例文 (911件) |
該当件数 : 911件
多国間の協力関係としては、現在、JISCが2008 年から2010年まで、その事務局業務を引き受けており、アジア太平洋地域の国標準化機関間におけるISO/IEC活動での連携強化・参加促進を目的として発足したPASC(Paci¢c Area Standards Congress:太平洋地域標準会議、現在25 カ国、地域が加盟)や日中韓3 カ国の標準化機関及び規格協会が参加し、ISO/IEC等国際標準化活動における個別分野の協力について意見交換する北東アジア(日中韓)標準協力フォーラムがある。例文帳に追加
As a multilateral cooperation, currently from 2008 to 2010, JISC has undertaken the Secretariat position, hosting the PASC (Pacific Area Standards Congress: Pacific Area Standards Meetings with currently 25 member countries and regions participating) that was established for strengthening cooperation and promoting the participation of ISO / IEC activities among the organization of Asia Pacific region's standardization. The Northeast Asian (CJK) Standard Cooperation Forum exchanges opinions of each fields? cooperation in ISO / IEC and other standardization activities with participants of CJK?s standardization organization and regulatory associations. - 経済産業省
Where goods, which are prohibited to be imported into India by notification of the Central Government under clause (n) of sub-section (2) of section 11 of the Customs Act, 1962, for the protection of trade marks, and are liable to confiscation on importation under that Act, are imported into India, the Commissioner of Customs if, upon representation made to him, he has reason to believe that the trade mark complained of is used as a false trade mark, may require the importer of the goods, or his agent, to produce any documents in his possession relating to the goods and to furnish information as to the name and address of the person by whom the goods were consigned to India and the name and address of the person to whom the goods were sent in India. - 特許庁
第三十条 警察庁長官は、認証紛争解決事業者について、第七条第八号から第十二号までに該当する事由(同条第九号及び第十号に該当する事由にあっては、同条第八号に係るものに限る。)又は第十五条の規定に違反する事実があると疑うに足りる相当な理由があるため、法務大臣が当該認証紛争解決事業者に対して適当な措置をとることが必要であると認める場合には、法務大臣に対し、その旨の意見を述べることができる。例文帳に追加
Article 30 The Director-General of the National Police Agency may offer his opinions to the Minister of Justice when he considers it necessary to take appropriate measures against a certified dispute resolution business operator on the grounds that there is reason to suspect that the certified dispute resolution business operator falls under any of Items 8 to 12 of Article 7 (limited to Item 8 where the applicant falls under Item 9 or 10) or is in violation of Article 15. - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
65 HDD の在庫水準は、今年2 月には既に前年同月比でプラスになっており、市場でいまだに供給が逼迫していることとの間の解釈は難しいが、①輸出用が多いために一定程度の在庫を積み上げてから出荷する体制になっているか、②直接の被災を免れたHDD 製造企業が供給不足による価格上昇局面を維持するために、意図的に在庫を積み上げて出荷を制限しているかのどちらかあるいはその双方を示しているのではないかと思われる。例文帳に追加
65 The inventory level of HDDs already recorded a positive growth in February 2012 compared with the same month a year ago, and it is difficult to find reasons why the supply is still tight in the market. Nonetheless, either or both of the following factors appear to be the cause: (A) products are delivered after certain level of inventory is secured since many products are intended for exports and/or (B)HDD manufacturers that escaped direct damage have intentionally held up inventory and restricted the shipment and created a tight supply situation to maintain the high price level. - 経済産業省
背景としては米国、ECがそれぞれNAFTA(1994年発効)、EU(1993年発足)への取組を加速させるなど、欧米が経済的関係の深い近隣諸国との間で貿易・投資の自由化・円滑化等による連携を図る動きを活発化させたことや、NIEsやASEANがいち早く経済開放を推し進めることにより高成長を果たす中、チリ・メキシコなどの新興国が貿易・投資の自由化や市場メカニズムの導入へと経済政策を転換させ、その中でEPA / FTAを活用する戦略を採ったこと、さらに我が国を含む東アジアがEPA / FTAに積極姿勢に転じたことなどが挙げられる。例文帳に追加
Factors behind this include: both the United States and Europe accelerated their moves of tie ups with economically close neighboring countries through liberalization/facilitation of trade and investment activities, reflected in the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA; formed in 1994) and the European Union (EU: established in 1993), respectively; amidst fast growth being achieved by countries of the new industrializing economies (NIEs) and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) through their swift promotion of economic liberalization, emerging countries such as Chile and Mexico actively sought the advantage of EPA and FTA schemes as they shifted their economic policies to liberalizing trade and investment and introducing the market mechanism; and East Asian countries including Japan also shifted to active promotion of EPA and FTA schemes. - 経済産業省
The major reasons for such an increase in EPAs/FTAs include the following: (1) Moves have accelerated in the United States and Europe toward economic partnerships with their economically-linked neighboring countries through liberalization and the promotion of trade and investment, such as efforts for the NAFTA (enacted in 1994) by the United States and efforts for the EU (established in 1993) by the EC, (2) Newly emerging countries, such as Chile and Mexico, have changed their economic policies, liberalizing trade and investment and introducing market mechanisms, while NIEs and ASEAN have achieved high economic growth by opening up their markets ahead of other countries. In doing so, they have adopted the strategy of promoting EPAs/FTAs, and (3) East Asian countries, including Japan, have changed their stance in favor of EPAs/FTAs, etc. - 経済産業省
7 会員商品取引所が前項第三号に掲げる方法を公告方法とする旨を定款で定める場合には、その定款には、電子公告を公告方法とする旨を定めれば足りる。この場合においては、事故その他やむを得ない事由によつて電子公告による公告をすることができない場合の公告方法として、同項第一号又は第二号に掲げる方法のいずれかを定めることができる。例文帳に追加
(7) When a Member Commodity Exchange specifies in its articles of incorporation the fact that it will make the method set forth in item (iii) of the preceding paragraph the Method of Public Notice, it is sufficient to specify in the articles of incorporation that Electronic Public Notice will be the Method of Public Notice. In this case, either of the methods set forth in item (i) or item (ii) of the same paragraph may be specified as the Method of Public Notice for the case where a public notice cannot be given by Electronic Public Notice as a result of an accident or any other inevitable reasons. - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
7 会員商品取引所が前項第三号に掲げる方法を公告方法とする旨を定款で定める場合には、その定款には、電子公告を公告方法とする旨を定めれば足りる。この場合においては、事故その他やむを得ない事由によつて電子公告による公告をすることができない場合の公告方法として、同項第一号又は第二号に掲げる方法のいずれかを定めることができる。例文帳に追加
(7) When a Member Commodity Exchange specifies in its articles of incorporation the fact that it will make the method set forth in item 3 of the preceding paragraph the Method of Public Notice, it is sufficient to specify in the articles of incorporation that Electronic Public Notice will be the Method of Public Notice. In this case, either of the methods set forth in item 1 or item 2 of the same paragraph may be specified as the Method of Public Notice for the case where a public notice cannot be given by Electronic Public Notice as a result of an accident or any other inevitable reasons. - 経済産業省
2 投資法人が前項第三号に掲げる方法を公告方法とする旨を規約で定める場合には、その規約には、電子公告を公告方法とする旨を定めれば足りる。この場合においては、事故その他やむを得ない事由によつて電子公告による公告をすることができない場合の公告方法として、同項第一号又は第二号に掲げる方法のいずれかを定めることができる。例文帳に追加
(2) In cases where the Investment Corporation specifies the method listed in item (iii) of the preceding paragraph as the Method of Public Notice in its certificate of incorporation, it shall be sufficient to prescribe to the effect that the Electronic Public Notice shall be the Method of Public Notice in its certificate of incorporation. In this case, either of the methods listed in item (i) or item (ii) of the preceding paragraph may be specified as the Method of Public Notice in cases where it is not possible to give public notice by way of an Electronic Public Notice due to an accident or other unavoidable circumstances. - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
5 組合が前項第三号に掲げる方法を公告方法とする旨を定款で定める場合には、その定款には、電子公告を公告方法とすることを定めれば足りる。この場合においては、事故その他やむを得ない事由によつて電子公告による公告をすることができない場合の公告方法として、同項第一号又は第二号に掲げる方法のいずれかを定めることができる。例文帳に追加
(5) When a cooperative specifies in its articles of association that it will make the method set forth in item (iii) of the preceding paragraph its method of public notice, it is sufficient to specify in the articles of formation that electronic public notice will be the method of public notice. In this case, either of the methods set forth in item (i) or item (ii) of the same paragraph may be specified as the method of public notice in the case where the public notice may not be given by way of electronic public notice due to an accident or any other unavoidable circumstances. - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
In the run-flat tire wheel assembly having a supporter for a run-flat tire formed of an annular metal shell and a rubber-like elastic body in an inner cavity of a tire/rim, the rubber-like elastic body is constituted of two kinds of different rubber compounds. - 特許庁
5 前項の規定にかかわらず、その公告方法(会社法第二条第三十三号(定義)に規定する公告方法をいう。以下同じ。)が第五十七条第一号に掲げる方法である銀行は、内閣府令で定めるところにより、中間貸借対照表等、貸借対照表等、中間連結対照表等及び連結貸借対照表等の要旨を公告することで足りる。この場合においては、同項ただし書の規定を準用する。例文帳に追加
(5) Notwithstanding the provision of the preceding paragraph, it would be sufficient for a Bank which adopts the Method of Public Notice (meaning the Method of Public Notice prescribed in Article 2(xxxiii)(Definitions) of the Companies Act; the same shall apply hereinafter) listed in Article 57(i) to give public notice only of the gist of Interim Balance Sheet, etc., Balance Sheet, etc., Interim Consolidated Balance Sheet, etc. and Consolidated Balance Sheet, etc. pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Office Ordinance. In this case, the proviso to the preceding paragraph shall apply mutatis mutandis to this case. - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
In order to examine the actual state of financing in various regions without any prejudice, including whether or not there is such a move, we are conducting a questionnaire survey by dispatching senior FSA officials to regions, as I already said -- at my press conference before last, I said the survey would be completed in the first half of this year. According to the survey, the balance of outstanding loans provided to small- and medium-size enterprises have been declining since September last year. However, the main reason for this is a problem related to borrower companies' sales, rather than financial institutions' restrictive lending stance, as I told you. We intend to grasp how the situation has changed, including with regard to matters like this. - 金融庁
(1) Where goods, which are prohibited to be re-imported into Bangladesh under clause (d), clause (e) or clause (f), of section 15 of the Customs Act 1969 (Act IV of 1969), and are liable to detention and confiscation on importation under that Act, are imported into Bangladesh, the Commissioner of Customs exercising jurisdiction at the port of entry of the goods, if, upon representation made to him, has reason to believe that the trademark complained of is used as a false trademark, may require the importer of the goods, or his agent, to produce any documents in his possession relating to the goods and to furnish information as to the name and address of the person by whom the goods were consigned to Bangladesh and the name and address of the person to whom the goods were sent in Bangladesh. - 特許庁
In the method for producing polyester, antimony acetate and antimony trioxide used as polycondensation catalysts of the polyester satisfy the following conditions (1) to (3) when the polyester, having not more than 10 ppb lead element in polyethylene terephthalate, are produced by performing polycondensation after performing a transesterification reaction or an esterification reaction of terephthalic acid or an ester-forming derivative thereof and ethylene glycol. - 特許庁
第一条 この法律は、雇用対策法(昭和四十一年法律第百三十二号)と相まつて、公共に奉仕する公共職業安定所その他の職業安定機関が関係行政庁又は関係団体の協力を得て職業紹介事業等を行うこと、職業安定機関以外の者の行う職業紹介事業等が労働力の需要供給の適正かつ円滑な調整に果たすべき役割にかんがみその適正な運営を確保すること等により、各人にその有する能力に適合する職業に就く機会を与え、及び産業に必要な労働力を充足し、もつて職業の安定を図るとともに、経済及び社会の発展に寄与することを目的とする。例文帳に追加
Article 1 The purpose of this Act is, together with the Employment Countermeasures Act (Act No. 132 of 1966), to provide every person with an opportunity to obtain a job conformed to his/her ability and meet the labor needs of industry through the provision of employment placement businesses, etc. by Public Employment Security Offices and other employment security bodies serving the public, with the cooperation of related administrative agencies and related organizations, and through ensuring the appropriate operation of employment placement businesses etc. provided by persons other than employment security bodies in consideration of the role to be fulfilled by such persons in the appropriate and smooth adjustment of demand for and supply of a labor force, thereby achieving security of employment and contributing to the development of the economy and society. - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
4 前項ただし書の規定による更新は、一回を超えて行うことができない。ただし、第三条第一項第一号に掲げる少年に係る死刑、懲役又は禁錮に当たる罪の事件でその非行事実(犯行の動機、態様及び結果その他の当該犯罪に密接に関連する重要な事実を含む。以下同じ。)の認定に関し証人尋問、鑑定若しくは検証を行うことを決定したもの又はこれを行つたものについて、少年を収容しなければ審判に著しい支障が生じるおそれがあると認めるに足りる相当の理由がある場合には、その更新は、更に二回を限度として、行うことができる。例文帳に追加
(4) The renewal pursuant to the proviso of the preceding paragraph shall not take place more than once; provided, however, that the renewal may take place up to two additional times in a case involving a Juvenile as prescribed in Article 3, paragraph (1), item (i) who committed a crime punishable by imprisonment with or without work or the death penalty if there is a ruling to examine witnesses, to request an expert opinion or to carry out an inspection to find the facts of the case (including motive, manners, consequences of the crime or other material facts closely related to the crime; the same shall apply hereinafter), and if there are reasonable grounds to suspect that a hearing of the family court would be severely hindered without commitment of the Juvenile. - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
This high strength thin steel sheet excellent in secondary working embrittlement resistance and formability is the one in which, as to steel having components contg., by weight, 0.0040 to 0.01% C, ≤0.07% - 特許庁
ポリビニルアルコール系フィルムから形成された偏光子を有する、単体透過率が44.0%以上、偏光度99.60%以上の偏光板であって、その表面に反射防止層が形成されてなり、偏光板表面の鏡面反射率Ymが0.80%以下で、鏡面反射色相x、yが0.17≦x≦0.27、0.07≦y≦0.17であり、波長440nmにおける平行透過率Tp440[%]と、波長550nmにおける平行透過率Tp550[%] と、波長610nmにおける平行透過率Tp610[%]と、直交透過率のYc値[%]とが、下記式(1)〜(3)を同時に満足する偏光板。例文帳に追加
The polarizing plate has a polarizer formed of a polyvinyl alcohol-based film, is set so that the transmittance of a single body is ≥44.0% and the degree of polarization is ≥99.60%, and is constituted by forming an antireflection layer on its surface. - 特許庁
The WTO Agreement on Safeguards provides that, from the perspective of further expanding trade liberalization, where circumstances which were unforeseeable at the time of trade liberalization negotiations lead to a surge in imports of specific products, members may impose import restrictions (tariff measures, import quotas) pursuant to certain conditions(serious injury to domestic industry, causal relations between imports and injury, instigation of measures on the basis of the principle of non-discrimination) as an emergency avoidance measure (Fig. 3.2.1).A total of 150 safeguard measures were imposed between the inauguration of the GATT in1948 up until the end of December 1994, immediately prior to the entry into force of the Safeguards Agreement. - 経済産業省
Where a judge of the District Court is satisfied by information on oath that there are reasonable grounds for suspecting-- that an offence under section 66 has been, or is about to be, committed in, on or at any premises or place, and that evidence that such an offence has been, or is about to be, committed is in, on or at those premises or that place, the District Court may issue a warrant authorizing a member of the Garda Siochana, accompanied by such other members of the Garda Siochana or other person or persons as that member thinks proper, at any time or times within 28 days from the date of the issue of the warrant on production where requested of that warrant to enter and search the premises or place specified in the warrant using reasonable force where necessary, and to do all or any of the following acts: - 特許庁
At the subsequent meeting convened by the Prime Minister, which I mentioned earlier, there was a consensus on the following points: that Japan's situation is different from the situation of the United States, where the subprime mortgage problem has hurt financial institutions, leading eventually to a credit crunch and producing an impact on the real economy; and that Japan still needs to keep a close watch on future movements of stock prices, exchange rates and crude oil prices, as they could affect the economic condition. - 金融庁
一 国外関連取引に係る棚卸資産の法第六十八条の八十八第一項の連結法人又は当該連結法人に係る同項に規定する国外関連者による購入、製造、販売その他の行為に係る所得が、当該棚卸資産に係るこれらの行為のためにこれらの者が支出した費用の額、使用した固定資産の価額その他これらの者が当該所得の発生に寄与した程度を推測するに足りる要因に応じて当該連結法人及び当該国外関連者に帰属するものとして計算した金額をもつて当該国外関連取引の対価の額とする方法例文帳に追加
(i) The method which uses, as the amount of consideration for a foreign affiliated transaction, the amount calculated by deeming that the income, which arises from the purchase, manufacture, sale or any other acts conducted with regard to inventory assets for the said foreign affiliated transaction by a consolidated corporation set forth in Article 68-88(1) of the Act or a foreign affiliated person prescribed in the said paragraph who is related to the said consolidated corporation, is to be attributed to the said consolidated corporation or foreign affiliated person, in accordance with the factors sufficient to estimate the amount of expenses or the value of fixed assets that such persons have spent or used for conducting such acts or any other levels of such persons' contribution to the said income - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
第六十三条 退去強制対象者に該当する外国人について刑事訴訟に関する法令、刑の執行に関する法令又は少年院若しくは婦人補導院の在院者の処遇に関する法令の規定による手続が行われる場合には、その者を収容しないときでも、その者について第五章(第二節並びに第五十二条及び第五十三条を除く。)の規定に準じ退去強制の手続を行うことができる。この場合において、第二十九条第一項中「容疑者の出頭を求め」とあるのは「容疑者の出頭を求め、又は自ら出張して」と、第四十五条第一項中「前条の規定により容疑者の引渡しを受けたときは」とあるのは「違反調査の結果、容疑者が退去強制対象者に該当すると疑うに足りる理由があるときは」と読み替えるものとする。例文帳に追加
Article 63 (1) In cases of procedures provided for by laws and regulations related to criminal suits, enforcement of sentences, or treatment of the inmates of juvenile prisons or the women's guidance home being carried out for any alien subject to deportation, procedures for deportation may be taken against such alien pursuant to the provisions of Chapter V (except for Section II, and Articles 52 and 53) applicable mutatis mutandis, even when he/she is not being detained. In this case, "request the appearance of the suspect" in Article 29, paragraph (1), shall be deemed to be replaced with "request the appearance of the suspect or make a visit in person", and "when a suspect has been delivered to him/her pursuant to the provisions of the preceding Article" in Article 45, paragraph (1), shall be deemed to be replaced with "when, as a result of investigation into violations, he/she has reasonable grounds to believe that the suspect falls under the category of an alien subject to deportation". - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
3 職員団体が登録される資格を有し、及び引き続いて登録されているためには、規約の作成又は変更、役員の選挙その他これらに準ずる重要な行為が、すべての構成員が平等に参加する機会を有する直接かつ秘密の投票による全員の過半数(役員の選挙については、投票者の過半数)によつて決定される旨の手続を定め、かつ、現実にその手続によりこれらの重要な行為が決定されることを必要とする。ただし、連合体である職員団体又は全国的規模をもつ職員団体にあつては、すべての構成員が平等に参加する機会を有する構成団体ごと又は地域若しくは職域ごとの直接かつ秘密の投票による投票者の過半数で代議員を選挙し、この代議員の全員が平等に参加する機会を有する直接かつ秘密の投票による全員の過半数(役員の選挙については、投票者の過半数)によつて決定される旨の手続を定め、かつ、現実に、その手続により決定されることをもつて足りるものとする。例文帳に追加
(3) In order to qualify for and maintain registration, an employee organization is required to provide procedures whereby the adoption or revision of its constitution, election of officers, and other equivalently important acts are decided by a majority of all its members (by a majority of those who voted, in the case of the election of officers) by direct secret vote in which every member is given an equal opportunity to participate, and is required to ensure that these important acts are actually decided in accordance with the procedures so provided for. In the case of an employee organization which is a federation or is national in scope, however, it shall suffice to establish and to actually observe such procedures provided for that delegates are elected by a majority vote by direct secret vote held for each constituent organization or each geographical area or occupational area which every member is given an equal opportunity to participate in, and, further, that the foregoing important acts be decided by a majority of all the delegates (by a majority of the delegates who voted, in the case of the election of officers) by direct secret vote in which each delegate is given an equal opportunity to participate. - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
There exist many other names of jujutsu and many other martial arts similar to jujutsu, such as "yawara" (the literal meaning is softness, or harmony) or "yawara-jutsu" (literally, the art of harmony), "judo" (the traditional Japanese martial art mainly used for self-defense), "tai-jutsu" (unarmed combat techniques), "hakuda" (a jujutsu-like system that was either of Chinese origin or influenced by Chinese martial arts), "kassatsu-jutsu" (the art of life and death), "hishigi" (joint locking techniques), "gyakute-jutsu" (wrist locking techniques), "koshi no mawari" (sword grappling), "kogusoku-jutsu" (techniques of short sword grappling), "kumiuchi" (grappling) or "kumiuchi-jutsu" (grappling techniques), "yoroi kumiuchi-jutsu" (grappling techniques in armor), "mushadori" (arm constriction), "shusha-jutsu" (techniques of joint-lock throw), "torite-jutsu" (catching hand techniques) or "torite" (catching hand), "hobaku" (binding techniques), "shubaku" (the name of modern martial arts in China), "ken" (fist) or "kenpo" (the bare-hands martial art of Chinese origin, mainly occupied by body-striking techniques). - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
On the other hand, if temporary, extraordinary measures are continued for a long time, they will no longer be temporary or extraordinary. They may produce negative side effects. The timing of an exit from such measures was discussed at the summit meeting. However, when we consider what to do in practice, I believe that it is necessary to make careful judgment while taking into consideration the current conditions and future outlook, the effects of individual measures and international developments as well as the issue of market discipline. - 金融庁
The Team, chaired by Mr. Ohtsuka, will first direct its efforts at thoroughly publicizing the system under the revised Money Lending Act. Although the FSA had worked strenuously to make the system widely known, we were told at this press conference that they were still inadequate. The Team will conduct fact-finding with respect to the implementation status and the impact of the amended Money Lending Act. As the revised Money Lending Act was passed unanimously by all the parties at the Diet with the aim of reducing multiple debtors, the Team will get a grasp of the actual situation as to whether the legislation is functioning as intended in reality, how it is being implemented and what kind of impact it has had, and then conduct a follow-up inspection of the system.In government administration, where I have spent 25 years of my career as mentioned before, the basic assumption of bureaucracy had long been to be “infallible”—that is, not to make any mistakes. However, there has been a change in government. - 金融庁
第四十六条 内閣総理大臣は、現に係属する差止請求に係る訴訟につき既に他の適格消費者団体を当事者とする第十二条第五項第二号本文の確定判決等が存する場合において、消費者団体につき当該確定判決等に係る訴訟等の手続に関し第三十四条第一項第四号に掲げる事由があると疑うに足りる相当な理由がある場合(同条第二項の規定により同号に掲げる事由があるものとみなすことができる場合を含む。)であって、同条第一項の規定による第十三条第一項の認定の取消し又は第三十四条第三項の規定による認定(次項において「認定の取消し等」という。)をするかどうかの判断をするため相当の期間を要すると認めるときは、内閣府令で定めるところにより、当該差止請求に係る訴訟が係属する裁判所(以下この条において「受訴裁判所」という。)に対し、その旨及びその判断に要すると認められる期間を通知するものとする。例文帳に追加
Article 46 (1) In the case where a final and binding judgment, etc., to which another qualified consumer organization is a party, has been already issued pursuant to the main clause of item (ii) of para. (5) of Article 12, with respect to a pending lawsuit for demand of an injunction, and there is a reasonable ground to suspect that said another qualified consumer organization have any of the reasons provided for in item (iv) of the para. (1) of Article 34, with respect to court proceedings, etc. pertaining to said final and binding judgment, etc. (including the case where they may be deemed to have any of the reasons provided for in item (iv) of the para. (1) of Article 34 pursuant to the provision of para. (2) of Article 34), and it is found that considerable period of time may be required to determine the rescission of certification provided in the para. (1) of Article 13 pursuant to the provision of para. (1) of Article 34 or the certification pursuant to the provision of para. (3) of Article 34 (hereinafter referred to as "Rescission of Certification, etc." in the following article), the Prime Minister shall notify the court where the lawsuit for an injunction is pending (hereinafter referred to as "Court in Charge of the Case" in this article) of the same and the period of time expected to be required to determine, pursuant to a Cabinet Office Ordinance. - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
法律又は1989年10月1日の直前に有効な法律の第35条に従って出願を審査する審査官が,他の何れかの国において若しくはその国に関して同一発明を記載した特許出願が,出願人の代理として又は審査に付されている当該出願に指名されている発明者に基づいて権利を主張する他の何人かの代理として,出願されていると信じるに足る適切な理由を認める場合は,審査官は,次の情報及び関連する書類の謄本を出願人に要求することができる: (a) 当該出願に関して引用された何らかの先行技術の特定 (b) 出願番号,出願日,及び特許されている場合は,特許番号 (c) 抵触審査,異議申立,再審査又はそれらに類似する手続の詳細,及び (d) 文書が英語又はフランス語の何れでもない場合は,当該書類の全部又は一部の英語又はフランス語への翻訳文例文帳に追加
Where an examiner examining an application in accordance with section 35 of the Act or the Act as it read immediately before October 1, 1989 has reasonable grounds to believe that an application for a patent describing the same invention has been filed, in or for any country, on behalf of the applicant or on behalf of any other person claiming under an inventor named in the application being examined, the examiner may requisition from the applicant any of the following information and a copy of any related document: (a) an identification of any prior art cited in respect of the applications; (b) the application numbers, filing dates and, if granted, the patent numbers; (c) particulars of conflict, opposition, re-examination or similar proceedings; and (d) where a document is not in either English or French, a translation of the document, or a part of the document, into English or French. - 特許庁
(4) 変更請求は,共同体商標出願として付与された出願日に提出されたとみなされ,優先権又は経過年数が主張されている場合は,これらの権利を享受するものとする。更に,変更請求は国内商標出願と同様に処理される。ただし,変更の請求対象が既に登録された共同体商標に言及する場合は,更なる手続なく,国内商標の地位が付与され,第22条(4)の規定が適用されるが,放棄,不更新又は商標所有者に起因するその他の理由により,決定がスペインにおける保護に影響を与える可能性のある無効又は失効の理由の実質に関して係属しているという事実は除くものとし,この場合は,当該請求は国内商標出願として処理される。本項に定める直接付与の合意に対しては,絶対的又は相対的禁止事由の存在を根拠として審判請求することができないが,当該審判請求は,有効な変更の要件又は申請した共同体商標を直接付与する要件を充足しないことを根拠として行うことができる。例文帳に追加
(4) An application for conversion shall be considered filed on the filing date granted to it as a Community trademark application and, if it claimed priority or age, it shall benefit from these rights. Moreover, the application for conversion shall be processed in the same way as a national trademark application. Nevertheless, if the application for conversion refers to a Community trademark already registered, it shall be granted the status of a national trademark without further procedure, and the provisions of Article 22(4) shall apply, apart from the fact that, owing to renunciation, failure to renew or any other cause attributable to its owner, a pronouncement has been pending as regards the substance of any reason for invalidity or lapse capable of affecting the protection of the trademark in Spain, in which case it shall be processed as a national trademark application. No appeal based on the existence of absolute or relative prohibitions may be lodged against the direct grant agreement provided for in this paragraph, but such an appeal may be based on failure to satisfy the requirements for the valid conversion or direct grant of the Community trademark applied for. - 特許庁
第四十四条の三 警察庁長官又は警察本部長は、貸金業者、貸金業務取扱主任者又は第二十六条第二項の認可を受けようとする貸金業協会の役員について、意見陳述事由又は意見陳述事実があると疑うに足りる相当な理由があるため、内閣総理大臣又は都道府県知事が当該貸金業者、当該貸金業務取扱主任者又は同項の認可を受けようとする者に対して適当な措置をとることが必要であると認める場合には、警察庁長官にあつては内閣総理大臣、警察本部長にあつては都道府県知事に対し、その旨の意見を述べることができる。例文帳に追加
Article 44-3 Where the Commissioner-General of the National Police Agency or the Chief of Police has reasonable grounds to suspect the existence of any Grounds Requiring the Statement of Opinions or Facts Requiring the Statement of Opinions with regard to a Money Lender, a Chief of Money Lending Operations, or an officer of a Money Lenders' Association who intends to obtain authorization under Article 26, paragraph (2), and therefor finds it necessary for the Prime Minister or prefectural governor to take appropriate measures against the Money Lender, the Chief of Money Lending Operations, or such person who intends to obtain authorization under Article 26, paragraph (2), the Commissioner-General of the National Police Agency or the Chief of Police may state his/her opinion to that effect to the Prime Minister or prefectural governor, respectively. - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
第二十四条の二 会員商品取引所がその従たる事務所を他の登記所の管轄区域内に移転したときは、旧所在地(主たる事務所の所在地を管轄する登記所の管轄区域内にある場合を除く。)においては三週間以内に移転の登記をし、新所在地(主たる事務所の所在地を管轄する登記所の管轄区域内にある場合を除く。以下この条において同じ。)においては四週間以内に前条第二項各号に掲げる事項を登記しなければならない。ただし、従たる事務所の所在地を管轄する登記所の管轄区域内に新たに従たる事務所を移転したときは、新所在地においては、同項第三号に掲げる事項を登記すれば足りる。例文帳に追加
Article 24-2 When a Member Commodity Exchange has relocated its secondary office to the jurisdictional district of another registry office, it shall complete registration of the relocation at the old location (excluding the case where it is within the jurisdictional district of the registry office having jurisdiction over the location of the principal office) within three weeks and complete registration of the matters listed in the respective items of paragraph (2) of the preceding Article at the new location (excluding the case where it is within the jurisdictional district of the registry office having jurisdiction over the location of the principal office; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) within four weeks; provided, however, that it is sufficient to register the matter set forth in item (iii) of the same paragraph at the new location when a new secondary office has been established within the jurisdictional district of the registry office having jurisdiction over the location of a secondary office. - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
A person commits an offence who, with a view to gain for himself or another, or with intent to cause loss to another, and without the consent of the proprietor ? makes an article specifically designed or adapted for making copies of a sign identical to, or likely to be mistaken for, a registered trade mark; or has such an article in his possession, custody or control in the course of a business, knowing or having reason to believe that it has been, or is to be, used to produce goods, or material for labelling or packaging goods, as a business paper in relation to goods, or for advertising goods. - 特許庁
Notwithstanding Article 60, any natural person residing in Belgium or in a Member State of the European Communities who can prove that, prior to the date of entry into force of the present Article, he had acted in Belgium in an habitual and satisfactory manner for at least five years as an independent representative in the field of patents, as the person responsible for the patent department of an enterprise or as the qualified collaborator in the field of patents of one of the above-mentioned persons, may, at his request and following the opinion of the Commission under paragraph 3 of this Article, be entered by the Minister in the Register of Professional Representatives without having to meet entry conditions other than those laid down by Article 60.1.to (4). - 特許庁
When a Member Commodity Exchange has relocated its secondary office to the jurisdictional district of another registry office, it shall complete registration of the relocation at the old location (excluding the case where it is within the jurisdictional district of the registry office having jurisdiction over the location of the principal office) within three weeks and complete registration of the matters listed in the respective items of paragraph 2 of the preceding Article at the new location (excluding the case where it is within the jurisdictional district of the registry office having jurisdiction over the location of the principal office; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) within four weeks; provided, however, that it is sufficient to register the matter set forth in item 3 of the same paragraph at the new location when a new secondary office has been established within the jurisdictional district of the registry office having jurisdiction over the location of a secondary office. - 経済産業省
第九十四条 組合等がその従たる事務所を他の登記所の管轄区域内に移転したときは、旧所在地(主たる事務所の所在地を管轄する登記所の管轄区域内にある場合を除く。)においては三週間以内に移転の登記をし、新所在地(主たる事務所の所在地を管轄する登記所の管轄区域内にある場合を除く。以下この条において同じ。)においては四週間以内に前条第二項各号に掲げる事項を登記しなければならない。ただし、従たる事務所の所在地を管轄する登記所の管轄区域内に新たに従たる事務所を移転したときは、新所在地においては、同項第三号に掲げる事項を登記すれば足りる。例文帳に追加
Article 94 When a cooperative, etc. has relocated its secondary office to the jurisdictional district of another registry office, it shall complete registration of the relocation at the former location (excluding the case where it is within the jurisdictional district of the registry office having jurisdiction over the location of the principal office) within three weeks, and complete registration of the matters listed in the items of paragraph (2) of the preceding Article at the new location (excluding the case where it is within the jurisdictional district of the registry office having jurisdiction over the location of the principal office; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) within four weeks; provided, however, that it is sufficient to register the matter set forth in item (iii) of the same paragraph at the new location when a new secondary office has been established within the jurisdictional district of the registry office having jurisdiction over the location of a secondary office. - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
"matters pertaining to the change," the term "shall register the following matters in a registry of Financial Instruments Business Operators, except when he/she refuses the registration under the provisions of paragraph (1) of the following Article. In this case, when the person who intends to obtain the registration set forth in Article 29 intends to conduct Specified Investment Management Activities in the course of business, the Prime Minister shall, in advance, hear the opinions of the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism or another head of an administrative organ specified by a Cabinet Order which is found to be related thereto, with regard to whether or not the person has a personnel structure sufficient to carry out business of conducting said Specified Investment Management Activities in an appropriate manner, taking into consideration the contents and method of said business" in that paragraph shall be deemed to be replaced with "shall register the following matters in a registry of Financial Instruments Business Operators, except when he/she refuses the registration under the provisions of paragraph (1) of the following Article." - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
第三百四十二条 事業者は、電路又はその支持物の敷設、点検、修理、塗装等の電気工事の作業を行なう場合において、当該作業に従事する労働者が高圧の充電電路に接触し、又は当該充電電路に対して頭上距離が三十センチメートル以内又は躯側距離若しくは足下距離が六十センチメートル以内に接近することにより感電の危険が生ずるおそれのあるときは、当該充電電路に絶縁用防具を装着しなければならない。ただし、当該作業に従事する労働者に絶縁用保護具を着用させて作業を行なう場合において、当該絶縁用保護具を着用する身体の部分以外の部分が当該充電電路に接触し、又は接近することにより感電の危険が生ずるおそれのないときは、この限りでない。例文帳に追加
Article 342 (1) The employer shall, in the case where carrying out the electric work installing, inspecting, repairing, painting, etc., of an electrical circuit or its supports, and when it is liable to cause danger of electric shock to the worker engaging in the said work due to contacting a high-voltage charged circuit, or approaching the said electrical circuit within 30 cm above the head or within 60 cm from the side of the body or below the feet, install an insulating device for the said charged circuit. However, this shall not apply to the case of having the worker engaging in the said work wear personal insulating protective equipment, and when it is unlikely to cause danger of electric shock to the parts of the body other than those wearing the said personal insulating protective equipment due to contact or approach the said charged electrical circuits. - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
Changes in the prices of various securities held by banks will affect their balance sheets to a certain degree, bringing unrealized profits in some cases and causing unrealized losses in other cases. The most important thing is that individual financial institutions value their securities holdings based on actual transaction prices as part of their risk management and implement various forward-looking risk management measures regarding their entire portfolios of securities. - 金融庁
その背景としては、①欧米諸国が経済的関係の深い近隣諸国との間で貿易・投資の自由化・円滑化等による経済連携を図る動きを活発化させたこと(例:米国及びECがそれぞれNAFTA(1994 年発効) 及びEU(1993 年発足)への取組を加速させる等) ②NIEs やASEANがいち早く経済開放を推し進めることにより高成長を果たす中、チリ・メキシコ・ペルー等の新興国が貿易・投資の自由化や市場メカニズムの更なる導入へと経済政策を転換させ、その中でEPA/FTAを活用する戦略を採ったこと、さらに、③我が国を含む東アジアがEPA/FTAに積極姿勢に転じたことなどが挙げられる。例文帳に追加
The major reasons for such an increase in EPAs/FTAs include the following: (i) Movements have accelerated in the United States and Europe toward economic partnerships with their economically-linked neighboring countries through liberalization and the promotion of trade and investment, illustrated by efforts for the NAFTA (enacted in 1994) by the U.S. and efforts for the EU (established in 1993) by the EC; (ii) Newly emerging economies, such as China, Chile, Mexico and Peru, have changed their economic policies, liberalizing trade and investment and introducing market mechanisms, while NIEs and ASEAN have achieved high economic growth by opening up their markets ahead of other countries. In doing so, they have adopted the strategy of promoting EPAs/FTAs; and (iii) East Asian countries, including Japan, have changed their stances in favor of EPAs/FTAs, etc. - 経済産業省
This means that we are struggling hard to make ends meet and, as everyone well realizes, international meetings have become extremely important in the world of finance since the Lehman crisis, because it is now indeed a very critical global issue to decide how to harmonize on an international scale a given country's domestic economic trends or the financial condition, or economic condition, that it has traditionally been situated in. Therefore, what has to be done on an international scale must be done properly in the form of policy coordination or as G20 initiatives, as otherwise no effect could be expected in an era of increasing globalization in finance or the economy that we live in now, and each country is equally struggling to achieve that end, which explains why there are so many international meetings. That is, as you see, the situation we have now, and I also happened to hear just yesterday in connection with this subject that our Office of International Affairs is in serious shortage of labor, a fact that stands in contrast to such critical importance of the FSA, to which a mere 22 billion yen is given as its budget, and the extremely significant role that financial policies play in an economy. As I have just said, though, now is a very important and delicate period of time both internationally and domestically and we are accordingly charged with a weighty responsibility. Seeing as the FSA is a public office with labor costs representing its main spending category, I did emphatically asked that attention should be paid to that point and, actually, similar comments were also made by the National Police Agency and the Ministry of Justice, both of them being ministries with a hefty payroll as well. In the case of the FSA, it is not really my particular intention to make a case to represent an interest of the FSA, but the fact still remains that it is in charge of a very important field. - 金融庁
On this occasion, to compensate for the lack of capacity in the first plan for Wakakusa National Athletic Meet in 1984 and 'Nara Silk Road Expo' in 1988, the annex was began to be operated in 1970 using the higher storeys of Kintetsu Nara Station Building which was planned to be built at the same period, however, it decreased its necessity dramatically due to the new building of steel-reinforced concrete built in 1984 in Yoshino-tsukuri style (an architectural technique for building on a sheer cliff) by Japan National Railways, which was embedded by digging the south slope of rising ground where the main building stood, and was eventually closed in 1991 although running for a while after the closing of 'Nara Silk Road Expo.' - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
第九百三十一条 会社がその支店を他の登記所の管轄区域内に移転したときは、旧所在地(本店の所在地を管轄する登記所の管轄区域内にある場合を除く。)においては三週間以内に移転の登記をし、新所在地(本店の所在地を管轄する登記所の管轄区域内にある場合を除く。以下この条において同じ。)においては四週間以内に前条第二項各号に掲げる事項を登記しなければならない。ただし、支店の所在地を管轄する登記所の管轄区域内に新たに支店を移転したときは、新所在地においては、同項第三号に掲げる事項を登記すれば足りる。例文帳に追加
Article 931 When a Company relocates a branch office to the jurisdictional district of another registry, the registration of relocation shall be completed at the old location (excluding cases where the old location is within the jurisdictional district of the registry having jurisdiction over the location of the head office) within three weeks, and the matters specified in the items of paragraph (2) of the preceding Article shall be registered at the new location (excluding cases where the new location is within the jurisdictional district of the registry having jurisdiction over the location of the head office; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) within four weeks; provided, however, that it shall be sufficient to register the matter set forth in item (iii) of that paragraph at the new location when a branch office is relocated to the jurisdictional district of the registry having jurisdiction over the location of an existing branch office. - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
第五条の四 厚生労働大臣、経済産業大臣及び環境大臣は、厚生労働省令、経済産業省令、環境省令で定めるところにより、一の第一種監視化学物質につき、第二条第二項各号のいずれかに該当すると疑うに足りる理由があると認める場合であつて、その製造、輸入、使用等の状況からみて、当該第一種監視化学物質が同項各号のいずれかに該当するものであるとすれば、当該第一種監視化学物質による環境の汚染が生ずるおそれがあると見込まれるため、当該第一種監視化学物質について同項各号のいずれかに該当するかどうかを判定する必要があると認めるに至つたときは、当該第一種監視化学物質の製造又は輸入の事業を営む者(これらの事業を営んでいた者であつて経済産業省令で定めるものを含む。)に対し、厚生労働省令、経済産業省令、環境省令で定める有害性の調査(当該化学物質が継続的に摂取される場合における人の健康又は高次捕食動物の生息若しくは生育に及ぼす影響についての調査をいう。第三項において同じ。)を行い、その結果を報告すべきことを指示することができる。例文帳に追加
Article 5-4 (1) In the case where the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare, the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, and the Minister of the Environment find sufficient reason to suspect that any single Type I Monitoring Chemical Substance falls under any of the items of paragraph (2) of Article 2, if they have found it necessary to make a determination as to whether or not said Type I Monitoring Chemical Substance falls under any of the items of said paragraph since said Type I Monitoring Chemical Substance poses a risk of causing environmental pollution if said Type I Monitoring Chemical Substance falls under any of the items of said paragraph, in view of the state of its manufacture, import, use, etc., they may, pursuant to the provisions of an Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, and Ordinance of the Ministry of the Environment, instruct a person operating the business of manufacturing or importing of said Type I Monitoring Chemical Substance (including a person who has been operating such business formerly and who is specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry) to conduct a study of the hazardous properties specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, and Ordinance of the Ministry of the Environment (which means a study on the effects of said chemical substance on human health or on the life and/or growth of animals at the top of the food chain if ingested continuously; the same shall apply in paragraph (3)) and to report the results thereof. - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
I do not think there are any inconsistencies in the logic. If my memory serves me correctly, the “pay-off” scheme was established around 1971—back then, many banks went bankrupt. In my personal experience, while I served as Minister in the Second Hashimoto Cabinet from 1997 to 1998, Hokkaido Takushoku Bank went bankrupt, Yamaichi Securities collapsed, and dozens of financial institutions failed in Japan at the time. As depositors were extremely anxious back then due to the collapse of many financial institutions, the government decided not to implement the “pay-off” scheme between 1996 and March 2002 despite the existence of legal provisions. Today, financial conditions have somewhat settled since the collapse of Ashikaga Bank, and Japan’s financial climate is calm on the whole, notwithstanding the Lehman Brothers shockwave on a global scale. At the end of the day, I believe depositors need to choose banks based on the principle of self-responsibility. At the same time, there is one thing I would like to emphasize especially to top management executives—the borrowers. They should feel very sorry to depositors if the “pay-off” scheme is implemented. Individuals with 10 million yen in deposits plus interest who are entitled to receive provisional payback under the Deposit Insurance Act will ultimately have the amount reduced to a certain extent, thereby causing substantial trouble to depositors. In that sense, all top management executives and others involved in the management of Japanese financial institutions should re-acknowledge the gravity of their management responsibility for financial business. - 金融庁
第十一条 開示請求に係る行政文書が著しく大量であるため、開示請求があった日から六十日以内にそのすべてについて開示決定等をすることにより事務の遂行に著しい支障が生ずるおそれがある場合には、前条の規定にかかわらず、行政機関の長は、開示請求に係る行政文書のうちの相当の部分につき当該期間内に開示決定等をし、残りの行政文書については相当の期間内に開示決定等をすれば足りる。この場合において、行政機関の長は、同条第一項に規定する期間内に、開示請求者に対し、次に掲げる事項を書面により通知しなければならない。例文帳に追加
Article 11 In the case that there is a considerably large amount of Administrative Documents pertaining to a Disclosure Request, and that there is a risk that the performance of duties may be considerably hindered by making Disclosure Decisions, etc. for all of them within sixty days from the date of a Disclosure Request, notwithstanding the provision of the preceding Article, it would be sufficient for the head of an Administrative Organ to make Disclosure Decisions, etc. for a reasonable portion of the Administrative Documents pertaining to a Disclosure Request within the said period of time, and to make Disclosure Decisions, etc. for the remaining Administrative Documents within a reasonable period of time. In this case, the head of an Administrative Organ shall within the period of time prescribed in paragraph 1 of the same Article notify the Disclosure Requester in writing of the following matters: - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
2 前項において準用する警察官職務執行法第七条の規定により武器を使用する場合のほか、同項に規定する自衛官は、艦長等が第十七条第二項の規定に基づき当該船舶の進行の停止を繰り返し命じても乗組員等がこれに応ぜずなお当該自衛官の職務の執行に抵抗し、又は逃亡しようとする場合において、当該船舶の進行を停止させるために他に手段がないと信ずるに足りる相当な理由があるときは、艦長等の命令により、その事態に応じ合理的に必要と判断される限度において、武器を使用することができる。例文帳に追加
(2) In addition to the cases where weapons are used pursuant to the provision of Article 7 of the Act on Police Official Duties Execution Act as applied mutatis mutandis in the preceding paragraph, if the crew members, etc. of the subject ship do not obey repeated orders to stop given by the commanding officer, etc. under the provision of Article 17, paragraph (2), persistently resists the execution of duty or tries to escape and when there are sufficient grounds to believe that there are no other means to stop the said ship, the said personnel may use their weapons within the limits judged to be reasonably necessary according to the circumstances, following the orders of the Commanding officer, etc. - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
第二十条 開示請求に係る保有個人情報が著しく大量であるため、開示請求があった日から六十日以内にそのすべてについて開示決定等をすることにより事務の遂行に著しい支障が生ずるおそれがある場合には、前条の規定にかかわらず、行政機関の長は、開示請求に係る保有個人情報のうちの相当の部分につき当該期間内に開示決定等をし、残りの保有個人情報については相当の期間内に開示決定等をすれば足りる。この場合において、行政機関の長は、同条第一項に規定する期間内に、開示請求者に対し、次に掲げる事項を書面により通知しなければならない。例文帳に追加
Article 20 In the case that there is a considerably large amount of Retained Personal Information pertaining to a Disclosure Request, and that there is a risk that the performance of duties may be considerably hindered by making Disclosure Decisions, etc. for all of them within sixty days from the date of a Disclosure Request, notwithstanding the provision of the preceding Article, it would be sufficient for the head of an Administrative Organ to make Disclosure Decisions, etc. for a reasonable portion of the Retained Personal Information pertaining to a Disclosure Request within the said period of time, and to make Disclosure Decisions, etc. for the remaining Retained Personal Information within a reasonable period of time. In this case, the head of an Administrative Organ shall within the period of time prescribed in paragraph 1 of the same Article notify the Disclosure Requester in writing of the following matters: - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
第五十二条の四十五の二 金融商品取引法第三章第二節第一款(第三十五条から第三十六条の四まで(第一種金融商品取引業又は投資運用業を行う者の業務の範囲、第二種金融商品取引業又は投資助言・代理業のみを行う者の兼業の範囲、顧客に対する誠実義務、標識の掲示、名義貸しの禁止及び社債の管理の禁止等)、第三十七条第一項第二号(広告等の規制)、第三十七条の二(取引態様の事前明示義務)、第三十七条の三第一項第二号及び第六号並びに第三項(契約締結前の書面の交付)、第三十七条の五(保証金の受領に係る書面の交付)、第三十七条の六第一項、第二項、第四項ただし書及び第五項(書面による解除)、第三十八条第一号及び第二号並びに第三十八条の二(禁止行為)、第三十九条第三項ただし書及び第五項(損失補てん等の禁止)、第四十条の二(最良執行方針等)並びに第四十条の三(分別管理が確保されていない場合の売買等の禁止)を除く。)(通則)の規定は、銀行代理業者が行う特定預金等契約の締結の代理又は媒介について準用する。この場合において、これらの規定中「金融商品取引業」とあるのは「銀行法第十三条の四に規定する特定預金等契約の締結の代理又は媒介の業務」と、「金融商品取引行為」とあるのは「銀行法第十三条の四に規定する特定預金等契約の締結」と、これらの規定(同法第三十七条の六第三項の規定を除く。)中「金融商品取引契約」とあるのは「銀行法第十三条の四に規定する特定預金等契約」と、同法第三十七条の三第一項中「を締結しようとするとき」とあるのは「の締結の代理又は媒介を行うとき」と、「交付しなければならない」とあるのは「交付するほか、預金者等(銀行法第二条第五項に規定する預金者等をいう。以下この項において同じ。)の保護に資するため、内閣府令で定めるところにより、当該特定預金等契約の内容その他預金者等に参考となるべき情報の提供を行わなければならない」と、同項第一号中「金融商品取引業者等」とあるのは「銀行代理業者(銀行法第二条第十五項に規定する銀行代理業者をいう。)の所属銀行(同条第十六項に規定する所属銀行をいう。)」と、同法第三十七条の六第三項中「金融商品取引契約の解除があつた場合には」とあるのは「特定預金等契約(銀行法第十三条の四に規定する特定預金等契約をいう。第三十九条において同じ。)の解除に伴い銀行に損害賠償その他の金銭の支払をした場合において」と、「金融商品取引契約の解除までの期間に相当する手数料、報酬その他の当該金融商品取引契約に関して顧客が支払うべき対価(次項において「対価」という。)の額として内閣府令で定める金額を超えて当該金融商品取引契約の解除」とあるのは「支払」と、「又は違約金の支払を」とあるのは「その他の金銭の支払を、解除をした者に対し、」と、同法第三十九条第一項第一号中「有価証券の売買その他の取引(買戻価格があらかじめ定められている買戻条件付売買その他の政令で定める取引を除く。)又はデリバティブ取引(以下この条において「有価証券売買取引等」という。)」とあるのは「特定預金等契約の締結」と、「有価証券又はデリバティブ取引(以下この条において「有価証券等」という。)」とあるのは「特定預金等契約」と、「顧客(信託会社等(信託会社又は金融機関の信託業務の兼営等に関する法律第一条第一項の認可を受けた金融機関をいう。以下同じ。)が、信託契約に基づいて信託をする者の計算において、有価証券の売買又はデリバティブ取引を行う場合にあつては、当該信託をする者を含む。以下この条において同じ。)」とあるのは「顧客」と、「補足するため」とあるのは「補足するため、当該特定預金等契約によらないで」と、同項第二号及び第三号中「有価証券売買取引等」とあるのは「特定預金等契約の締結」と、「有価証券等」とあるのは「特定預金等契約」と、同項第二号中「追加するため」とあるのは「追加するため、当該特定預金等契約によらないで」と、同項第三号中「追加するため、」とあるのは「追加するため、当該特定預金等契約によらないで」と、同条第二項中「有価証券売買取引等」とあるのは「特定預金等契約の締結」と、同条第三項中「原因となるものとして内閣府令で定めるもの」とあるのは「原因となるもの」と読み替えるものとするほか、必要な技術的読替えは、政令で定める。例文帳に追加
Article 52-45-2 The provisions of Subsection 1 of Section 2 of Chapter III of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act (excluding Article 35 to 36-4 inclusive (Scope of Businesses of Persons Who Engage in Type I Financial Instruments Business or Investment Management Business, Scope of Subsidiary Businesses of Persons Who Only Engage in Type II Financial Instruments Business or Investment Advisory and Agency Business, Duty of Good Faith to Customers, Posting of Signs, Prohibition of Name Lending, Prohibition of Administration of Bonds), Article 37(1)(ii) (Regulation of Advertising, etc.), Article 37-2 (Obligation to Clarify Conditions of Transactions in Advance), Article 37-3(1)(ii) and (vi) and Article 37-3(3) (Delivery of Document prior to Conclusion of Contract), Article 37-5 (Delivery of Document Pertaining to Receipt of Security Deposit), Article 37-6(1) and (2), the proviso to Article 37-6 (4) and Article 37-6(5)(Cancellation by Means of Document), Article 38(i) and (ii) and Article 38-2 (Prohibited Acts), the proviso to Article 39(3) and Article 39(5) (Prohibition of Compensation of Loss, etc.), Article 40-2 (Best Execution Policy) and Article 40-3 (Prohibition of Sales and Purchase, etc. Where Separate Management Is not Ensured)) (General Rules) shall apply mutatis mutandis to agency or intermediary for conclusion of Contracts for Specified Deposits, etc. by a Bank Agency. In this case, the term "Financial Instruments Business" in these provisions shall be deemed to be replaced with "agency service or intermediary service for conclusion of Contracts for Specified Deposits, etc. as defined in Article 13-4 of the Banking Act,"; the term "Act of Financial Instruments Transaction" in these provisions shall be deemed to be replaced with "conclusion of Contracts for Specified Deposits, etc. as defined in Article 13-4 of the Banking Act,"; the term "Contract for Financial Instruments Transaction" in these provisions (excluding Article 37-6(3)) shall be deemed to be replaced with "Contract for a Specified Deposit, etc. as defined in Article 13-4 of the Banking Act,"; the terms "intends to conclude" in Article 37-3(1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "conducts agency service or intermediary service for conclusion of,"; the term "; provided" shall be deemed to be replaced with "and shall, in order to contribute to the protection of Depositors, etc. (meaning Depositors, etc. as defined in Article 2(5) of the Banking Act; hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph), provide the customer in advance with information on the contents of the Contract for a Specified Deposit, etc. and other information that would be helpful for the Depositors, etc., pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Office Ordinance; provided"; the term "Financial Instruments Business Operator, etc." in Article 37-3(1)(i) of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "the Principal Bank (meaning an Principal Bank as defined in Article 2(16) of the Banking Act) for which the Bank Agent (meaning a Bank Agent as defined in Article 2(15) of the Banking Act) is acting,"; the terms "Where a Contract for Financial Instruments Transaction has been cancelled" and "the customer to pay damages or penalty for the cancellation of that Contract for Financial Instruments Transaction beyond the amount designated by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as the amount of fees, remuneration or any other Consideration payable by the customer with regard to that contract for financial instruments transaction (referred to as "Consideration" in the following paragraph) for the period until the cancellation of that Contract for Financial Instruments Transaction" in Article 37-6(3) of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "When he/she has paid money to a Bank as damages or otherwise for cancellation of a Contract for a Specified Deposit, etc. (meaning a Contract for a Specified Deposit, etc. as defined in Article 13-4 of the Banking Act; the same shall apply in Article 39) made" and "person who canceled the contract to pay money as damages or otherwise for the payment he/she has made to the Bank," respectively; the terms "sales and purchase or any other transaction of Securities (excluding sales and purchase on condition of repurchase for which the repurchase price is set in advance or other transactions designated by a Cabinet Order) or Derivative Transactions (hereinafter referred to as "Sales and Purchase or Other Transaction of Securities, etc." in this Article)," "the customer (in the case where a Trust Company, etc. (meaning a trust company or financial institution that has obtained authorization under Article 1(1) of the Act on Securities Investment Trust and Securities Investment Corporations; the same shall apply hereinafter) conducts sales and purchase of Securities or Derivative Transactions for the account of the person who sets a trust under a trust contract, including such person who sets the trust; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article)," "Securities or Derivative Transactions (hereinafter referred to as "Securities, etc." in this Article)" and "make up" in Article 39(1)(i) shall be deemed to be replaced with "conclusion of a Contract for a Specified Deposit, etc.," "the customer," "Contract for a Specified Deposit, etc." and "make up, not through the Contract for a Specified Deposit, etc.," respectively; the terms "Sales and Purchase or Other Transaction of Securities, etc." and "Securities, etc." in Article 39(1)(ii) and (iii) shall be deemed to be replaced with "conclusion of a Contract for a Specified Deposit, etc." and "Contract for a Specified Deposit, etc.," respectively; the term "make an addition to the profit accrued to the customer from such Securities, etc." in Article 39(1)(ii) shall be deemed to be replaced with "make an addition to the profit accrued to the customer from the Contract for a Specified Deposit, etc., not through the Contract for a Specified Deposit, etc.,"; the term "make an addition to the profit accrued to the customer from Such Securities, etc." in Article 39(1)(iii) shall be deemed to be replaced with "make an addition to the profit accrued to the customer from the Contract for a Specified Deposit, etc., not through the Contract for a Specified Deposit, etc.,"; the term "Sales and Purchase or Other Transaction of Securities, etc." in Article 39(2) shall be deemed to be replaced with "conclusion of a Contract for a Specified Deposit, etc.,"; the term "that is specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as a potential cause of a dispute" in Article 39(2) shall be deemed to be replaced with "that may become a cause of dispute,"; and any other necessary technical replacement of terms shall be specified by a Cabinet Order. - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
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