英訳・英語 understand、understand、infer、sympathize、understand、empathise、empathize、sympathise、hear、get wind
研究社 新和英中辞典での「わかる」の英訳 |
わかる 分かる
私の言う事がどうしても彼らにはわからなかった. I could not make myself understood by them at all.|I couldn't get my meaning across to them. わからないことがあったら, 私に聞きなさい. Ask me when in doubt. この本は 2 回通読したのだが, 依然として著者の考えていることがわからない. I have gone through the book twice, but I am still none the wiser about the author's ideas. わかったようなわからないような感じだ. Did I understand it? Yes and No. |
〈知る〉 | know; can tell; realize |
〈見いだす〉 | find out; find; discover 【用法】 |
〈知れる〉 | be known; be found; come to light; be identified (身元が). |
用法 |
顔つきで彼がこの計画に反対だということがわかった. I realized from his expression [His face showed me] that he was against the plan. 人の善しあしはその交わる友でわかる. A man is known by the company he keeps. この小説を読めば, 当時の農民がどんな暮らしをしていたかがよくわかる. This novel will give you a fair idea [a good picture] of what the peasants' life was like in those days. どんな事になるかわからない. There is no saying [telling, knowing] what may happen.|What may happen is anybody's [anyone's] guess. 女はなんともわからない. You never can tell with women. |
該当件数 : 11532件
Do you understand?発音を聞く - Weblio Email例文集
to be understood発音を聞く - EDR日英対訳辞書
Do you know about it?発音を聞く - Weblio Email例文集
accessible to reason発音を聞く - 研究社 新英和中辞典
単語を確認! -
増える! -
学習機能付き! -
日本語WordNet(英和)での「わかる」の英訳 |
I understand you have no previous experience? 私にはあなたが以前の経験が全くないことがわかる |
You don't need to explain--I understand! あなたは説明する必要はありません−−私は理解しています! |
The medicine turned out to save her life 薬は、彼女の命を救うことが判明した |
斎藤和英大辞典での「わかる」の英訳 |
読み方 わかる
(=解する)to understand; to comprehend; to grasp; to catch; to follow; to know; to see; to perceive; to make out; can tell; can say; to form an idea of (anything)
I can make nothing of the passage
I do not know what to make of the passage
I can't make head or tail of the passage.
Father may come home in the course of the day, but I can't say for certain.
I don't know where he has gone
Nobody knows where he has gone
He has gone God knows where.
I don't know―I can't say―There is no saying―It remains to be seen―what will come of it.
How he manages to live, is more than I can tell―above my comprehension―incomprehensible to me―a mystery to me―beyond me.
His mind is incomprehensible to me―a sealed book to me―He is an enigma―a riddle―a sphinx.
From the lion in the Zoological Gardens, you can form no idea of his wild majesty when he roams freely over his native plains.
I have no idea of―have not the least idea of―have not the slightest idea of―have not the faintest idea of―what it is like.
I can form no idea from the description alone, so I should like to see the article for myself.
(=判明する)to prove; to turn out; to be found out:(主格によってわかる)to show; to indicate; to bespeak; to testify to (a fact); to bear witness to (a fact); to account for (a fact); to throw light upon (a fact)
(=現れる、発見される、確められる)to show itself; to be found; to be discovered; to be ascertained; to become known; to come to light
(=区別する)to distinguish (one thing from another); to know (one thing from another); can tell (one thing from another)
How do you know an Englishman from an American?
How can you tell an Englishman from an American?
(=事理を解する)to have sense; to be sensible
(=鑑定する)to be judge of (swords); to be a connoisseur of (paintings, etc.)
(=発表される)to be published; to be made known
(=味がわかる)to appreciate; to know
(=用がわかる)to understand (the business)
(=無いことがわかる)to notice the absence; to miss; to be missed
読み方 わかる
(=解する)to understand; to comprehend; to grasp; to catch; to follow; to know; to see; to perceive; to make out; can tell; can say; to form an idea of (anything)
I can make nothing of the passage
I do not know what to make of the passage
I can't make head or tail of the passage.
Father may come home in the course of the day, but I can't say for certain.
I don't know where he has gone
Nobody knows where he has gone
He has gone God knows where.
I don't know―I can't say―There is no saying―It remains to be seen―what will come of it.
How he manages to live, is more than I can tell―above my comprehension―incomprehensible to me―a mystery to me―beyond me.
His mind is incomprehensible to me―a sealed book to me―He is an enigma―a riddle―a sphinx.
From the lion in the Zoological Gardens, you can form no idea of his wild majesty when he roams freely over his native plains.
I have no idea of―have not the least idea of―have not the slightest idea of―have not the faintest idea of―what it is like.
I can form no idea from the description alone, so I should like to see the article for myself.
(=判明する)to prove; to turn out; to be found out:(主格によってわかる)to show; to indicate; to bespeak; to testify to (a fact); to bear witness to (a fact); to account for (a fact); to throw light upon (a fact)
(=現れる、発見される、確められる)to show itself; to be found; to be discovered; to be ascertained; to become known; to come to light
(=区別する)to distinguish (one thing from another); to know (one thing from another); can tell (one thing from another)
How do you know an Englishman from an American?
How can you tell an Englishman from an American?
(=事理を解する)to have sense; to be sensible
(=鑑定する)to be judge of (swords); to be a connoisseur of (paintings, etc.)
(=発表される)to be published; to be made known
(=味がわかる)to appreciate; to know
(=用がわかる)to understand (the business)
(=無いことがわかる)to notice the absence; to miss; to be missed
読み方 わかる
(=解する)to understand; to comprehend; to grasp; to catch; to follow; to know; to see; to perceive; to make out; can tell; can say; to form an idea of (anything)
I can make nothing of the passage
I do not know what to make of the passage
I can't make head or tail of the passage.
Father may come home in the course of the day, but I can't say for certain.
I don't know where he has gone
Nobody knows where he has gone
He has gone God knows where.
I don't know―I can't say―There is no saying―It remains to be seen―what will come of it.
How he manages to live, is more than I can tell―above my comprehension―incomprehensible to me―a mystery to me―beyond me.
His mind is incomprehensible to me―a sealed book to me―He is an enigma―a riddle―a sphinx.
From the lion in the Zoological Gardens, you can form no idea of his wild majesty when he roams freely over his native plains.
I have no idea of―have not the least idea of―have not the slightest idea of―have not the faintest idea of―what it is like.
I can form no idea from the description alone, so I should like to see the article for myself.
(=判明する)to prove; to turn out; to be found out:(主格によってわかる)to show; to indicate; to bespeak; to testify to (a fact); to bear witness to (a fact); to account for (a fact); to throw light upon (a fact)
(=現れる、発見される、確められる)to show itself; to be found; to be discovered; to be ascertained; to become known; to come to light
(=区別する)to distinguish (one thing from another); to know (one thing from another); can tell (one thing from another)
How do you know an Englishman from an American?
How can you tell an Englishman from an American?
(=事理を解する)to have sense; to be sensible
(=鑑定する)to be judge of (swords); to be a connoisseur of (paintings, etc.)
(=発表される)to be published; to be made known
(=味がわかる)to appreciate; to know
(=用がわかる)to understand (the business)
(=無いことがわかる)to notice the absence; to miss; to be missed
Weblio例文辞書での「わかる」に類似した例文 |
We understand.
I am acquainted with him.
to have information in the mind
Time will show.
the ablity to understand
with understanding
該当件数 : 11532件
I know how you feel - Weblio Email例文集
Time will tell.発音を聞く - 研究社 新英和中辞典
Time will tell.発音を聞く - 研究社 新和英中辞典
Time will tell [show].発音を聞く - 研究社 新和英中辞典
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