
「私も」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(926ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索










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The act of duplicating music files and the like after receiving them from other users without the right holder's permission on the internet by using P-to-P file sharing software (downloading) would be regarded as an infringement of the copyright or related rights unless the purpose of such downloading is to use them personally, within the family or otherwise within a similar limited group of people, and is not intended to unreasonably slip through the technical protections (Article 30, Paragraph 1, Article 102, Paragraph 1, Article 21, Article 91, Paragraph 1, Article 96, Article 98, Article 100-2 of the Copyright Law).  - 経済産業省


Portia could not be prevailed upon to accept the money; but upon Bassanio still pressing her to accept of some reward, she said, "Give me your gloves; I will wear them for your sake:" and then Bassanio taking off his gloves, she espied the ring which she had given him upon his finger: now it was the ring the wily lady wanted to get from him to make a merry jest when she saw her Bassanio again, that made her ask him for his gloves; and she said, when she saw the ring, "And for your love I will take this ring from you."  - Shakespeare『ヴェニスの商人』


As the issue of financing is involved, the most important thing to do with regard to this bill is to provide appropriate damage compensation to local residents. Also important is the stable supply of electricity, which is essential to industrial activity. Unless the stable supply of electricity is ensured - Tokyo Electric Power is calling for a 15 % cut in electricity usage - GDP will decline considerably. In that sense, from my experience of serving as Parliamentary Vice Minister for International Trade and Industry about 21 years ago, I know that the stable supply of electricity is very important. In particular, the semiconductor industry, which consumes a huge amount of electricity, uses clean rooms that would malfunction if the supply of electricity is suspended even for eight hours. There are many industries like this. Once the supply of electricity is suspended, it may take a very long time to start up again in some cases. In the semiconductor industry, if clean rooms become dirty, tiny circuits on semiconductor chips would short-circuit. Then, they would become useless.  - 金融庁


That said, according to the staff in charge, the Incubator Bank of Japan was cooperative in the first inspection but extremely uncooperative in the second inspection. Mr. Kimura is in a sense truly a specialist, having worked at the Bank of Japan. I have been told that the staff in charge had an extremely tough time in the inspection. The third inspection was conducted with the same lineup after extensive consideration with a strong sense of commitment, where it would normally take three to six months. In the end, the Bank was deemed to have been evading inspections. Being an executive branch of government, our operations must be based on laws and facts, as you are well aware. Basically, it is necessary to ensure fairness, abide by laws and issue business improvement orders or business suspension orders based on facts, so I hope you understand that difficulties were involved in the process. However, what you said is indeed understandable in the context of public sentiment, so I intend to properly fulfill my duty as Minister with that in mind.  - 金融庁



As I informed you when I met with US Federal Reserve Board (FRB) Chairman Ben Bernanke, the Governor of the People's Bank of China Zhou Xiaochuan and other governors of central banks in August 2010, financial institutionsespecially banks engaged in international operations—will certainly become more stable if they have more capital. In Japan, however, both public and private sectors had a very bitter experience during the financial crisis 12 years ago. Looking back, even sustainable companies that would otherwise have been sound were forced into bankruptcy due to the widespread credit crunch and credit withdrawal resulting from financial institutions seeking to secure capital temporarily, and the damage incurred was particularly extensive among small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). At the time, the Nikkei Average looked as though it was about to fall below 7,000 yen, so Japan's argument based on such experience has been reflected in the G20 Summit declarations to date and the agreement announced at the recent meeting of the Group of Governors and Heads of Supervision.  - 金融庁


第百十条 的独占の禁止及び公正取引の確保に関する法律の規定は、次条第一項の認可を受けて行う次に掲げる行為には、適用しない。ただし、不公正な取引方法を用いるとき、一定の取引分野における競争を実質的に制限することにより利用者の利益を不当に害することとなるとき、又は第百十一条の三第四項の規定による公示があつた後一月を経過したとき(同条第三項の請求に応じ、国土交通大臣が第百十一条の二の規定による処分をした場合を除く。)は、この限りでない。例文帳に追加

Article 110 The provisions of the Act concerning the Prohibition of Private Monopolization and Maintenance of Fair Trade shall not apply to any of the following action effected upon approval under paragraph (1) of the next article; provided, however, that the same shall not apply in case where unfair business practices are used or substantive limitations in competition in the specific field of trade unfairly impair the benefits of users, or where one month has passed since a public announcement under the provisions of Article 111-3 paragraph (4) was made (except where the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism has made a decision under the provisions of Article 111-2 upon request under paragraph (3) of the same article).  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第十七条 第六条第二項の規定により適用される的独占の禁止及び公正取引の確保に関する法律第六十二条において読み替えて準用する刑事訴訟法第百五十四条(証人の宣誓)又は第百六十六条(鑑定人の宣誓)の規定による参考人又は鑑定人に対する命令に違反して宣誓をしない者は、二十万円以下の罰金に処する。例文帳に追加

Article 17 Any witness or expert witness who has refused to swear, in violation of the order issued to him or her under the provisions of Article 154 (Swear by witness) or Article 166 (Swear by expert witness) of the Code of Criminal Procedure which are applied mutatis mutandis in Article 62 of the Act on Prohibition of Private Monopolization and Maintenance of Fair Trade after deemed replacement as applied under the provision of Article 6 (2) of this Act, shall be punished by a fine of not more than two hundred thousand yen.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


In Joseon Dynasty, hakucho was called Pekuchon or Petchon and the term for victim of discrimination placed in the lowest rank of the following people of the lower classes (unfree people): Shichihankosen (the following seven kinds of government-owned humble or lowly people: kannuhi [government-owned slave], kisaeng [female entertainers], court lady, Rizoku [lower ranked local government official], ekisotsu [guards], Gokusotsu ogre, criminal fugitive) and Hachihanshisen (the following eight kinds of privately-owned humble or lowly people: miko [a shrine maiden], a craftsman of leather footwear, shirei [musicians of court music], Buddhist monk, saijin [an entertainer], syado [a group which earned a living by singing or dancing, traveling around], kyoshi [people singing, dancing or performing with girls], hakucho).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


On the other hand, protection of shareholders and investors in this country has been afforded by an appropriate combination of the CA, which is a civil law governing the private law aspects of the rights and obligations associated with a company, and the FIEA, which regulates market participants from the perspective of market rules.Therefore, before a new law such as "the public company law" is to be legislated based on the above plan, there will be a number of issues to be overcome, given the existing legal framework.  - 金融庁



When dealing with the Great East Japan Earthquake that occurred on March 11 last year, I decided to inject capital into 10 regional financial institutions based on special earthquake-related provisions of the Act on Special Measures for Strengthening Financial Functions from the perspective of strengthening the financial intermediary function of financial institutions in the disaster areas, and contributing to post-earthquake restoration and reconstruction, so as to ensure that the financial sector supports post-earthquake restoration and reconstruction work. I also did my utmost toward reconstruction by supporting the enforcement of the guideline for the restructuring of debts owed by individual debtors, which is aimed at smoothly restructuring debts owed by disaster victims.  - 金融庁



In relation to IFRS, the Business Accounting Council has held comprehensive discussions from a broad perspective since last year in light of Japan's national interest so as to form strategic thinking and map out a grand design. After a year of intensive discussions, we are starting to see a certain consensus. I think that now is the time to summarize the discussions in an interim report.  - 金融庁


However, there are limits to what can be done by the FSA alone, as I mentioned earlier. The Ministry of Finance is responsible for fiscal expenditure, while the three ministries that I mentioned handle policy-based finance schemes. The provision of loans with a five-year grace period of principal and interest payment is an example of policy-based finance, as I know. The Small and Medium Enterprise Agency and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry included such a scheme in the first supplementary budget. Thus, the government as a whole will deal with this matter.  - 金融庁

としてはきちっと、この前初めて関係閣僚会議でこういう話が出まして、要するに、約850億毎年益金処理がされておりますが、約4割に当たる350億円の支払要求があり、損金の処理をされておりますが、口座、12億口座ございますし、払戻しのためのコスト、それから管理コストが別途生じるわけでございますから、そういった意味で、850億円から350億円引いたら500億円ですがね。 500億円から基本的には、法人税かかりますからね。例文帳に追加

This issue was raised for the first time at the relevant cabinet ministers' meeting held recently.  In short, around 85 billion yen worth of dormant deposits is recorded as profits each year for the accounting purpose, and claims for repayment are made with regard to around 40% of the total, or 35 billion yen, which is recorded as losses.  The total number of accounts is as high as 1.2 billion, and the costs of repayment and account management arise.  The balance of 50 billion yen remains after the deduction of the 35 billion yen from the 85 billion yen. On the 50 billion yen, corporate tax would be imposed in principle.  - 金融庁


In fact, those of you who have carefully read the agreement reached among the three parties at the time the Act was created would know that it is written in the tripartite agreement. While I was serving as the chairman of the Policy Research Council of the People's New Party (PNP) at the time, and the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ), the Social Democratic Party (SDP) and the PNP had in fact agreed before the change of government on what kind of policy pledges they would fulfill if they came into power, about a week before the public notice of the commencement of the election on August 30-it was one of the six policy pledges.  - 金融庁


As you know, the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors' Meeting was held the other day, where member nations reaffirmed that competitive currency fluctuation on an international scaleespecially currency volatilityis undesirable. With this in mind, a supplementary budget was decided by the Cabinet again today. In the case of Japan, considering that the exchange rate reflecting the fundamentals of the economy should be determined by the market, economic measures against the strong yen have formally been set forth in the supplementary budget; in this context, I believe they will be effective.  - 金融庁


At the time when the euro was introduced, I myself had concerns regarding the euro zone. In the euro zone, where member authorities cannot adjust exchange rates, their fiscal policy is constrained by the Stability and Growth Pact, an option of fiscal transfer across national borders is excluded, and single monetary policy makes impossible the country-specific responses, even in a situation where member countries experience different economic climates, I worried that there would be a problem that a single monetary policy decision could be too tightening for some countries in recession while being too loosening for others in boom.  - 財務省

(1) 特許の付与から3年,又は特許の出願日から4年の期間の満了時の何れか遅く満了する期間を参酌し,かつ,下記の各条に規定の条件に従って,公法人又は法人は,特許に基づく強制ライセンスの許諾を受けることができる。ただし,かかるライセンスを申請した時点で,かつ,正当な理由がなく,特許権者又はその者の承継人の何れかが次の通りにしていた場合は,この限りでない。例文帳に追加

1. On expiry of a period of three years from the grant of a patent or four years from the filing date of the patent application, whereby the period of time that expires the latest shall be taken into consideration, and subject to the conditions laid down in the following Articles, any public or private legal person may be granted a compulsory license under the patent provided that, at the time of the application for such license and failing legitimate reasons, neither the owner of the patent nor his successor in title: - 特許庁

また,在留外国人又はその代理人,国の機関等は,公的又は的な関係において当該外国人の居住関係や身分関係を立証あるいは把握等するための資料を必要とすることがあるが,こうした外国人等からの請求に基づき,市区町村長は,行政証明事務として登録原票の写し又は登録原票記載事項証明書を交付しており,平成 21年における交付件数は162万9,586件であった。例文帳に追加

Also, resident foreign nationals or their agents, and Government agencies, need the material to certify or grasp residency and status of the foreign national in question in an official or private capacity. Based on application from such foreign nationals, etc., the heads of municipalities issue, as administrative certification services, a copy of the alien registration card or a certificate of registered matters, and the number of such issuances in 2009 was 1,629,586.  - 特許庁


The FSA will watch closely how the investigation proceeds and, having already issued a business improvement order against the Incubator Bank of Japan, we are also hoping to scrupulously follow up on the implementation status and effectiveness of its business improvement plan. On the subject of his involvement in Financial Inspection Manuals formulation that you mentioned, it is true that he participated in the deliberations on the development of our Financial Inspection Manuals and Financial Revitalization Program. That said, he was just "one of the team," so to speak, and our inspection manuals and the likes of them are products of the participation of and discussions by a large number of well-informed people from various quarters, and not only Mr. Kimura, against the backdrop of economic conditions and financial conditions that existed at the time. My understanding is that they were developed in a proper process, drawing on a broad range of views provided by all members.  - 金融庁


I recognize that supporting individuals and companies suffering from overlapping loan problems as a result of the disaster is a very important task. As I have mentioned at Budget Committee meetings and on other occasions, this matter involves such government organizations as the FSA, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism. Moreover, the Cabinet Secretariat naturally plays the central role in dealing with the overlapping loan problem. So, the relevant ministries and agencies are drawing up and implementing specific support measures in accordance with the government's policy on how to deal with that problem, which was determined in June.  - 金融庁


This case is very regrettable, as I mentioned earlier. Although it is highly likely that some of the customers' assets managed by AIJ Investment Advisors have been lost, the facts have not yet been clarified at the moment. First of all, it is necessary to clarify facts. In any case, while it is very regrettable that a situation like this has arisen, the FSA, as well as the SESC, will take every possible effort to prevent a recurrence, although it is unclear how much of what has been reported is true.  - 金融庁

前は法律が少し変わっていましたが、自身がワシントンに行きまして、ブレイナード財務次官にお話をしたというお話は何回かさせて頂いたと思いますし、また、東京の(駐日)大使にもお話しをしましたが、先日成立した郵政法案には、金融2社と他の金融機関との対等な競争条件の確保のために必要な措置が盛り込まれており、「必要な措置を盛り込まれており」というのは、いまさっき言いましたように、2分の1の株式を処分した後も届出プラス他の金融機関への適正な競争条件の配慮義務、それから民営化委員会への通知、必要に応じ関係各大臣への意見を言うこととか、民営化委員会がそういったことをきちんと法律上明記して通知することが可能でございます。 それから対等な競争条件でなければ、最後には主務大臣による監督上の命令を出す(ことになります)。例文帳に追加

I visited Washington and talked with Treasury Undersecretary for International Affairs Brainard, as I mentioned several times, and I also talked with the U.S.Ambassador to Japan. The recently enacted postal bill provides for measures necessary for ensuring equal competitive terms for the two postal financial institutions and other financial institutions. The “necessary measures” are the requirements that consideration should be given to ensure fair competitive terms for other financial institutions when Japan Post Insurance notifies the authorities of a plan to start a new business after the disposal of half of the government-held shares, and that the privatization committee should be notified and express opinions to relevant ministers as needed, as is made clear in the new law. Finally, if equal competitive terms are not ensured, the minister in charge will issue a supervisory order.  - 金融庁


This was not hammered out by Mr. Kamei out of the blue; it was based on the common policies agreed upon by the three parties before the August 30 election was announced by the previous administration. It was one of those policies. As it was an extremely tough era back then, a similar bill that had in fact been passed in the House of Councillors by the DPJ, SDP and PNP was scrapped regrettably due to the lack of majority vote in the House of Representatives at the time. This bill, which had been actually submitted by, among others, former chairman of the Policy Research Council Masayuki Naoshima and myself and scrapped in the House of Representatives, basically became the foundations of the Act, so I hope you understand that.  - 金融庁


There is no such thing as a policy that is perfect in every aspect while properly taking such factors into consideration. Nevertheless, we are currently in a recession, so the priority is to ensure cash flows for SMEs and save SMEs. On the other hand, we are talking about financial businesses here, so financial discipline should be strictly observed. In my 25-year career as a member of the Diet, I served as Parliamentary Vice-Minister of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) twenty years ago. As financial institutions are functioning extremely well, financial institutions have good knowledge of corporate management and other such information especially in consulting functions.  - 金融庁


In my view, politics must have a vision as to "whether to give short-term benefits or deliver a policy that will be beneficial over time." Currently, 16.5 million individuals, or one person in every three households, own stocks. As 70 percent of the Japanese people are making five million yen or less in annual income, this means that common people own stocks. We live in a capitalistic society, so the question is how great an effect can be expected from the movement of money and rises in stock prices that a policy entailsas stocks are capital, a stock tax break carries a meaning different from other tax breaks.  - 金融庁


This means that we are struggling hard to make ends meet and, as everyone well realizes, international meetings have become extremely important in the world of finance since the Lehman crisis, because it is now indeed a very critical global issue to decide how to harmonize on an international scale a given country's domestic economic trends or the financial condition, or economic condition, that it has traditionally been situated in. Therefore, what has to be done on an international scale must be done properly in the form of policy coordination or as G20 initiatives, as otherwise no effect could be expected in an era of increasing globalization in finance or the economy that we live in now, and each country is equally struggling to achieve that end, which explains why there are so many international meetings. That is, as you see, the situation we have now, and I also happened to hear just yesterday in connection with this subject that our Office of International Affairs is in serious shortage of labor, a fact that stands in contrast to such critical importance of the FSA, to which a mere 22 billion yen is given as its budget, and the extremely significant role that financial policies play in an economy. As I have just said, though, now is a very important and delicate period of time both internationally and domestically and we are accordingly charged with a weighty responsibility. Seeing as the FSA is a public office with labor costs representing its main spending category, I did emphatically asked that attention should be paid to that point and, actually, similar comments were also made by the National Police Agency and the Ministry of Justice, both of them being ministries with a hefty payroll as well. In the case of the FSA, it is not really my particular intention to make a case to represent an interest of the FSA, but the fact still remains that it is in charge of a very important field.  - 金融庁


Let me use this occasion to talk about my meeting today with the chairman of the Japanese Bankers Association (ZENGINKYO). Regarding loans to small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs), the relationship between lenders and borrowers is essentially a matter that should be dealt with by themselves. However, as I have been telling you, the FSA (Financial Services Agency) unfortunately guided financial institutions in the wrong direction under the wrong financial policy of Mr. Koizumi (former Prime Minister) and Mr. Takenaka (former Minister for Financial Services).  - 金融庁


Amid the current economic downturn, financial institutions are after all in a more advantageous position in relation to SMEs. This means that SMEs could not voice their opinion much. Thanks to the enactment of this law, they can now straightforwardly request a change of terms or other matters. Apparently, (former) Minister Kamei also proclaimed a transformation in attitude in the area of financial institution supervision as well. As banking is also a consultancy service, there must be a perspective of not just lending money and getting the money back, but of how to help industry survive and operate decently. That is why a sound and robust financial institution or a generous financial institution is needed and I, as the head of the FSA, pushed forward with conviction a policy for our work of inspections and supervision that is in line with that spirit.  - 金融庁

四 国又は地方公共団体の予算、決算及び会計について定める命令等(入札の参加者の資格、入札保証金その他の国又は地方公共団体の契約の相手方又は相手方になろうとする者に係る事項を定める命令等を除く。)並びに国又は地方公共団体の財産及び物品の管理について定める命令等(国又は地方公共団体が財産及び物品を貸し付け、交換し、売り払い、譲与し、信託し、若しくは出資の目的とし、又はこれらに権を設定することについて定める命令等であって、これらの行為の相手方又は相手方になろうとする者に係る事項を定めるものを除く。)例文帳に追加

iv) Administrative Orders, etc. to provide for the budget, settlement of accounts and account of the national government or local public entities (except for Administrative Orders, etc. to provide for the qualification of the bidders, deposit for bid participation and other matters concerning the contractors or those who would like to contract with the national government or the local public entities), and Administrative Orders, etc. to provide for the management of the properties and the materials of the national government or local public entities (except for Administrative Orders, etc. providing for the matters pertaining to the parties or those who would like to be when the national government or local public entities loan, exchange, sell, transfer, entrust or contribute the properties and the materials, or establish private rights on them  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


At a meeting yesterday of the Basic Policy Cabinet Committee’s working group, it was decided that the group will hold a further debate on the contents of the supplementary budget. While opinions have been expressed from various perspectives with regard to the contents of the supplementary budget, I have been arguing that aggressive, bold efforts should be made to stimulate private demand and create domestic demand through government expenditures, as private-sector demand is particularly weak, so that measures suited to the actual state of the economy and the actual circumstances of each region will be taken. I will try to have my argument reflected in the supplementary budget.  - 金融庁


I know such dual aspects of banks well, so although news stories like that may allege that the government will require banks to build up capital, that is not true. Regional banks in particular play a very significant role in regional economies. Moreover, the SME Financing Facilitation Act stipulates that banks should exercise their consulting function and the guidelines for inspection and supervision have been revised.  - 金融庁


A.We will approve capital injection if applicants are judged to be eligible as a result of the screening of their business plans by a panel of third-party experts, and I hope that they will use the funds as the source of loans for the local economy and to small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs). Thus, these funds are not targeted at financial institutions but at local SMEs that need funds. In this sense, although we cannot force them to use public funds injected as capital, I would appreciate it if they actively use the funds.  - 金融庁


The interim report requires the decision to be made in 2012 at the earliest, so if we take a period of preparation into account, we have only around a year left. This has to do with corporate accounting, and companies have complained that one year is too short. Moreover, the economy is weak and the Great East Japan Earthquake and tsunami and the nuclear power plant accident occurred, greatly damaging the supply chains. In light of those circumstances, I believe that it is important to spend an appropriate amount of time on decision-making.  - 金融庁


Given the global economic downturn that has been affecting banks in the U.S., Europe and elsewhere since the Lehman crisis two years ago – which is reminiscent of the financial crisis of ten years ago in Japan – the coming meeting is a very important economic and financial conference. Its July meeting was attended by Japan's central bank governor and the head of the authorities responsible for banking supervision, that is, the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency (FSA). The requirement standards at issue have both quality and quantity aspects.  - 金融庁


On an additional note, our basic inspection policy for this year is formulated to act on the New Growth Strategy, which was approved by the Cabinet in June of this year, and contains – I particularly want to stress this pointan extensive statement concerning smooth financing from financial intermediation service providers in accordance with the SME Financing Facilitation Act, which was enacted last December as former Minister Kamei successfully gained the Diet's approval on the basis of the three-party pact, and it also emphasizes our forward-looking approach to supervision, through, among other things, adherence to macro-prudence, in areas of risk management and financial system stabilization. In accordance with those policies, the FSA is committed to delivering appropriate and effective inspections and supervision from the viewpoint of financial institution users and the public.  - 金融庁


I presume you are asking about how we arrived at the decision to approve the merger between Aioi Insurance and Nissay Dowa General Insurance. As you just pointed out, we approved the merger between Aioi Insurance and Nissay Dowa General Insurance on September 27, pursuant to paragraph 1, Article 167 of the Insurance Business Act. As we are basically living in a liberal society, mergers and other such arrangements between insurance companies are up to the management decision of each company, as a matter of course. Generally speaking, however, I hope this kind of merger and arrangement will stabilize their management foundations and improve user convenience.  - 金融庁


As fairness before the law is a norm in Japan, I think that exempting from criminal prosecution the practice of lending at an interest rate higher than the upper limit under the Act Regulating the Receipt of Contributions, Receipt of Deposits and Interest Rates (Shussi Hou) in a particular geographical area only – a concept at issue herewould go against the principle of fairness before the law. Since the current regulation under the amended Act, which the media covered extensively when it was established, is a legislative step supported unanimously by all parties to address the multiple-debt problem, as I point out repeatedly, creating any exemption designed to relax its enforcement could result in its social significance being compromised. It is on those grounds that we are in the process of formulating a statement in our second reply that it would be difficult, or not acceptable, to undertake the idea.  - 金融庁


The number of public interest corporations that stated, in their reply to a questionnaire, that they are "engaged in a mutual aid business" is 329, including, for example, Nissho (Japan Firefighters Association), which is an organization that has been around since the pre-war days and has always been supervised by the Fire and Disaster Management Agency, now under the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications. Other examples include medical associations, dental associations and pharmaceutical associations that have been supervised by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare for over 100 years, including the years of supervision by its predecessor, the Health and Medical Bureau of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in pre-war periods. Also, the Japan Racing Association Mutual Aid Group is an auxiliary organization of the Livestock Industry Department of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, because horse racing has traditionally been a livestock business.  - 金融庁


SMEs make up 99.7 percent of all companies in Japan. Accordingly, I am particularly concerned about this issuevery strongly. It is an issue that absolutely must be solved one way or another to overcome the business downturn at hand. Well, the initiative I am talking about today has been put together through extensive joint efforts of administrative staff members. The development and strengthening of a system of support for the entry of SMEs and other companies into Asia was identified in the Interim Draft of the "Action Plan for Invigoration, etc. of Financial/Capital Markets and Financial Industry," which we announced on December 7, as an item for which specific measures should be examined jointly with related authorities.  - 金融庁


Amid the prevailing sentiment that SMEs can just be behind major companies or that SMEs do not have to go overseas any more, I visited China in August. There are many Japanese mega-banks there and I heard from the manager in one of the banksBeijing branch that "around May, there was a sudden increase in the number of Japanese SMEs and mid-to-large companies seeking advice about entering Beijing or elsewhere in China." Considering that 99.7 percent of companies in Japan are SMEs, this implies that managers of mid-to-large companies and SMEs are thinking that they could not survive without going somewhere, especially Asia, themselves.  - 金融庁


As you pointed out now, the government’s fiscal condition is difficult. I understand that the Compulsory Automobile Liability Insurance Council will deliberate the level of the compulsory automobile liability insurance premium rate on Friday, January 14, based on the results of examination by the Non-Life Insurance Rating Organization of Japan. Therefore, although I am aware of media reports about compulsory automobile liability insurance, nothing has so far been determined with regard to the compulsory automobile liability insurance premium rate for the next fiscal year. As for the ratio of insurance payments to compulsory automobile liability insurance premium revenue, 139 yen is paid for each 100 yen in revenue.  - 金融庁


We will approve capital injection if applicants are judged to be eligible as a result of the screening of their business plans by a panel of third-party experts, and I hope that they will use the funds as the source of loans for the local economy and to small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs). Thus, these funds are not targeted at financial institutions but at local SMEs that need funds. In this sense, although we cannot force them to use public funds injected as capital, I would appreciate it if they actively use the funds.  - 金融庁

3 この法律において、「有価証券の募集」とは、新たに発行される有価証券の取得の申込みの勧誘(これに類するものとして内閣府令で定めるものを含む。以下この項において「取得勧誘」という。)のうち、当該取得勧誘が第一項に掲げる有価証券又は前項の規定により有価証券とみなされる有価証券表示権利(次項第一号、次条第四項及び第五項並びに第二十三条の十三第三項において「第一項有価証券」という。)に係るものである場合にあつては第一号及び第二号に掲げる場合、当該取得勧誘が前項の規定により有価証券とみなされる同項各号に掲げる権利(次項第二号、次条第四項及び第五項並びに第二十三条の十三第三項において「第二項有価証券」という。)に係るものである場合にあつては第三号に掲げる場合に該当するものをいい、「有価証券の募」とは、取得勧誘であつて有価証券の募集に該当しないものをいう。例文帳に追加

(3) The term "Public Offering of Securities" as used in this Act means, among solicitations of an application to acquire newly issued Securities (including those specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as being similar to such solicitation, and hereinafter referred to as "Solicitation for Acquisition" in this paragraph), Solicitation for Acquisition specified in item (i) or (ii) below in the case of those conducted with regard to Securities listed in paragraph (1) or Rights to Be Indicated on Securities which are regarded as Securities under the preceding paragraph (such Securities or rights are referred to as "Paragraph (1) Securities" in item (i) of the following paragraph, paragraphs (4) and (5) of the following Article and Article 23-13(3)), and Solicitation for Acquisition specified in item (iii) below in the case of those conducted with regard to rights which are regarded as Securities under the items of the preceding paragraph (such rights are referred to as "Paragraph (2) Securities" in item (ii) of the following paragraph, paragraph(4) and (5) of the following Article and Article 23-13(3)), and the term "Private Placement of Securities" means a Solicitation for Acquisition which does not come within the purview of Public Offering of Securities:  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Having gone off on a tangent a bit, let's get back: This is a temporary measure, legislation that expires at the end of March 2011 to cover the calendar year end and the fiscal year end twice when there is greater demand for funds among SMEs. As to whether or not we will postpone the expiration of the Act, we will take all factors into consideration, such as the improvement status of the Japanese economy and cash flows of SMEs and the prospects for next fiscal year onwards, and the progress made in financial institutions' financial facilitation efforts, conduct interviews with various parties as just pointed out, and conduct studies by taking into account the possibility of the postponement of its expiration, as I stated previously. As the yen is strong at the moment, the situation is extremely tough especially for SMEs. As I stated earlier, the SME Financing Facilitation Act was created based on projections that the economy should recover substantially in about two years, so with this in mind, we will conduct studies while considering the postponement of its expiration as a possibility.  - 金融庁


Regarding my duties as the Minister for Financial Services, the basic missions of the Financial Services Agency (FSA) are to ensure the stability of the financial system, protect users, improve the convenience of users, and establish a fair and transparent market. However, the facilitation of financing, regarding which I received an instruction from the Prime Minister today, is also important. As the global recession has continued since the Lehman shock, which occurred three years ago, Mr. Kamei, my predecessor as the Minister for Financial Services, put into force the SME Financing Facilitation Act (Act concerning Temporary Measures to Facilitate Financing for SMEs, etc.). After holding hearings with four associations of small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs) and regional financial institutions in various places across Japan, including Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, Fukuoka, Kitakyushu and Sendai, I concluded that it would be the right decision to extend this act for one year as the head of the administrative agency in charge of financial affairs. We will submit a relevant bill to the next ordinary session of the Diet and do all we can to have it enacted at an early date.  - 金融庁


The rights conferred by the patent shall not extend to: acts done privately and for non-commercial purposes; acts done for experimental purposes relating to the subject matter of the patented invention; the extemporaneous preparation for individual cases in a pharmacy of a medicine in accordance with a medical prescription or acts concerning the medicine so prepared; the use on board vessels of countries of the Paris Union for the Protection of Industrial Property, other than Belgium, of the subject matter of the patented invention in the body of the vessel, in the machinery, tackle, gear and other accessories, when such vessels temporarily or accidentally enter waters of Belgium, provided that the said subject matter is used exclusively for the needs of the vessel; the use of the subject matter of the patented invention in the construction or operation of aircraft or land vehicles of countries of the Paris Union for the Protection of Industrial Property other than Belgium, or of accessories of such aircraft or land vehicles, when those aircraft or land vehicles temporarily or accidentally enter Belgian territory; acts covered by Article 27 of the International Civil Aviation Convention of December 7, 1944, when such acts concern aircraft of a State, other than Belgium, enjoying the provisions of that Article.  - 特許庁


Another matter I would like to mention is the stability of the financial system. This is a global issue, with currencies around the world in a very unstable condition due to the Greek shock and the Irish crisis. In that respect, a certain degree of agreement was recently reached at the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision and at wider forums, such as the G20 summit in Seoul and G-8. However, there are still some issues over which differences remain. In light of the increasingly important role of the financial sector, I feel the growing importance of international initiatives concerning financial regulation. In the future, in order to prevent the recurrence of a financial crisis and to strengthen the financial system, Japan will continue to actively participate in international debates on a broad range of tasks agreed on at the G20 summit. Although Japan slipped to No. 3 in terms of the size of GDP, it is still among the top three as an economic power. Since the Lehman shock in particular, Japan’s position in the global economy has become increasingly important at a time when Asia is achieving remarkable economic development. Therefore, Japan will actively participate in such debates.  - 金融庁


As I explained the other day, the Incubator Bank of Japan has been inspected about three times in the past. In the course of inspecting large depositors in relation to the business improvement plan published on June 28, 2010, the Bank was requested to prepare financial data and other materials for properly identifying the credit status of the debtors and revise its self-assessment manual.  - 金融庁


In fact, the reason why I was late in arriving here today was because FSA Senior Vice Minister Azuma was briefing me about the results of a discussion held yesterday, adding that he is having a fairly difficult time. In any case, this represents a Cabinet decision. As there are various hitches, and politics is involved on top of that, an attempt to create a whole new comprehensive exchange inevitably comes with birthing pains, considering the long tradition and history that we have to move on from. However, I heard that Mr. Naoshima – a Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) member who happened to be the DPJ policy chief in the party's opposition days when I was the policy chief of the People's New Party – has put together recommendations on the issue of the creation of a comprehensive exchange as the chair of the DPJ New Growth Strategy and Economic Revitalization Project Team. I appreciate the support that they are apparently providing to the government. With still some time left before the year ends, we are thus intent on working hard on this initiative.  - 金融庁


ロ 本邦の公の機関(情報処理(情報処理の促進に関する法律(昭和四十五年法律第九十号)第二条第一項に規定する情報処理をいう。以下同じ。)に関する産業の発展に資するものとして法務省令で定める要件に該当する事業活動を行う機関であつて、法務大臣が指定するものに限る。)との契約に基づいて当該機関の事業所(当該機関から労働者派遣事業の適正な運営の確保及び派遣労働者の就業条件の整備等に関する法律(昭和六十年法律第八十八号)第二条第二号に規定する派遣労働者として他の機関に派遣される場合にあつては、当該他の機関の事業所)において自然科学又は人文科学の分野に属する技術又は知識を要する情報処理に係る業務に従事する活動例文帳に追加

b. Activities conducted based on a contract with a public or private organization in Japan (an organization conducting business activities that meet the requirements provided for by a Ministry of Justice ordinance of contributing to the development of industries related to information processing (information processing prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (1) of the Act on Promotion of Information Processing (Act No. 90 of 1970); hereinafter the same shall apply) and which is an organization specifically designated by the Minister of Justice) of engaging in information-processing-related services which require technology and/or knowledge pertinent to natural science fields or human science fields at an office of such an organization (an office of the other organization in cases where he/she is dispatched to another organization by such an organization as a temporary worker as prescribed in Article 2, item (ii) of the Act on Ensuring Proper Operation of the Manpower Dispatching Business and Improvement of Working Conditions of a Temporary Worker (Act No. 88 of 1985)).  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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