管することにより管理する方法 二商品取引所が第三者をして保管させることにより管理する有価証券等当該第三者 をして、充用有価証券等の保管場所については固有有価証券等の保管場所と明確に区 分させ、かつ、当該充用有価証券等についてどの会員等から又はどの会員等を通じ預 託を受けた有価証券等であるかが直ちに判別できる状態で保管させることにより管理 する方法 三商品取引所が保管することにより管理する有価証券等(混蔵して保管される有価証 券等に限る。次号において同じ。) 充用有価証券等の保管場所については固有有価 証券等の保管場所と明確に区分し、かつ、各会員等から又は各会員等を通じ預託を受 けた充用有価証券等に係る持分が自己の帳簿により直ちに判別できる状態で保管する ことにより管理する方法 四商品取引所が第三者をして保管させることにより管理する有価証券等当該第三者 をして、充用有価証券等を預託する者のための口座については商品取引所の自己の口 座と区分する等の方法により、充用有価証券等に係る持分が直ちに判別でき、かつ、 各会員等から又は各会員等を通じ預託を受けた充用有価証券等に係る持分が自己の帳 簿により直ちに判別できる状態で保管させることにより管理する方法 - 経済産業省

(2) When receiving a deposit of clearing margins, based on the provisions of Article 179, paragraph 1 of the Act, from a Member, etc., an Intermediary, or a Clearing Intermediary (excluding cases where a Member, etc. carries out the transaction on the Commodity Market on his or her own account and where a Clearing Participant carries out the Commodity Clearing transaction on the account of the Member, etc. who consigned such transaction), a Commodity Clearing Organization shall consent to a person prescribed in the following items, respectively, holding a right to claim a return against said clearing margins (limited to within the scope of the amount of customer margins, intermediation margins, or clearing intermediation margins deposited by the person specified in said respective items) corresponding to the categories listed in the following items: (i) in the case where a Member, etc. received a deposit of a customer margin from a customer and deposited the clearing margin with a Commodity Clearing Organization: said customer; (ii) in the case where a Member, etc. received a deposit of a customer margin from an Intermediary (limited to a person who received a deposit of an intermediation margin from an Intermediation Customer) or an Intermediation Customer and deposited the clearing margin with a Commodity Clearing Organization: said Intermediation Customer; (iii) in the case where an Intermediary received a deposit of an intermediation margin from an Intermediation Customer and deposited the clearing margin with a Commodity Clearing Organization: said Intermediation Customer; (iv) in the case where a Member, etc. received a deposit of a customer margin from a Clearing Intermediation Customer and deposited the clearing margin with a Commodity Clearing Organization: said Clearing Intermediation Customer; (v) in the case where a Member, etc. received a deposit of a customer margin from a Clearing Intermediary (limited to a person who received a deposit of a clearing intermediation margin from the customer who consigned the Clearing Intermediary) or a customer who consigned a Clearing Intermediary and deposited a clearing margin with a Commodity Clearing Organization: the customer who consigned said Clearing Intermediary; (vi) in the case where a Clearing Intermediary received a deposit of a clearing intermediation margin from a customer who consigned a Clearing Intermediary and deposited the clearing margin with a Commodity Clearing Organization: the customer who consigned said Clearing Intermediary. 例文帳に追加

2 商品取引清算機関は、法第百七十九条第一項の規定に基づき会員等、取次者又は清 算取次者から取引証拠金の預託を受けるとき(会員等が自己の計算において商品市場に おける取引を行う場合及び清算参加者がその委託をした会員等の計算において商品清算 取引を行う場合を除く。)は、次の各号に掲げる場合の区分に応じ、当該各号に定める 者が当該取引証拠金(当該各号に定める者が預託した委託証拠金、取次証拠金又は清算 取次証拠金の額の範囲内に限る。)に対する返還請求権を有するものとしなければなら ない。一会員等が委託者から委託証拠金の預託を受けて商品取引清算機関に取引証拠金を預 託した場合当該委託者 二 会員等が取次者(取次委託者から取次証拠金の預託を受けている者に限る。)又は 取次委託者から委託証拠金の預託を受けて商品取引清算機関に取引証拠金を預託し た場合当該取次委託者 三取次者が取次委託者から取次証拠金の預託を受けて商品取引清算機関に取引証拠金 を預託した場合当該取次委託者 四会員等が清算取次委託者から委託証拠金の預託を受けて商品取引清算機関に取引証 拠金を預託した場合当該清算取次委託者 五会員等が清算取次者(清算取次者に対する委託者から清算取次証拠金の預託を受け ている者に限る。)又は清算取次者に対する委託者から委託証拠金の預託を受けて商 品取引清算機関に取引証拠金を預託した場合当該清算取次者に対する委託者 六清算取次者が清算取次者に対する委託者から清算取次証拠金の預託を受けて商品取 引清算機関に取引証拠金を預託した場合当該清算取次者に対する委託者 - 経済産業省

(1) When a Commodity Clearing Organization manages clearing margins based on the provisions of Article 103, paragraph 4 of the Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 179, paragraph 5 of the Act, the clearing margins shall be managed separately from its own property and property other than that of the clearing margins, by the categories set forth in the following items, respectively, and by each Member, etc.:(i) in cases set forth in Article 179, paragraph 1, item 1, (a) of the Act, where a Member, etc. carries out transactions on a Commodity Market on his/her own account, the clearing margins deposited by said Member, etc. based on the provisions of the same paragraph; (ii) in cases set forth in Article 179, paragraph 1, item 1, (a) of the Act, where a Member, etc. carries out transactions on a Commodity Market for which the Member, etc. accepted a consignment by receiving a deposit of customer margins based on the provisions of paragraph 2 of the same Article, the clearing margins deposited by said Member, etc. based on the provisions of paragraph 1 of the same Article; (iii) in cases set forth in Article 179, paragraph 1, item 1, (b) or (d) of the Act, the clearing margins deposited by a customer or an Intermediation Customer based on the provisions of the same paragraph;(iv) in cases set forth in Article 179, paragraph 1, item 1, (c) of the Act, the clearing margins deposited by an Intermediary based on the provisions of the same paragraph; (v) in cases set forth in Article 179, paragraph 1, item 2, (a) of the Act, where a Member, etc. carries out transactions on a Commodity Market on his/her own account, the clearing margins (excluding the clearing margins described in the following item) deposited by said Member, etc. based on the provisions of the same paragraph; (vi) in cases set forth in Article 179, paragraph 1, item 2, (a) of the Act, where a Member, etc. carries out transactions on a Commodity Market for which the Member, etc. accepted a consignment by receiving a deposit of customer margins based on the provisions of paragraph 2 of the same Article, the clearing margins deposited by said Member, etc. based on the provisions of paragraph 1 of the same Article; (vii) in cases set forth in Article 179, paragraph 1, item 2, (b) or (d) of the Act, the clearing margins deposited by a Clearing Intermediation Customer or a customer who consigned a Clearing Intermediary based on the provisions of the same paragraph; (viii) in cases set forth in Article 179, paragraph 1, item 2 of the Act, the clearing margins deposited by a Clearing Intermediary based on the provisions of the same paragraph. 例文帳に追加

1 商品取引清算機関は、法第百七十九条第五項において準用する法第百三条第四項の 規定に基づき取引証拠金を管理するときは、次の各号に掲げる区分ごと、かつ、会員等 ごとに、自己の固有財産その他の取引証拠金以外の財産と分別して管理しなければなら ない。一法第百七十九条第一項第一号イに掲げる場合のうち会員等が自己の計算において 商品市場における取引を行うときに、同項の規定に基づき当該会員等から預託を受 けた取引証拠金 二法第百七十九条第一項第一号イに掲げる場合のうち会員等が受託した商品市場に おける取引を同条第二項の規定に基づき委託証拠金の預託を受けて行うときに、同 条第一項の規定に基づき当該会員等から預託を受けた取引証拠金 三法第百七十九条第一項第一号ロ又はニに掲げる場合に、同項の規定に基づき委託 者又は取次委託者から預託を受けた取引証拠金 四法第百七十九条第一項第一号ハに掲げる場合に、同項の規定に基づき取次者から 預託を受けた取引証拠金 五法第百七十九条第一項第二号イに掲げる場合のうち会員等が自己の計算において 商品市場における取引を行うときに、同項の規定に基づき当該会員等から預託を受 けた取引証拠金(次号の取引証拠金を除く。)六法第百七十九条第一項第二号イに掲げる場合のうち会員等が受託した商品市場に おける取引を同条第二項の規定に基づき委託証拠金の預託を受けて行うときに、同 条第一項の規定に基づき当該会員等から預託を受けた取引証拠金 七法第百七十九条第一項第二号ロ又はニに掲げる場合に、同項の規定に基づき清算 取次委託者又は清算取次者に対する委託者から預託を受けた取引証拠金 八法第百七十九条第一項第二号ハに掲げる場合に、同項の規定に基づき清算取次者 から預託を受けた取引証拠金 - 経済産業省

(3) When managing Securities, etc. for allocation (which means the securities and warehouse receipts [hereinafter referred to as the “Securities, etc.in this Article] which are allocated to clearing margins pursuant to the provisions of Article 103, paragraph 5 of the Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 179, paragraph 6; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) based on the provisions of Article 103, paragraph 4 of the Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 179, paragraph 5 of the Act, a Commodity Clearing Organization shall manage said Securities, etc. for allocation, by the methods specified in the following items, respectively, corresponding to the categories of the Securities, etc., as set forth in said items: (i) Securities, etc. for retention under the management of a Commodity Clearing Organization (excluding Securities, etc. which are retained and commingled; the same shall apply in the following item): a management method by which the Commodity Clearing Organization controls the location for the retention of Securities, etc. for allocation that is clearly separate from that for the Securities, etc. of a person's own property and other Securities, etc., than that for the Securities, etc. for allocation (hereinafter referred to as the "Securities, etc. of a Clearing Organization's Own Property" in this Article), and that said Securities, etc. for allocation are retained in an available condition that is immediately distinguishable as to which customer deposited such property or for which customer such property was deposited; (ii) Securities, etc. for retention under the management of a Commodity Clearing Organization using a third party: a management method by which the Commodity Clearing Organization uses a third party to control the location for the retention of Securities, etc. for allocation clearly separating them from the Securities, etc. of a Clearing Organization's Own Property, and to retain said Securities, etc. for allocation in an available condition that is immediately distinguishable as to which customer deposited such property or for which customer such property was deposited; (iii) Securities, etc. for retention under the management of a Commodity Clearing Organization (limited to the Securities, etc., which are retained and commingled; the same shall apply in the following item): a management method by which the location for the retention of Securities, etc. for allocation is clearly separate from that for the Securities, etc. of the Clearing Organization's Own Property, and that the shares pertaining to Securities, etc. for allocation deposited by or through each Member, etc. are retained in an available condition which is easily distinguishable in their own books and records; (iv) Securities, etc. for retention under the management of a Commodity Clearing Organization using a third party: a management method by which the Commodity Clearing Organization uses a third party to retain the account for a person who deposited Securities, etc. for allocation in a condition whereby the shares pertaining to Securities, etc. for allocation will be immediately distinguishable, by a method such as separating them from the Commodity Clearing Organization's own account, and whereby the shares pertaining to Securities, etc. for allocation deposited by or through each Member, etc. will be immediately distinguishable in their own books and records. 例文帳に追加

3 商品取引清算機関は、法第百七十九条第五項において準用する法第百三条第四項の 規定に基づき充用有価証券等(法第百七十九条第六項において準用する法第百三条第 五項の規定により取引証拠金に充てられる有価証券及び倉荷証券(以下この条におい て「有価証券等」という。)をいう。以下この条において同じ。)を管理するときは、次 の各号に掲げる有価証券等の区分に応じ、当該各号に定める方法により当該充用有価証 券等を管理しなければならない。一商品取引清算機関が保管することにより管理する有価証券等(混蔵して保管される 有価証券等を除く。次号において同じ。) 充用有価証券等の保管場所については自 己の固有財産である有価証券等その他の充用有価証券等以外の有価証券等(以下こ の条において「清算機関固有有価証券等」という。)の保管場所と明確に区分し、か つ、当該充用有価証券等についてどの会員等から又はどの会員等を通じ預託を受けた有価証券等であるかが直ちに判別できる状態で保管することにより管理する方法 二商品取引清算機関が第三者をして保管させることにより管理する有価証券等当該 第三者をして、充用有価証券等の保管場所については清算機関固有有価証券等の保 管場所と明確に区分させ、かつ、当該充用有価証券等についてどの会員等から又は どの会員等を通じ預託を受けた有価証券等であるかが直ちに判別できる状態で保管 させることにより管理する方法 三商品取引清算機関が保管することにより管理する有価証券等(混蔵して保管される 有価証券等に限る。次号において同じ。) 充用有価証券等の保管場所については清 算機関固有有価証券等の保管場所と明確に区分し、かつ、各会員等から又は各会員 等を通じ預託を受けた充用有価証券等に係る持分が自己の帳簿により直ちに判別で きる状態で保管することにより管理する方法 - 経済産業省

Article 148 (1) A Municipality, in order to promote fiscal stabilization of Long-Term Care Insurance, with regard to financial resources for the disbursements necessary to provide for Long-Term Care Benefits and Prevention Benefits (with regard to the disbursements necessary for said Long-Term Care Benefits and Prevention Benefits pertaining to a Municipality that provides an ordinance based on Article 43, paragraph (3), Article 44, paragraph (6), Article 45, paragraph (6), Article 55, paragraph (3), Article 56, paragraph (6), Article 57, paragraph (6), shall be the disbursements necessary for said Long-Term Care Benefits and Prevention Benefits calculated pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Order, as a Municipality may not undertake measures promulgated by said ordinance; the same shall apply in the following paragraph), the disbursements necessary for Community Support Projects, the disbursements necessary for payment of Fiscal Stability Funds contribution, and the expense necessary for repayment of Borrowings for Fund Project among those disbursements to be imposed by a special account concerning said Long-Term Care Insurance, pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Order, in cooperation with other Municipalities based on an adjustment rate of insurance premiums, may conduct a project to provide adjustments mutually among Municipalities (hereinafter referred to as "Municipal Mutual Fiscal Stabilization Project" in this Article and the following Article). 例文帳に追加

第百四十八条 市町村は、介護保険の財政の安定化を図るため、その介護保険に関する特別会計において負担する費用のうち介護給付及び予防給付に要する費用(第四十三条第三項、第四十四条第六項、第四十五条第六項、第五十五条第三項、第五十六条第六項又は第五十七条第六項の規定に基づき条例を定めている市町村に係る当該介護給付及び予防給付に要する費用については、当該条例による措置が講じられないものとして政令で定めるところにより算定した当該介護給付及び予防給付に要する費用とする。次項において同じ。)、地域支援事業に要する費用、財政安定化基金拠出金の納付に要する費用並びに基金事業借入金の償還に要する費用の財源について、政令で定めるところにより、他の市町村と共同して、調整保険料率に基づき、市町村相互間において調整する事業(以下この条及び次条において「市町村相互財政安定化事業」という。)を行うことができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(i) an act of making an offer or promise or having a third party make an offer or promise to a customer or any person designated by a customer, with regard to sales and purchase or other transactions of Securities (excluding sales and purchase on condition of repurchase for which the repurchase price is set in advance and other transactions specified by a Cabinet Order) or Derivative Transactions (hereinafter referred to as "Sales and Purchase or Other Transaction of Securities, etc." in this Article), to the effect that if the customer (in cases where a Trust Company, etc. (meaning a trust company or a financial institution that has obtained authorization under Article 1(1) of the Act on Concurrent Operation of Trust Business by Financial Institutions; the same shall apply hereinafter) conducts sales and purchase of Securities or Derivative Transactions for the account of the person who sets a trust under a trust contract, including such person who sets the trust; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) incurs any loss or shortfall in the predetermined amount of profit from the relevant Securities or Derivative Transactions (hereinafter referred to as "Securities, etc." in this Article), property benefit will be provided to the customer or such third party in order to compensate or make up for the whole or part of such loss or shortfall; 例文帳に追加

一 有価証券の売買その他の取引(買戻価格があらかじめ定められている買戻条件付売買その他の政令で定める取引を除く。)又はデリバティブ取引(以下この条において「有価証券売買取引等」という。)につき、当該有価証券又はデリバティブ取引(以下この条において「有価証券等」という。)について顧客(信託会社等(信託会社又は金融機関の信託業務の兼営等に関する法律第一条第一項の認可を受けた金融機関をいう。以下同じ。)が、信託契約に基づいて信託をする者の計算において、有価証券の売買又はデリバティブ取引を行う場合にあつては、当該信託をする者を含む。以下この条において同じ。)に損失が生ずることとなり、又はあらかじめ定めた額の利益が生じないこととなつた場合には自己又は第三者がその全部又は一部を補てんし、又は補足するため当該顧客又は第三者に財産上の利益を提供する旨を、当該顧客又はその指定した者に対し、申し込み、若しくは約束し、又は第三者に申し込ませ、若しくは約束させる行為 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(9) Where, with respect to government or company bonds issued by means of a discount on or after April 1, 1999, that are listed in the following (including those specified by a Cabinet Order as being similar thereto), for which a period from the date of issue to the redemption date is not more than one year (hereinafter referred to in this paragraph as "short-term government or company bonds"), specified entries or records under the book-entry transfer system (meaning entries or records in a transfer account book set forth in the Act on Book-Entry Transfer of Company Bonds, etc. which are made pursuant to the provisions of the said Act; hereinafter referred to in this Article as "entries or records under the book-entry transfer system"), which are specified by a Cabinet Order; hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph) are made together with all other short-term government or company bonds that have the same brand at the time of issue, such short-term government or company bonds for which the said specified entries or records under the book-entry transfer system are made (limited to those that satisfy the requirements specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance for bonds held by a specified person; hereinafter referred to in this Article as "specified short-term government or company bonds") shall not fall under the category of discount bonds prescribed in paragraph (1) to paragraph (6): 例文帳に追加

9 平成十一年四月一日以後に割引の方法により発行される公社債で次に掲げるもの(これらに類するものとして政令で定めるものを含む。)のうち、その発行の日から償還期限までの期間が一年以下であるもの(以下この項において「短期公社債」という。)が、その発行の際にその銘柄が同一である他の短期公社債のすべてとともに特定振替記載等(社債等の振替に関する法律に定めるところにより行われる同法の振替口座簿への記載又は記録(以下この条において「振替記載等」という。)のうち政令で定めるものをいう。以下この項において同じ。)がされる場合には、当該特定振替記載等がされる短期公社債(特定の者によつて所有されるものとして財務省令で定める要件を満たすものに限る。以下この条において「特定短期公社債」という。)は、第一項から第六項までに規定する割引債に該当しないものとする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(17) A person (excluding the corporations listed in Appended Table 1 of the Corporation Tax Act and any other persons specified by a Cabinet Order) who has transferred specified book-entry transfer national government bonds, etc. on or after April 1, 1999 (excluding the transfer made by way of book-entry transfer from the account pertaining to entries or records under the book-entry transfer system; hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph), and therefore receives, in Japan, payment of a consideration for the transfer of the specified book-entry transfer national government bonds, etc. from the corporation that has accepted the transfer of the specified book-entry transfer national government bonds, etc. (including an association or foundation without juridical personality prescribed in Article 2(viii) of the said Act; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) shall notify the corporation that has accepted the said transfer (hereinafter referred to in this paragraph as the "payer") of the person's name and address by the time the person is to receive payment. In this case, the person who receives payment shall present the person's identification document to the said payer, and the said payer shall confirm, by the said identification document, the person's name and address stated in the notification. 例文帳に追加

17 平成十一年四月一日以後に特定振替国債等の譲渡(振替記載等に係る口座からの振替によりされるものを除く。以下この項において同じ。)をした者(法人税法別表第一に掲げる法人その他の政令で定めるものを除く。)でその特定振替国債等の譲渡を受けた法人(同法第二条第八号に規定する人格のない社団等を含む。以下この条において同じ。)から国内においてその特定振替国債等の譲渡の対価の支払を受けるものは、その支払を受けるべき時までに、その者の氏名又は名称及び住所を当該譲渡を受けた法人(以下この項において「支払者」という。)に告知しなければならない。この場合において、その支払を受ける者は、当該支払者にその者の確認書類を提示しなければならないものとし、当該支払者は、当該告知された氏名又は名称及び住所を当該確認書類により確認しなければならないものとする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(20) With respect to the application of the provisions of paragraph (14) in the case where a person who intends to obtain the approval set forth in Article 5-2(5)(iv) of the Act with regard to book-entry transfer local government bonds has already obtained the approval set forth in paragraph (5)(iv) of the said Article with regard to other book-entry transfer local government bonds, in paragraph (14), the term "a document in which a specified book-entry transfer institution certifies that the person is a foreign account management institution prescribed in paragraph (5)(vii) of the said Article and any other document specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance" shall be deemed to be replaced with "a document that certifies that the person has obtained the approval set forth in paragraph (5) (iv) of the said Article with regard to other book-entry transfer local government bonds"; the term "submit such documents, in the case of book-entry transfer national government bonds, to the district director prescribed in paragraph (1)(i)(a) of the said Article via the specified book-entry transfer institution pertaining to the said book-entry transfer national government bonds, or in the case of book-entry transfer local government bonds, to" shall be deemed to be replaced with "submit such documents to"; the term "item (ii)(a) of the said paragraph" shall be deemed to be replaced with "paragraph (1)(ii)(a) of the said Article." In this case, where the written application set forth in paragraph (14) has been submitted, it shall be deemed that the approval set forth in Article 5-2(5)(iv) of the Act has been granted at the time of such submission. 例文帳に追加

20 振替地方債につき法第五条の二第五項第四号の承認を受けようとする者が他の振替地方債につき同号の承認を受けている場合における第十四項の規定の適用については、同項中「その者が同項第七号に規定する外国口座管理機関である旨を特定振替機関が証する書類その他財務省令で定める書類」とあるのは「他の振替地方債につき同号の承認を受けていることを証する書類」と、「これを、振替国債にあつては当該振替国債に係る特定振替機関を経由して同条第一項第一号イに規定する税務署長に、振替地方債にあつては」とあるのは「これを」と、「同項第二号イ」とあるのは「同条第一項第二号イ」とする。この場合において、同項の申請書の提出があつたときは、その提出の時において同号の承認があつたものとみなす。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(iii) The table of contents and the revised provision of Article 1 of the Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Act, the revised provision adding an Article following Article 2 of the same Act and the revised provision of Chapter III-II of the same Act in Article 1; the revised provision of Article 15, paragraph (2) of the Supplementary Provisions of the Act Revising a Portion of the Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Act in Article 2; the revised provision of Article 12, paragraph (2) of the Act on Collection, etc. of Insurance Premiums of Labor Insurance, the revised provision of Article 14, paragraph (1) of the same Act (limited to the portion pertaining to the labor welfare services) and the revised provision of the same Article, paragraph (2) in Article 3; and the provisions of Article 9 and Article 15 of the Supplementary Provisions, the revised provision of Article 10, paragraph (1) of the Act on Special Measures concerning Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Caused by Coal-Mine Accident in Article 21 of the Supplementary Provisions, the revised provision of Article 4 of the Labor Insurance Special Account Act in Article 24 of the Supplementary Provisions, and the provisions of Article 29 and Article 30 of the Supplementary Provisions: the day specified by a Cabinet Order within a period not exceeding six months from the day of promulgation 例文帳に追加

三 第一条中労働者災害補償保険法目次及び第一条の改正規定、同法第二条の次に一条を加える改正規定並びに同法第三章の二の改正規定、第二条中労働者災害補償保険法の一部を改正する法律附則第十五条第二項の改正規定並びに第三条中労働保険の保険料の徴収等に関する法律第十二条第二項の改正規定、同法第十四条第一項の改正規定(労働福祉事業に係る部分に限る。)及び同条第二項の改正規定並びに附則第九条及び附則第十五条の規定、附則第二十一条中炭鉱災害による一酸化炭素中毒症に関する特別措置法第十条第一項の改正規定、附則第二十四条中労働保険特別会計法第四条の改正規定並びに附則第二十九条及び附則第三十条の規定 公布の日から起算して六月を超えない範囲内において政令で定める日 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

In Japan, the mainstream of payments and settlements are made through direct debits from accounts opened with financial institutions and account transfers between financial institutions. This is very different from other major countries in which the cheque is used as the principal means of payment and settlement.There is a large difference among countries with regard to the approach to the issue of the stability of the payment and settlement functions, depending on legislation regarding the protection of deposits and the resolution procedure for failed financial institutions. 例文帳に追加

決済機能の安定確保:平時の対応と有事の対応、金融機関が関与する決済機能の安定確保を図るに当たっては、金融機関の決済リスクや、それが他の金融機関に広範に波及するというシステミック・リスクを予防するための仕組みをあらかじめ設けておくといういわば平時の対応と、こうしたリスクが顕現化しかねない事態に顕現化を回避するための必要な措置を講じるといういわば有事の対応に分けて考える必要がある。平時の対応としては金融機関に対する検査、監督等や決済システムのシステミック・リスク削減策を、有事の対応としては金融機関破綻時の日本銀行や預金保険機構によるリスクの顕現化回避のための諸措置をそれぞれ挙げることができる。資金仲介機能については、金融機関が預金として受け入れた資金を効率的に運用することが求められており、元本保証商品であるという預金の商品特性に照らして、他の金融商品に比べれば相対的に安全性が重視されつつも、可能な限りリターンを得ることが期待されている。これに対し、決済機能については、ネットワークとして張り巡らされた決済システムを通じて、安全かつ確実に決済が行われることが期待されている。 - 金融庁

The subject of the financial regulatory reforms has already been a significant discussion topic in the past as well. I heard that during the Financial Ministers and Central Bank Governors meeting held from October 22 to 23 in Gyeongju, the proposed capital adequacy requirement for banks and a new liquidity framework, which were drawn up in a recent meeting of the Group of Governors and Heads of Supervision, were welcomed along with the commitment to having them come into full force by the prescribed due date, and an endorsement was given to the policy framework, work processes and timelines proposed by the Basel Committee on Banking, one of the subordinate organs of the Financial Stability Board, with respect to the issue of addressing systematically important financial institutions (SIFIs) that you have just raised. The meeting accordingly agreed to give priority to this initiative as an agenda item of the G20 Summit. In that sense, implementing international financial regulatory reforms will contribute to an enhanced financial system and improved soundness of financial institutions in the medium to long term. In the meantime, it is also extremely important to, among other things, make the set of requirements a well-balanced one that fully takes into account differences between countries in terms of the actual operation of their financial systems and to implement it over time by, for instance, allowing an ample planning time in adequate consideration of any impact on the real economy - this is also an approach that Japan applies in attending the ongoing Summit meeting. 例文帳に追加

金融規制改革に関しましては、以前にも大きな話題になりました10月22日から23日は慶州でありました財務大臣・中央銀行総裁会議において、先般の中央銀行総裁・銀行監督当局長官との会合で作成された銀行の自己資本、それから流動性の新たな枠組みを歓迎し、期限内に完全に実施することにコミットすること、また今お話がございましたシステム上重要な金融機関(SIFIs)については、FSB(金融安定理事会)、この下部機関の一つにバーゼル銀行監督委員会がありますが、これが提案する政策の枠組み及び作業手順及び日程を承認することを聞いておりまして、G20サミットの議題として、そのことを優先することを合意したところでございまして、そういった意味で国際的な金融規制の改革については、中長期的に金融システムの強化及び金融機関の健全性の向上に資するものとなる一方、各国の金融システムの実情の違いを十分に踏まえたバランスのとれたものにすること、実体経済への影響に十分配慮し、十分な計画期間を設けるなど、時間をかけて実施していくことなどが極めて重要であり、今回のサミットにおいてもこうした姿勢で臨んでいます。 - 金融庁

We will properly look into the possibility of the postponement of its expiration considering the role fulfilled by the SME Financing Facilitation Act in the recession, especially the recession amid the strong yen, as financing is indispensable for sound and sustainable companies. As I have stated some time ago, I have been told by proprietors of SMEs in my hometown of Kitakyushu that they were glad that the Act was established. I have heard on various occasions that proprietors of SMEs, who used to be in a weak position as borrowers relative to banks, can now say things to banks on an equal footing as a result of the establishment of the Act. We will give positive consideration to the possibility of postponement of its expiration in an appropriate manner by taking such matters into account, while at the same time, heeding financial discipline, which is extremely important in a liberal society and free economy as a matter of course. 例文帳に追加

延長ということをしっかり視野に入れて、本当にやっぱり健全な企業、あるいは持続可能な企業のためには、やはり金融というのはもうご存じのように、必ず、必須なものでございますから、そういった意味でこういう不況の中で、特に円高の不況の中で、しっかり中小企業金融円滑化法が果たしている役割というのを、いつかお話ししたように、私の地元の北九州の中小企業の経営者に、本当に、こういう法律を作っていただいてよかったと。今まで借り手というのはやっぱり銀行に弱いですからね、物が言えなかったり、こういう法律ができていただいて、堂々と言ったら悪いですけれども、対等に中小企業の経営者が物を言えるというようなことをどこからでもいろいろ聞いておるわけでございますから、そういったことも含めながら、同時にご存じのように金融規律ということも当然、自由主義社会、自由主義経済では非常に必要なことでございますから、そういったことを頭に入れつつ、しっかり前向きに検討させていただきたいと、延長も含めてしっかり検討を視野に入れつつ、検討させていただきたいというふうに思っております。 - 金融庁

Having gone off on a tangent a bit, let's get back: This is a temporary measure, legislation that expires at the end of March 2011 to cover the calendar year end and the fiscal year end twice when there is greater demand for funds among SMEs. As to whether or not we will postpone the expiration of the Act, we will take all factors into consideration, such as the improvement status of the Japanese economy and cash flows of SMEs and the prospects for next fiscal year onwards, and the progress made in financial institutions' financial facilitation efforts, conduct interviews with various parties as just pointed out, and conduct studies by taking into account the possibility of the postponement of its expiration, as I stated previously. As the yen is strong at the moment, the situation is extremely tough especially for SMEs. As I stated earlier, the SME Financing Facilitation Act was created based on projections that the economy should recover substantially in about two years, so with this in mind, we will conduct studies while considering the postponement of its expiration as a possibility. 例文帳に追加

少し話が横にいきましたけれども、これは臨時の措置でございまして、私は何度も申しましたように、中小企業等の資金需要が高まる年末、年度末の2回ずつ含めることができるように、来年3月末までの時限法としているところでございますが、同法の期間を延長するかどうかについては、今後、我が国経済及び中小企業との資金繰りの改善状況や来年度以降の見通し、金融機関の金融円滑化に向けた取り組みの進捗状況などを総合的に勘案し、色々なところからヒアリング、今お話がございました、ご指摘があったようにさせていただきまして、延長を視野に入れつつ、今後検討していきたいと、この前の答弁どおりでございます。今、円高でございまして、非常に中小企業は特に厳しいわけでございますから、先般も申し上げましたように、大体2年ぐらい経ったら経済が結構回復するのではないかという予測のもとで、中小企業金融円滑化法案をつくらせていただきましたが、そういったことも視野に入れつつ、延長を視野に入れつつ、今後検討してまいりたいというふうに思っています。 - 金融庁

Of course, I intend to do so. This is a matter of political leadership. Trade in agricultural goods has existed since the Meiji period; the rice market was opened in the Edo period. It is said that the first futures trading was conducted in Osaka. Grain trading has a very long history and tradition and it has been promoted by the former Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries as part of the agricultural policy. Trading in crude oil and other mineral resources has been promoted as part of the trade and commerce policy. For my part, I served as parliamentary secretary for international trade and industry 20 years ago. However, regarding financial products, which account for most of the trading, futures trading is under the jurisdiction of the FSA. I am well aware that ministerial sectionalism has existed until now. The reality is that individual ministries have been operating on the basis of sectionalism. In this respect, we must exercise political leadership. Under the current economic strategy, it is an important task to strengthen the Tokyo market’s international competitiveness and enhance its position from a broad perspective, so the three relevant ministers will discuss this matter and take necessary actions. 例文帳に追加

当然ですね。これは政治主導でございまして、農産品と申しますか、その取引については明治時代から(存在し)、米の相場を始めたのは江戸時代であると。それから一番古い先物取引は、大阪で始まったという話もあるわけでございます。穀物の取引というのは大変古い歴史と伝統がありまして、それは昔で言う農商務省、農林省がきちっと農業政策の一環としてやっており、それから、原油をはじめ鉱物資源につきましては、私も20年前、通産政務次官をしましたので、これはまた通商政策の一環としてやっているということです。しかし、一番大きな金融取引等々につきましては、(その)先物取引は金融庁の所管でございますから、これはやはり各省縦割りというのが今まであったことは、もう私も重々知っておりますし、また各省は、縦割りの中で来たというのが現実でございまして、そこはまさに私は政治主導の必要があるというふうに思っておりますので、きちっと3大臣で話をして、大所高所に立ってきちっと国際競争力もこれは大事なときでございまして、東京のマーケットそのものの地位を高めるということも、今の経済戦略の中で大事な課題でもございますから、やっていきたいというふうに強く思っております。 - 金融庁

Subject to the provisions of the laws of the United Kingdom regarding the allowance as a credit against United Kingdom tax of tax payable in a territory outside the United Kingdom (which shall not affect the general principle hereof): (a) Japanese tax payable under the laws of Japan and in accordance with this Convention, whether directly or by deduction, on income, profits or chargeable gains from sources within Japan(excluding in the case of a dividend, tax payable in respect of the profits out of which the dividend is paid) shall be allowed as a credit against any United Kingdom tax computed by reference to the same income, profits or chargeable gains by reference to which the Japanese tax is computed; (b) in the case of a dividend paid by a company which is a resident of Japan to a company which is a resident of the United Kingdom and which controls directly or indirectly at least 10 per cent of the voting power in the company paying the dividend, the credit shall take into account (in addition to any Japanese tax for which credit maybe allowed under the provisions of subparagraph (a) of this paragraph) the Japanese tax payable by the company in respect of the profits out of which such dividend is paid. 例文帳に追加

英国外の領域において納付される租税を英国の租税から控除することに関する英国の法令(その一般原則に影響を及ぼさないものに限る。)の規定に従い、(a)日本国内の源泉から生ずる所得、利得又は課税譲渡収益につき、日本国の法令及びこの条約の規定に従い直接に又は源泉徴収によって納付される日本国の租税(配当については、配当の支払の基因となった利得について納付される租税を除く。)は、当該日本国の租税の算定の基礎となった当該所得、利得又は課税譲渡収益について算定される英国の租税から控除する。(b)日本国の居住者である法人が、その議決権のある株式の十パーセント以上を直接又は間接に支配する英国の居住者である法人に支払う配当に関しては、英国の租税からの控除を行うに当たり、(a)の規定に基づいて控除される日本国の租税のほかに、当該日本国の居住者である法人が当該配当の支払の基因となった利得について納付する日本国の租税を考慮に入れるものとする。 - 財務省

The participants had active discussions and shared the views as follows. Customs authorities as a public service at the border have a mission of ensuring security and safety of the society, collection of due duties and taxes, and facilitating legitimate trade, in cooperation with Customs Brokers. The development of the AEO programs, which are consistent with the WCO SAFE framework, is significant to achieve trade security and facilitation in Asian region. A measure should be explored with an aim for networking the trade related EDI system of each county, taking into account the progress toward Single Window Systems of each country. Customs Brokers function asAgents” for client importers/exporters as well asLiaisons” for Customs authorities. Thus, they play a key role in promoting AEO programs and IT utilization to realize international trade security and facilitation. In order to address these challenges, it is important to further strengthen the cooperation among Customs authorities and Customs Brokers in Asia through sharing their information and experiences.例文帳に追加

参加者は、税関は、通関業者との協力の下、水際におけるパブリック・サービスとして、安心・安全の確保、税の徴収、貿易の円滑化という使命を有していること、アジア地域における貿易の安全確保と円滑化の両立を進めるため、WCO(世界税関機構)の「基準の枠組み」に準拠したAEO制度を発展させることが重要であること、各国のシングルウインドウの進捗状況に留意しつつ、各国の貿易関連システムの連携を図るための方策を検討していくべきであること、通関業者は輸出入者にとっての代理人(Agent)であるとともに、税関のリエゾン(Liaison)であり、国際貿易の安全確保と円滑化を実現するためのAEO制度やIT化に向けた取組みにおいて、主要な役割を担っていること、これらの課題に応えていくため、今後とも、アジア地域の税関当局及び通関業界が相互に情報や経験を交換し、協力関係を強化していくことが重要であること、について認識を共有した。 - 財務省

Actions include: infrastructure investment (Brazil, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, South Africa); supporting research, education and skills development and eliminating tariffs on machinery and manufacturing inputs (Canada); reform of pricing for factors of production, promote market-based interest rate reform in an orderly manner and gradually achieve RMB capital account convertibility as stated in its current 5-year plan (China); structural reforms in the services sector to boost productivity (France, Germany, Italy, Korea); tax reform aimed at a more employment-friendly taxation (Germany, Italy); raising standards of disclosure of information by financial institutions (Russia); phasing out wasteful and distortive subsidies in the medium term, while providing targeted support for the poor (India, Indonesia); reforms to energy efficiency and greater use of renewable and domestic energy resources (Turkey), agriculture (Argentina); ; enhanced regional integration to promote trade and investment (South Africa); improved practices and enhanced oversight of the short-term financing markets and reforms to help promote a rise in household savings as a share of GDP (US); transitioning to a clean energy economy through effective carbon price mechanism (Australia) and, efforts to promote green growth (Korea). 例文帳に追加

行動には,インフラ投資(ブラジル,インド,インドネシア,メキシコ,サウジアラビア,南アフリカ),研究,教育及び職能開発の支援,及び,機械類と製造原料への関税の撤廃(カナダ),現在の5ヵ年計画に記載された,生産要素の価格形成における改革,市場に基づいた金利改革の秩序だった手法による促進,及び人民元の資本勘定自由化の漸進的な達成(中国),生産性を高めるためのサービス部門における構造改革(フランス,ドイツ,イタリア,韓国),より雇用に配慮した税体系を目指す税制改革(ドイツ,イタリア),金融機関の情報開示基準の向上(ロシア),貧困層へ対象を絞った支援を提供しつつ,無駄で市場歪曲的な補助金の中期的な縮小(インド,インドネシア),エネルギーの効率性と再生可能及び国内のエネルギー資源の利用拡大に向けた改革(トルコ),農業部門改革(アルゼンチン),貿易・投資促進のための地域統合の強化(南アフリカ),短期金融市場に係る慣行の改善及び監督の強化,並びに対GDP比の家計貯蓄率の増加の促進に資する改革(米国),効果的な炭素価格メカニズムを通じたクリーン・エネルギー経済への移行(オーストラリア),グリーンな成長を促進する取組(韓国)を含む。 - 財務省

If, in the cases referred to in section 31, the applicant has availed himself of mailing, and the mail is not received in due time, but the act is completed within 2 months after the date on which the applicant noticed or should have noticed that the time limit was exceeded and not later than 1 year after expiry of the time limit, the Patent Authority shall re-establish the rights, provided that: within the 10 days preceding the expiry of the time limit the postal service was interrupted on account of war, revolution, civil disorder, strike, natural calamity or other like reason in the locality where the sender has his place of business or is staying, and the mailing to the Patent Authority is effected within 5 days after the resumption of the postal service, or the mailing was effected by registered letter to the Patent Authority not later than 5 days prior to the expiry of the time limit though only if the mailing was effected by airmail, where possible, or if the sender had every reason to believe that surface mail would not arrive later than 2 days after the date of mailing. 例文帳に追加

第31条にいう場合において,出願人が郵便を利用し,その郵便が期限内に受領されなかったが,出願人が期限を超過したことを知ったか又は知るべきであった日の後2月以内,かつ,期限到来後1年以内に,その手続を完了させたときは,特許当局は,その権利を回復させるものとする。ただし,次の事項を条件とする。郵便業務について,所定期限の到来前10日以内に,発信人がその事業所を有しているか又は滞在している地域において,戦争,革命,内乱,ストライキ,自然災害又はその他類似の原因によって中断されており,かつ,特許当局への郵送が郵便業務再開後5日以内に行われていること,又は郵送が,所定期限の到来日の5日以上前に,特許当局宛に書留郵便で行われていたこと。ただし,郵送が,可能な場合は航空郵便でなされていたか,又は発信人が,普通郵便が郵送日から2日を超える後に到着することはないと信じるべきあらゆる理由を有していた場合に限る。 - 特許庁

(10) In case a separated patent application is filed on the basis of subsections 9(2) or (3) of this Act, the applicant shall, within two months as of the actual filing date of the specified application with the Patent Office, pay state fees for all preceding years of validity, taking into account that the filing date of the initial patent application shall be the basis for the calculation of years of validity of a separated patent application. If, in the case of a year of validity the due date of payment for which has passed, the term of six months for the payment of a supplementary state fee specified in subsection (3) of this section has not yet passed, the state fee for such year of validity may be paid without an additional state fee within two months as of the actual filing date of a separated patent application with the Patent Office. If a state fee is not paid for the last year of validity within the specified two monthsperiod, the state fee may be paid until the end of the six monthsperiod provided for in subsection (3), if a supplementary state fee is also paid. (10.03.2004 entered into force 01.05.2004 - RT I 2004, 20, 141) 例文帳に追加

(10) 第9条(2)又は(3)に基づいて特許分離出願がなされた場合は,出願人は,原特許出願の出願日が特許分離出願の有効年度の計算の基礎であることを考慮して,分離出願の特許庁への実際の出願日から2月以内に,先行するすべての有効年度に係る国の手数料を納付しなければならない。納付期日が過ぎた有効年度の場合,(3)に定めた国の追加手数料の納付に係る6月の期間がまだ経過していないときは,当該有効年度に係る国の手数料は,国の追加手数料を加えずに,特許分離出願の特許庁への実際の出願日から2月以内に納付することができる。前記2月の期間内に最終有効年度に係る国の手数料が納付されなかった場合は,当該国の手数料は,国の追加手数料も納付することを条件として,(3)に規定する6月の期間末まで納付することができる。 (2004年3月10日。2004年5月1日施行-RT I 2004, 20, 141) - 特許庁

(1) An applicant, a patentee or the successor in title thereof who, as a result of an order under Section 50(1), refrains from using or ceases to use an invention patentable under Sections 1 to 5 for peaceful purposes shall have a claim to compensation, owing to the damages thereby incurred, against the Federal Republic if and to the extent that said party cannot reasonably be expected to bear the damages itself. When determining the extent to which said party can reasonably be expected to do so, account shall be taken, in particular, of the financial position of the injured party, the amount of expenditure incurred by said party for the invention or for acquiring title thereto, the degree of probability that the invention might have to be kept secret that could have been recognized by said party at the time the expenditure was incurred, and the profit derived by the injured party from another exploitation of the invention. The claim cannot be asserted until after a patent has been granted. Compensation may be claimed only after it has become due and for periods which shall not be shorter than one year. 例文帳に追加

(1) 出願人,特許所有者又はこれらの権原承継人が第 1条から第 5条までに基づいて特許を受けることができる発明を,第 50条(1)に基づく命令の結果として,平和目的で実施することを差し控え又は実施を停止した場合は,同人は,それによって同人に生じた損害に起因する補償を連邦に対して請求する権利を有するものとするが,ただし,当該当事者に対し,その損害自体を負担させることが合理的に見て期待できないことを条件とし,かつ,その程度に限る。その程度を判断するときは,特に,被害者の財務状況,発明のために又は発明に対する権原を取得するために当該当事者によって行われた支出の額,その支出が生じたときに,当該当事者によって認識されていた,発明の秘密保持が義務付けられる可能性の程度,及び被害者がその発明に係る他の実施から取得した利益が考慮される。この請求権は,特許が付与されるまでは主張することができない。補償は,支払うべきものとなった後,かつ,1年より短くない期間についてのみ請求することができる。 - 特許庁

(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (1), the Court shall not grant relief by way of damage or an account of profits in any case- (a) where in a suit for infringement of a trademark, the infringement complained of is in relation to a certification trademark; or (b) where in a suit for infringement the defendant satisfies the court- (i) that at the time he commenced to use the trademark complained of in the suit he was unaware and had no reasonable ground for believing that the trademark of the plaintiff was on the Register or that the plaintiff was a registered user using by way of permitted use; and (ii) that when he became aware of the existence and nature of the plaintiff's right in the trademark, he forthwith ceased to use the trademark in relation to goods or services in respect of which it was registered; or 65 (c) where in a suit for passing off the defendant satisfies the Court,- (i) that at the time he commenced to use the trademark complained of in the suit he was unaware and had no reasonable ground for believing that the trademark, of the plaintiff was in use; and (ii) that when he became aware of the existence and nature of the plaintiffs trademark, he forthwith ceased to use the trademark complained of. 例文帳に追加

(2)本条第(1)条の規定にかかわらず、裁判所は次の場合損害賠償又は不当収益弁済金の方法による救済を与えない。(a)商標の侵害に対する訴訟において訴訟物である侵害が証明商標に関するものである場合、又は(b)侵害に対する訴訟において被告が裁判所に次の心証を与える場合。(i)当該訴訟で審理の対象となる商標の使用を開始した時、原告の商標が登録簿に登録されていたこと、又は原告が許諾された使用の方法で使用する登録使用権者であったことを知らず、またそれを信ずるに足る十分な根拠が無かったこと(ii)当該商標に係る原告の権利の存在及び権利の性質を知った時、当該商標が登録されていた商品又は役務に関する商標の使用を直ちに中止したこと又は、(c)詐称通用に対する訴訟において被告が裁判所に次の心証を与える場合。(i)当該訴訟で審理の対象となる商標の使用を開始した時、原告の商標が使用されていることを知らず、またそれを信ずるに足る十分な根拠が無かったこと(ii)原告の当該商標の存在及び当該商標の性質を知った時、審理の対象となる商標の使用を直ちに中止したこと - 特許庁

After the expiration of the Commitment Period, a Partner shall, only (i) for the purpose of an additional Portfolio Investment in a Portfolio Company or (ii) to complete a Portfolio Investment which the Partnership has substantially prepared during the Commitment Period, make a contribution in accordance with the Capital Call Notice, m ake a contribution, within its Unpaid Capital Commitment, by remittance to the Partnership Bank Account no later than the date designated by the General Partner, in an amount obtained by dividing, on a pro rata basis, the amount required for such Portfolio Investment by (x) in the case of (i), such Partner’s Percentage Interest in respect of the previous Portfolio Investment in such Portfolio Company, or (y) in case of (ii), such Partner’s [Capital Commitment/Unpaid Capital Commitment]; provided that in the case of (i), the amount required by the Capital Call shall not exceed an amount equal to [__]% of the Capital Commitment of each Partner 例文帳に追加

組合員は、出資約束期間満了後においては、(ⅰ)投資先事業者等に対する追加的なポートフォリオ投資を目的とする場合、又は(ⅱ)出資約束期間満了前に本組合がポートフォリオ投資の主な準備行為を行っていた場合において当該ポートフォリオ投資を完了するために必要とされるときに限り、出資未履行金額の範囲内で、無限責任組合員からの[ ]日前までの追加出資請求通知に従い、無限責任組合員が指定した日までに、かかるポートフォリオ投資に関して必要となる金額につき、[(ⅰ)の場合は当該ポートフォリオ投資の前に行われた当該投資先事業者等へのポートフォリオ投資に係る対象持分割合に応じて按分した額、また、(ⅱ)の場合は[出資約束金額/出資未履行金額]に応じて按分した額を]組合口座に振込送金して払い込むものとする。但し、(ⅰ)の場合、追加出資請求の対象となる金額は、各組合員の出資約束金額の[ ]%に相当する額を超えないものとする。 - 経済産業省

(2) When a Commodity Exchange receives the deposit of clearing margins from a Member, etc. or an Intermediary pursuant to the provisions of Article 103, paragraph 1 of the Act (excluding the case where a Member, etc. carries out transactions on a Commodity Market on a person's own account), it shall recognize that a person specified in the following items has the right to claim the return for said clearing margin (limited to within the amount of the customer margin or intermediation margin which the person specified in said respective items has deposited), according to the classification listed in said respective items: (i) in the case where a Member, etc. has received the deposit of customer margins from a customer and deposited the clearing margins with a Commodity Exchange: said customer; (ii) in the case where a Member, etc. has received the deposit of a customer margin from an Intermediary (limited to those who have received the deposit of an intermediation margin from an Intermediation Customer) or an Intermediation Customer and deposited a clearing margin with a Commodity Exchange: said Intermediation Customer; (iii) in the case where an Intermediary has received the deposit of an intermediation margin from an Intermediation Customer and deposited a clearing margin with a Commodity Exchange: said Intermediation Customer. 例文帳に追加

2 商品取引所は、法第百三条第一項の規定に基づき会員等又は取次者から取引証拠金の 預託を受けるとき(会員等が自己の計算において商品市場における取引を行う場合を除 く。)は、次の各号に掲げる場合の区分に応じ、当該各号に定める者が当該取引証拠金 (当該各号に定める者が預託した委託証拠金又は取次証拠金の額の範囲内に限る。)に 対する返還請求権を有するものとしなければならない。 一会員等が委託者から委託証拠金の預託を受けて商品取引所に取引証拠金を預託した 場合当該委託者 二 会員等が取次者(取次委託者から取次証拠金の預託を受けている者に限る。)又は 取次委託者から委託証拠金の預託を受けて商品取引所に取引証拠金を預託した場合 当該取次委託者 三取次者が取次委託者から取次証拠金の預託を受けて商品取引所に取引証拠金を預託 した場合当該取次委託者 - 経済産業省

(1) When a Commodity Exchange manages a clearing margin based on the provisions of Article 103, paragraph 4 of the Act, it shall manage such clearing margin separately from its private property and property other than a clearing margin for each classification listed in the following items and for each Member, etc.: (i) among the cases listed in Article 103, paragraph 1, item 1 of the Act, in the case where a Member, etc. carries out transactions on a Commodity Market on a persons own account, the clearing margin deposited by said Member, etc. based - 62 - on the provisions of the same paragraph; (ii) among the cases listed in Article 103, paragraph 1, item 1 of the Act, in the case where a Member, etc. carries out transactions on a Commodity Market which he/she has been consigned by receiving the deposit of a customer margin, the clearing margin deposited by said Member, etc. based on the provisions of paragraph 1 of the same Article; (iii) in the cases listed in Article 103, paragraph 1, item 2 or item 4 of the Act, the clearing margin deposited by a customer or an Intermediation Customer based on the provisions of the same paragraph; (iv) in the cases listed in Article 103, paragraph 1, item 3 of the Act, the clearing margin deposited by an Intermediary based on the provisions of the same paragraph. 例文帳に追加

1 商品取引所は、法第百三条第四項の規定に基づき取引証拠金を管理するときは、次の 各号に掲げる区分ごと、かつ、会員等ごとに、自己の固有財産その他の取引証拠金以外 の財産と分別して管理しなければならない。 一法第百三条第一項第一号に掲げる場合のうち会員等が自己の計算において商品市場 における取引を行うときに、同項の規定に基づき当該会員等から預託を受けた取引証拠金 二法第百三条第一項第一号に掲げる場合のうち会員等が受託した商品市場における取 引を同条第二項の規定に基づき委託証拠金の預託を受けて行うときに、同条第一項の 規定に基づき当該会員等から預託を受けた取引証拠金 三法第百三条第一項第二号又は第四号に掲げる場合に、同項の規定に基づき委託者又 は取次委託者から預託を受けた取引証拠金 四法第百三条第一項第三号に掲げる場合に、同項の規定に基づき取次者から預託を受 けた取引証拠金 - 経済産業省

Concretely, the following analyses and discussions are made in the White Paper. (1) In Chapter 1, the globalization of the economy, mainly by increased international capital movement, was described by surveying the trend in the international economy and analyzing the expansion of international current account imbalances, together with the new trend in petromoney caused by higher crude oil prices. (2) In Chapter 2, after surveying the dynamism of Asia, an analysis was made from multilayered points of view, including macro and micro perspectives on the formation of international business networks by Japanese companies, which are creating a “horizontalAsia in terms of both division of labor and trade. Conditions in China and ASEAN, which have become important business partners in the process of the formation of international business networks, were also analyzed. (3) Based upon the results of these researches and analyses, in Chapter 3, discussions were made about four issues: promoting the improvement of the international business environment through the liberalization, harmonization and stabilization of fields for corporate activities; shorteningbusiness cost distancebetween business bases; expanding inward direct investment in Japan which will be accompanied by improved productivity, and realizing aninvestment powerhouse” through fostering and utilizing human resources with a “dual-track” structure.例文帳に追加

具体的には、① 第1章において、国際経済の動向を概観した上で、国際的な経常収支不均衡の拡大や原油価格上昇に伴う新たなオイルマネーの動向の分析等を通じて、国際資本移動の活発化を中心とした経済のグローバル化の姿を描き、② 第2章において、アジアのダイナミズムを概観した上で、日本企業による国際事業ネットワーク形成が分業面・貿易面において、いわば「水平的」なアジアを創出しつつある状況をミクロからマクロにわたる複層的な視点から分析するとともに、国際事業ネットワーク形成に際して重要な進出先となっている中国とASEANの状況を分析し、③ 第3章において、以上の調査分析を踏まえて、企業活動の場(フィールド)の自由化・調和・安定化と事業拠点間を結ぶ「ビジネスコスト距離」の短縮等を通じた国際事業環境整備の推進、生産性向上を伴う我が国への対内直接投資の拡大、人的資本の育成・活用、「複線的」構造に立脚した「投資立国」の実現、という4つの取組について論じた。 - 経済産業省

Article 162-2 With regard to sales and purchase of share certificates listed in a Financial Instruments Exchange or shares certificates falling under the category of Over-the-Counter Traded Securities (hereinafter these shares are collectively referred to as "Listed or Over-the-Counter Traded Shares" in this Article) or Entrustment, etc. thereof to be conducted by the company having issued these Listed or Over-the-Counter Traded Shares under Article 156(1) of the Companies Act (including the cases where it is applied by replacing certain terms under the provisions of Article 163 or Article 165(3) of said Act) or Article 199(1) of said Act (limited to cases where the company intends to solicit persons to subscribe for treasury shares it disposes of) or laws and regulations of a foreign state equivalent to these provisions (limited to cases where the company is a foreign company), Entrustment, etc. of these transactions to be conducted by a Trust Company, etc. based on a trust contract and for the account of the company having issued these Listed or Over-the-Counter Traded Shares, Accepting an Entrustment, etc. of these transaction by a Financial Instruments Business Operator or Authorized Transaction-at-Exchange Operator, or other acts prescribed by a Cabinet Office Ordinance, the Prime Minister, for the purpose of preventing manipulation of prices of Listed or Over-the-Counter Traded Shares in a Financial Instruments Exchange Market or Over-the-Counter Securities Market, may stipulate the matters in a Cabinet Office Ordinance which are found to be necessary and appropriate to secure the fairness in transactions of Listed or Over-the-Counter Trade Shares. 例文帳に追加

第百六十二条の二 内閣総理大臣は、金融商品取引所に上場されている株券又は店頭売買有価証券に該当する株券(以下この条において「上場等株券」という。)の発行者である会社が行う会社法第百五十六条第一項(同法第百六十三条及び第百六十五条第三項の規定により読み替えて適用する場合を含む。)若しくは第百九十九条第一項(処分する自己株式を引き受ける者を募集しようとする場合に限る。)の規定又はこれらに相当する外国の法令の規定(当該会社が外国会社である場合に限る。)による上場等株券の売買若しくはその委託等、信託会社等が信託契約に基づいて上場等株券の発行者である会社の計算において行うこれらの取引の委託等又は金融商品取引業者若しくは取引所取引許可業者が行うこれらの取引の受託等その他の内閣府令で定めるものについて、取引所金融商品市場又は店頭売買有価証券市場における上場等株券の相場を操縦する行為を防止するため、上場等株券の取引の公正の確保のため必要かつ適当であると認める事項を内閣府令で定めることができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 67-17 (1) Where a foreign corporation has any income from the holding or transfer of book-entry transfer national government bonds in separate trading (meaning principal-only book-entry transfer national government bonds prescribed in Article 90(2) of the Act on Book-Entry Transfer of Company Bonds, etc. and coupon-only book-entry transfer national government bonds prescribed in paragraph (3) of the said Article for which separate trading of principal and interest prescribed in paragraph (1) of the said Article has been conducted pursuant to the provision of an Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article), for which the foreign corporation has made entries or records under the book-entry transfer system prescribed in Article 5-2(5)(vi) (hereinafter referred to in this Article as "entries or records under the book-entry transfer system") in its account established with a specified book-entry transfer institution, etc. prescribed in Article 5-2(1) (hereinafter referred to in this Article as a "specified book-entry transfer institution, etc.") or a qualified foreign intermediary prescribed in Article 5-2(5)(iv) (hereinafter referred to in this Article as a "qualified foreign intermediary"), via a business office or any other office of the said specified book-entry transfer institution, etc. located in Japan (including a post office; hereinafter referred to in this Article as a "business office, etc.") or a specified overseas business office, etc. prescribed in Article 5-2(5)(v) of the said qualified foreign intermediary, corporation tax shall not be imposed with respect to such interest from the holding or transfer of the said book-entry transfer national government bonds in separate trading. 例文帳に追加

第六十七条の十七 外国法人が第五条の二第一項に規定する特定振替機関等(以下この条において「特定振替機関等」という。)又は第五条の二第五項第四号に規定する適格外国仲介業者(以下この条において「適格外国仲介業者」という。)から開設を受けている口座において当該特定振替機関等の国内にある営業所若しくは事務所(郵便局を含む。以下この条において「営業所等」という。)又は当該適格外国仲介業者の同項第五号に規定する特定国外営業所等(以下この条において「特定国外営業所等」という。)を通じて同項第六号に規定する振替記載等(以下この条において「振替記載等」という。)を受けている分離振替国債(社債等の振替に関する法律第九十条第二項に規定する分離元本振替国債及び財務省令で定めるところにより同条第一項に規定する元利分離が行われた同条第三項に規定する分離利息振替国債をいう。以下この条において同じ。)の保有又は譲渡により生ずる所得を有する場合の当該分離振替国債の保有又は譲渡により生ずる所得については、法人税を課さない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 68-88 (1) Where a consolidated corporation has, in each consolidated business year beginning on or after April 1, 2002, conducted a transaction for the sale of assets, purchase of assets, provision of services or any other transaction with a foreign affiliated person related to the said consolidated corporation (meaning a foreign corporation that has a relationship with the said consolidated corporation whereby either corporation holds, directly or indirectly, shares or capital contributions that account for 50 percent or more of the total number or total amount of issued shares of or capital contributions to the other corporation (excluding the shares or capital contributions held by the other corporation) or any other special relationship specified by a Cabinet Order (referred to in the next paragraph and paragraph (5) as a "special relationship"); hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article), if the amount of the consideration received by the said consolidated corporation from the said foreign affiliated person with respect to the said transaction (excluding, depending on the category of foreign corporation listed in Article 141(i) to (iii) of the Corporation Tax Act corresponding to the said foreign affiliated person, a transaction from which the said foreign affiliated person earns the domestic source income listed in the relevant item, which is specified by a Cabinet Order prescribed in Article 66-4(1); hereinafter referred to in this Article as a "foreign affiliated transaction") is below the arm's length price or if the amount of the consideration paid by the said consolidated corporation to the said foreign affiliated person with respect to the said transaction is over the arm's length price, with regard to the application of the provisions of the said Act and any other provisions concerning corporation tax on the said consolidated corporation's consolidated income for the said consolidated business year, the said foreign affiliated transaction shall be deemed to have been conducted at the arm's length price. 例文帳に追加

第六十八条の八十八 連結法人が、平成十四年四月一日以後に開始する各連結事業年度において、当該連結法人に係る国外関連者(外国法人で、当該連結法人との間にいずれか一方の法人が他方の法人の発行済株式又は出資(当該他方の法人が有する自己の株式又は出資を除く。)の総数又は総額の百分の五十以上の数又は金額の株式又は出資を直接又は間接に保有する関係その他の政令で定める特殊の関係(次項及び第五項において「特殊の関係」という。)のあるものをいう。以下この条において同じ。)との間で資産の販売、資産の購入、役務の提供その他の取引を行つた場合に、当該取引(当該国外関連者が法人税法第百四十一条第一号から第三号までに掲げる外国法人のいずれに該当するかに応じ、当該国外関連者のこれらの号に掲げる国内源泉所得に係る取引のうち第六十六条の四第一項に規定する政令で定めるものを除く。以下この条において「国外関連取引」という。)につき、当該連結法人が当該国外関連者から支払を受ける対価の額が独立企業間価格に満たないとき、又は当該連結法人が当該国外関連者に支払う対価の額が独立企業間価格を超えるときは、当該連結事業年度の連結所得に係る同法その他法人税に関する法令の規定の適用については、当該国外関連取引は、独立企業間価格で行われたものとみなす。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

In this context, the financial sector has ballooned more than the real economy, and risks can no longer be contained within the risks of one financial institution. The Lehman Brothers shockwave was a typical example of this. It has a broad impact on the national economy and the global economy. Back in 1929, economies were organized into economic blocks, which became a remote cause of the Second World War according to some people. Having learned a bitter lesson from the War, G8 and G20 mobilized their wisdom and reached a consensus on Basel III as well. I am looking forward to seeing an accord reached on Basel III at the upcoming Seoul Summit. I believe that the human race has learned a few lessons since the Great Depression after 1929 in conjunction with the globalization of economies around the world. With this in mind, the general rule is to facilitate the financial sector that supports companies, as well as the yen, and properly execute risk management. As relationship of trust is fundamental to financial businesses, financial institutions do not function properly if customers lack confidence in financial institutions, as you are well aware. Taking this into account, we are steering the financial sector at an extremely difficult time. Even at times like this when the financial sector is undergoing dramatic change on a global scale, we are committed to fulfilling our responsibilities properly while seeking your wisdom and people’s opinions, bearing in mind that Japan’s economy is not isolated but interlinked with American and Chinese economies as well due to globalization. 例文帳に追加

また、そういった意味で、非常に金融が実体経済以上にふくらむ、それがなおかつ、一つの金融機関のリスクの中で、リスクはもうおさまらなくなった、リーマン・ショックなんか典型ですね。国全体の経済、あるいは世界全体の経済に広範な影響を与えるというようなことでございますから、そういった中で、1929年はそれぞれの経済がブロック化しまして、それが第二次世界大戦の遠因だという方もおられますけれども、その辺の苦しい反省を踏まえて、G8、G20ということで、何とか英知を集めて、今度のバーゼルもまとまったし、今度はぜひ、これがソウルサミットでまとまっていただきたいと思いますけれども、世界の経済のグローバル化と同時に、やっぱり人類は1929年の後の世界大恐慌よりは、少し学習をしたと私は思っていますし、そういうことも視野に入れつつ、企業を支える金融、あるいは円の円滑化、あるいはリスク管理をきちっとやるというようなことは、これは原則でございますし、なおかつ金融業というのは、この前も申しましたように、基本的には信頼関係でございますから、顧客の方だとか、あるいは金融機関に関する信頼がないと、金融機関というのはうまく機能しないというのはもう皆様方、専門家でございますからよくご存じでございますから、そういったことを踏まえて、非常に難しい時代の金融の舵取りでございます。世界が今非常に金融も変動しておりまして、しかし、そういったときでも、皆様の知恵もかりながら、国民の声もかりながら、そして日本一国の経済ではございませんから、まさに非常に経済のグローバル化、アメリカの経済も中国の経済も、まさに結びついているわけでございますから、そういったことも視野に入れつつ、しっかり責任を果たしていきたいというふうに思っております。 - 金融庁

In the course of examination the Patent Office shall: refuse to recognize the subject matter of the application as an invention, in particular where the Office reveals that it does not concern any tangible creation susceptible of application, determined by means of technical features relating to its structure or composition, nor any particular technical way in which it affects a material, nor new use of a substance comprised in the state of the art; (ii)refuse to recognize the subject matter of the application as a new invention, where it may prove that all the technical features of the technical solution or of a variation of the technical solution contained in the application, taken together, are comprised in the state of the art and are not characterized by the production of unexpected effects; recognize the claimed invention that meets the criterion of novelty as a technical solution not involving an inventive step, where the Office may cite those documents from the state of the art, on the basis of which it may reasonably claim that the invention's capability of being carried out or applied is clearly implied by that state of the art, when taking into account average skills of a person skilled in the art; refuse to recognize the subject matter of the application as a technical solution susceptible of industrial application, in particular when it finds that it is infeasible for that solution to be used for manufacturing of the product or for the claimed process to be used in a technical sense.例文帳に追加

特許庁は,審査の過程において次のことを行う。 特に出願の主題が,構造又は構成に関する技術的特徴から判断して,出願可能な実体的な創造物に関係しておらず,また物質に作用する特定の技術的方法にも,技術水準に含まれる物質の新たな用途にも関係していないことを庁が明らかにした場合は,発明としての出願の主題の認容を拒絶する。出願に含まれる,技術的解決方法又はその変種の技術的特徴のすべてが,全体として技術水準に含まれており,かつ,予期できない効果の出現によって特徴付けられていないことを特許庁が証明することができる場合は,出願の主題を新たな発明として認容することを拒絶する。特許庁が技術水準から書類を引用することができ,その書類を基礎として特許庁が,当該技術の熟練者の平均的熟練度を考慮に入れたときに,発明が実施され又は利用される可能性が当該技術水準に明瞭に示されていることを合理的に主張することができる場合は,新規性の基準に適合するクレームされた発明を,進歩性を含まない技術的解決方法として認容する。 特に,製品の製造のために当該解決方法が実施されること又はクレームされた方法が技術的な意味で実施されることが不可能であることを特許庁が認めたときは,出願の主題を産業上の利用可能性のある技術的解決方法として認容することを拒絶する。 - 特許庁

Members, Recognizing the growing importance of trade in services for the growth and development of the world economy; Wishing to establish a multilateral framework of principles and rules for trade in services with a view to the expansion of such trade under conditions of transparency and progressive liberalization and as a means of promoting the economic growth of all trading partners and the development of developing countries; Desiring the early achievement of progressively higher levels of liberalization of trade in services through successive rounds of multilateral negotiations aimed at promoting the interests of all participants on a mutually advantageous basis and at securing an overall balance of rights and obligations, while giving due respect to national policy objectives; Recognizing the right of Members to regulate, and to introduce new regulations, on the supply of services within their territories in order to meet national policy objectives and, given asymmetries existing with respect to the degree of development of services regulations in different countries, the particular need of developing countries to exercise this right; Desiring to facilitate the increasing participation of developing countries in trade in services and the expansion of their service exports including, inter alia, through the strengthening of their domestic services capacity and its efficiency and competitiveness; Taking particular account of the serious difficulty of the least-developed countries in view of their special economic situation and their development, trade and financial needs; Hereby agree as follows:例文帳に追加

加盟国は、世界経済の成長及び発展にとってサービスの貿易の重要性が増大していることを認め、透明性及び漸進的な自由化を確保しつつサービスの貿易を拡大することを目的として、また、すべての参加国の経済成長及び開発途上国の発展を促進する手段として、サービスの貿易に関する原則及び規則の多角的枠組みを設定することを希望し、すべての参加国の利益を互恵的な基礎の上に増進し、かつ、権利及び義務の全体的な均衡を確保することを目的として引き続き行われる多角的交渉のラウンドを通じ、国家の政策目的に十分な考慮を払いつつ、漸進的かつ早期に一層高い水準のサービスの貿易の自由化を達成することを希望し、国家の政策目的を実現するため自国の領域内におけるサービスの提供に関して規制を行い又は新たな規制を導入する権利を有すること及びサービスの規制に係る発展の程度に関して国の間に存在する不均衡にかんがみ開発途上国にはこの権利を行使する必要が特にあることを認め、特に開発途上国の国内のサービスに関する能力並びにその効率性及び競争力を強化することにより、開発途上国のサービスの貿易への参加の増大及びサービスの輸出の拡大を促進することを希望し、後発開発途上国の特別な経済的事情並びにこれらの国の開発上、貿易上及び資金上のニーズにかんがみ、後発開発途上国が重大な困難を有することに特に留意して、ここに、次のとおり協定する。 - 経済産業省

Article 163 (1) When an Officer or a Major Shareholder (meaning a shareholder who holds voting rights (excluding those specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance in consideration of the manner of acquisition or holding thereof or other circumstances) exceeding 10 percent of the Voting Rights Held by All the Shareholders, etc. in the name of him/herself or another person (or under a fictitious name); hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article to Article 166) of the Issuer of Securities specified in Article 2(1)(v), (vii) or (ix) which are listed in a Financial Instruments Exchange or falling under the category of Over-the-Counter Traded Securities or Securities Handled (except those specified by a Cabinet Order) or of Securities designated by a Cabinet Order (hereinafter the Issuer is referred to as a "Listed Company, etc." in this Article to Article 166) makes Purchase, etc. of Securities issued by the Listed Company, etc. which fall under any of the categories of Securities specified in Article 2(1)(v), (vii) or (ix) (excluding those specified by a Cabinet Order) or other Securities specified by a Cabinet Order (hereinafter such Securities are referred to as "Specified Securities" in this Article to Article 166) or Securities specified in Article 2(1)(xix) which indicate Options pertaining to Specified Securities of the Listed Company, etc. or other Securities specified by a Cabinet Order (hereinafter such Securities are referred to as "Related Securities" in this paragraph) (the term "Purchase, etc." means purchase of Specified Securities and Related Securities (hereinafter these Securities are collectively referred to as "Specified Securities, etc." in this Article to Article 166) and other transaction specified by a Cabinet Order; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article, the following Article and Article 165-2) or makes Sales, etc. thereof (meaning sales of Specified Securities, etc. and other transaction specified by a Cabinet Order; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article to Article 165-2), for his/her own account (including the cases where the trustee of a trust of which said Officer or said Major Shareholder is the settlor or beneficiary makes Purchase, etc. or Sales, etc. of Specified Securities, etc. of the Listed Company, etc. as specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article and the following Article), said Officer or said Major Shareholder shall submit, pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Office Ordinance, a report on such sales or purchase or other transaction (hereinafter referred to as "Sales and Purchase, etc." in this paragraph, the following Article or Article 165-2) to the Prime Minister on or before the 15th day of the month following the month which includes the day of such Sales and Purchase, etc.; provided, however, that this shall not apply to the cases so specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance in consideration of the manner of the Purchase, etc. or Sales, etc. or other circumstances. 例文帳に追加

第百六十三条 第二条第一項第五号、第七号又は第九号に掲げる有価証券(政令で定めるものを除く。)で金融商品取引所に上場されているもの、店頭売買有価証券又は取扱有価証券に該当するものその他の政令で定める有価証券の発行者(以下この条から第百六十六条までにおいて「上場会社等」という。)の役員及び主要株主(自己又は他人(仮設人を含む。)の名義をもつて総株主等の議決権の百分の十以上の議決権(取得又は保有の態様その他の事情を勘案して内閣府令で定めるものを除く。)を保有している株主をいう。以下この条から第百六十六条までにおいて同じ。)は、自己の計算において当該上場会社等の同項第五号、第七号若しくは第九号に掲げる有価証券(政令で定めるものを除く。)その他の政令で定める有価証券(以下この条から第百六十六条までにおいて「特定有価証券」という。)又は当該上場会社等の特定有価証券に係るオプションを表示する同項第十九号に掲げる有価証券その他の政令で定める有価証券(以下この項において「関連有価証券」という。)に係る買付け等(特定有価証券又は関連有価証券(以下この条から第百六十六条までにおいて「特定有価証券等」という。)の買付けその他の取引で政令で定めるものをいう。以下この条、次条及び第百六十五条の二において同じ。)又は売付け等(特定有価証券等の売付けその他の取引で政令で定めるものをいう。以下この条から第百六十五条の二までにおいて同じ。)をした場合(当該役員又は主要株主が委託者又は受益者である信託の受託者が当該上場会社等の特定有価証券等に係る買付け等又は売付け等をする場合であつて内閣府令で定める場合を含む。以下この条及び次条において同じ。)には、内閣府令で定めるところにより、その売買その他の取引(以下この項、次条及び第百六十五条の二において「売買等」という。)に関する報告書を売買等があつた日の属する月の翌月十五日までに、内閣総理大臣に提出しなければならない。ただし、買付け等又は売付け等の態様その他の事情を勘案して内閣府令で定める場合は、この限りでない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 66-4 (1) Where a corporation has, in each business year beginning on or after April 1, 1986, conducted a transaction for the sale of assets, purchase of assets, provision of services or any other transaction with a foreign affiliated person related to the said corporation (meaning a foreign corporation that has a relationship with the said corporation whereby either corporation holds, directly or indirectly, shares or capital contributions that account for 50 percent or more of the total number or total amount of issued shares of or capital contributions to the other corporation (excluding the shares or capital contributions held by the other corporation) or any other special relationship specified by a Cabinet Order (referred to in the next paragraph and paragraph (6) as a "special relationship"); hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article), if the amount of the consideration received by the said corporation from the said foreign affiliated person with respect to the said transaction (excluding, depending on the category of foreign corporation listed in Article 141(i) to (iii) of the Corporation Tax Act corresponding to the said foreign affiliated person, a transaction from which the said foreign affiliated person earns the domestic source income listed in the relevant item, which is specified by a Cabinet Order; hereinafter referred to in this Article as a "foreign affiliated transaction") is below the arm's length price or if the amount of the consideration paid by the said corporation to the said foreign affiliated person with respect to the said transaction is over the arm's length price, with regard to the application of the provisions of the said Act and any other provisions concerning corporation tax on the said corporation's income for the said business year and its liquidation income due to dissolution (excluding dissolution as a result of a merger; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) (liquidation income shall include the income of a corporation that is liable for corporation tax on liquidation income for the business year when liquidation is in progress, and any amount that shall be deemed to be liquidation income due to dissolution pursuant to the provision of Article 103(1)(ii) of the said Act; the same shall apply in paragraph (7)), the said foreign affiliated transaction shall be deemed to have been conducted at the arm's length price. 例文帳に追加

第六十六条の四 法人が、昭和六十一年四月一日以後に開始する各事業年度において、当該法人に係る国外関連者(外国法人で、当該法人との間にいずれか一方の法人が他方の法人の発行済株式又は出資(当該他方の法人が有する自己の株式又は出資を除く。)の総数又は総額の百分の五十以上の数又は金額の株式又は出資を直接又は間接に保有する関係その他の政令で定める特殊の関係(次項及び第六項において「特殊の関係」という。)のあるものをいう。以下この条において同じ。)との間で資産の販売、資産の購入、役務の提供その他の取引を行つた場合に、当該取引(当該国外関連者が法人税法第百四十一条第一号から第三号までに掲げる外国法人のいずれに該当するかに応じ、当該国外関連者のこれらの号に掲げる国内源泉所得に係る取引のうち政令で定めるものを除く。以下この条において「国外関連取引」という。)につき、当該法人が当該国外関連者から支払を受ける対価の額が独立企業間価格に満たないとき、又は当該法人が当該国外関連者に支払う対価の額が独立企業間価格を超えるときは、当該法人の当該事業年度の所得及び解散(合併による解散を除く。以下この条において同じ。)による清算所得(清算所得に対する法人税を課される法人の清算中の事業年度の所得及び同法第百三条第一項第二号の規定により解散による清算所得とみなされる金額を含む。第七項において同じ。)に係る同法その他法人税に関する法令の規定の適用については、当該国外関連取引は、独立企業間価格で行われたものとみなす。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


(9) Where a nonresident or foreign corporation (excluding those listed in paragraph (1)(i), (iii), or (iv); hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph) makes entries or records under the book-entry transfer system for short-term national government bonds, etc. (meaning national government bonds listed in Article 41-12(9)(i) to (viii) of the Act which fall under the category of specified short-term government or company bonds and principal-only book-entry transfer national government bonds and coupon-only book-entry transfer national government bonds prescribed in paragraph (12) of the said Article) for the first time on or after April 1, 1999 in the account pertaining to entries or records under the book-entry transfer system that has gone through the confirmation pursuant to the provision of Article 5-2(9) of the Act (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (12) of the said Article; hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph) (hereinafter such confirmation shall be referred to as a "confirmation pertaining to book-entry transfer national government bonds, etc." in this paragraph), with regard to the said entries or records under the book-entry transfer system, it shall be deemed that the submission of a written notice set forth in Article 41-12(12) of the Act under the provisions of the said paragraph (including the submission of the document set forth in paragraph (4) under the provisions of the said paragraph) has been made by the submission of a written application for tax exemption of book-entry transfer national government bonds set forth in Article 5-2(1)(i)(a) of the Act under the provisions of (a) of the said item (including the submission of a written application set forth in paragraph (10) of the said Article under the provisions of the said paragraph) or the submission of a written application for tax exemption of book-entry transfer local government bonds set forth in Article 5(1)(ii)(a) of the Act under the provisions of (a) of the said item (including the submission of a written application set forth in paragraph (11) of the said Article under the provisions of the said paragraph) for the said confirmation pertaining to book-entry transfer national government bonds, etc., that the presentation of the identification documents under the provisions of Article 41-12(12) of the Act (including the provisions of paragraph (5)) has been made by the presentation of the documents specified by a Cabinet Order set forth in Article 5-2(9) of the Act under the provisions of the said paragraph for the said confirmation pertaining to book-entry transfer national government bonds, etc., and that the confirmation under the provisions of paragraph (6) (including the submission of the documents set forth in paragraph (7) under the provisions of the said paragraph) has been provided by the said confirmation pertaining to book-entry transfer national government bonds, etc.; provided, however, that this shall not apply when the name and address to be entered in a written notice set forth in Article 41-12(12) of the Act or the document set forth in paragraph (4) are inconsistent with the name and address of the said nonresident or foreign corporation for which the said confirmation pertaining to book-entry transfer national government bonds, etc. has been provided. 例文帳に追加

9 非居住者又は外国法人(第一項第一号、第三号又は第四号に掲げる者を除く。以下この項において同じ。)が、法第五条の二第九項(同条第十二項において準用する場合を含む。以下この項において同じ。)の規定によりされた確認(以下この項において「振替国債等に係る確認」という。)に係る振替記載等に係る口座において平成十一年四月一日以後最初に短期国債等(法第四十一条の十二第九項第一号から第八号までに掲げる国債で同項に規定する特定短期公社債に該当するもの並びに同条第十二項に規定する分離元本振替国債及び分離利息振替国債をいう。)の振替記載等を受ける場合には、当該振替記載等については、当該振替国債等に係る確認に係る法第五条の二第一項第一号イの規定による同号イの振替国債非課税適用申告書の提出(同条第十項の規定による同項の申告書の提出を含む。)又は同条第一項第二号イの規定による同号イの振替地方債非課税適用申告書の提出(同条第十一項の規定による同項の申告書の提出を含む。)をもつて法第四十一条の十二第十二項の規定による同項の告知書の提出(第四項の規定による同項の書類の提出を含む。)があつたものと、当該振替国債等に係る確認に係る法第五条の二第九項の規定による同項の政令で定める書類の提示をもつて法第四十一条の十二第十二項の規定(第五項の規定を含む。)による確認書類の提示があつたものと、当該振替国債等に係る確認をもつて第六項の規定による確認(第七項の規定による同項の書類の提出を含む。)があつたものと、それぞれみなす。ただし、同条第十二項の告知書又は第四項の書類に記載すべき氏名又は名称及び住所が当該振替国債等に係る確認がされた当該非居住者又は外国法人の氏名又は名称及び住所と異なるときは、この限りでない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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